This implements the spec for external storage organization, and
properly reflects how the media scanner organizes the files it finds.
Also includes package manager support for removing app private
files from external storage when the application is uninstalled.
For the new APIs and paths, the main place to look is Environment
and Context.
Modified AudioService.getActiveStreamType() so that STREAM_VOICE_CALL is selected when a track using this stream
type is playing.
Chanded isMusicActive() for a more generic isStreamActive(stream) method in AudioSystem, IAudioFlinger and AudioFlinger.
This change fixes a problem occuring when an application (for instance a VoIP application)
changes the audio mode to MODE_IN_CALL and crashes. In this case, the audio routing policy
remains as if we were in call until the audio mode is changed back to MODE_NORMAL, for instance when a new call
made or received and terminated.
The fix consists in registering a death receipient to the binder that made the setMode() request and resetting the audio
mode in case of client process crash.
absolute path names. This allows us to store other things (perhaps
with http or content URIs) in the database, without the media scanner
removing them again.
Move reset of A2DP suspend state from handleSinkStateChange() in BluetoothA2dpService to
BluetoothA2dp.ACTION_SINK_STATE_CHANGED intent receiver in AudioService.
Previous implementation could cause a false reset of suspend state if a new sink attempted to
connect while A2DP was suspended.
New implementation only resets A2DP suspend state when a new sink is actually connected.
Merge commit '484d2888680e18e6ad8c3fcc51e3b70a705a096e' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '484d2888680e18e6ad8c3fcc51e3b70a705a096e':
Fix issue 2299360: Change in in-call volume affects the Bluetooth in-call volume and vice versa.
Add new config values to AudioSystem::FOR_DOCK force usage to differenciate car and desk docks.
Use a receiver for the sticky Intent.ACTION_DOCK_EVENT in AudioService to detect the type
of dock and select force usage accordingly.
Merge commit '3a3fd2ba1ffc6171725375396cc59711a34bb39e' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '3a3fd2ba1ffc6171725375396cc59711a34bb39e':
Implement API to have new broadcasts replace existing broadcasts.
Use this in various places where it should serve no purpose to deliver
both broadcasts. This is intended to reduce somewhat the flurry of
broadcasts that we churn through during boot.
to the AudioPolicyManager a new forced usage AudioSystem::FOR_DOCK
values. This CL is complemented by an update of the APM to take into
account the FOR_DOCK usage.
Merge commit 'b8341cf7c8b0b4af14ea87a4c2335e28865adff1' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'b8341cf7c8b0b4af14ea87a4c2335e28865adff1':
Fix issue 2304669: VoiceIME: starting and canceling voice IME yields persistent "error 8" state on future attempts and breaks voice search.
Merge commit '6d42d80653f2c41f3e72a878a1d9a6f9693b89f7' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '6d42d80653f2c41f3e72a878a1d9a6f9693b89f7':
Fix issue 2304669: VoiceIME: starting and canceling voice IME yields persistent "error 8" state on future attempts and breaks voice search.
Merge commit '6d42d80653f2c41f3e72a878a1d9a6f9693b89f7' into eclair-mr2
* commit '6d42d80653f2c41f3e72a878a1d9a6f9693b89f7':
Fix issue 2304669: VoiceIME: starting and canceling voice IME yields persistent "error 8" state on future attempts and breaks voice search.
Fixed AudioFlinger::openInput() broken in change ddb78e7753be03937ad57ce7c3c842c52bdad65e
so that an invalid IO handle (0) is returned in case of failure.
Applied the same correction to openOutput().
Modified RecordThread start procedure so that a failure occuring during the first read from audio input stream is detected and causes
the record start to fail.
Modified RecordThread stop procedure to make sure that audio input stream fd is closed before we exit the stop function.
Fixed AudioRecord JAVA and JNI implementation to take status of native AudioRecord::start() into account
and not change mRecordingState to RECORDSTATE_RECORDING if start fails.
Merge commit '8a576620cdc7257fc026026c77f7c946bfb760d1' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '8a576620cdc7257fc026026c77f7c946bfb760d1':
Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN should be in milliseconds.
Merge commit '052d9c8b414dc9eb1c70d849660592d9bc3b2644' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '052d9c8b414dc9eb1c70d849660592d9bc3b2644':
Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN should be in milliseconds.
Merge commit '052d9c8b414dc9eb1c70d849660592d9bc3b2644' into eclair-mr2
* commit '052d9c8b414dc9eb1c70d849660592d9bc3b2644':
Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN should be in milliseconds.
Merge commit '9db1a37cc48a01a66ee8026de303faaf4a83667d' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '9db1a37cc48a01a66ee8026de303faaf4a83667d':
DATE_TAKEN should be in millisecond instead of second.