Rich Slogar
docs: studio 1.2 revision updates
Change-Id: I3bf392596d418b3bba63bbcc09663f2d3f4d6e2a
2015-04-29 19:03:59 -07:00
Rich Slogar
docs: studio 1.2 downloads
Change-Id: I43c1d1bad9c110e0e87383ce6ff95ee5706e777e
2015-04-29 18:12:49 -07:00
Rich Slogar
docs: plugin 1.2.0 revision updates
Change-Id: Ic58da005e16c4a51dacff741ac3e5a7856ac3edb
2015-04-29 15:58:27 -07:00
Andrew Solovay
docs: Minor formatting cleanup.
Code sample had an overlong line, which caused a horizontal scroll-
bar in the generated doc.
Change-Id: I55b0318049be9e4ff473bdc739bb8265ca2da248
2015-04-29 14:37:22 -07:00
David Friedman
am a43b7e61: am 1775e0b2: am 16bf47e8: am 3d983dea: am 21a9fa47: am 75f071df: Merge "Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242" into lmp-docs
* commit 'a43b7e61773334a158d884522842a1e29327668d':
Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242
2015-04-29 04:32:38 +00:00
David Friedman
am 3d983dea: am 21a9fa47: am 75f071df: Merge "Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242" into lmp-docs
* commit '3d983deace20df9437bc9efebc67550f3904eee3':
Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242
2015-04-29 03:51:39 +00:00
David Friedman
am 21a9fa47: am 75f071df: Merge "Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242" into lmp-docs
* commit '21a9fa471bcc57196a19e40ca29dbaa97233244c':
Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242
2015-04-29 03:25:15 +00:00
David Friedman
am 75f071df: Merge "Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242" into lmp-docs
* commit '75f071df44d3231f2f9d2616277b9065e1dedc12':
Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242
2015-04-29 03:01:57 +00:00
David Friedman
Merge "Localized Android landing pages Bug: 19124242" into lmp-docs
2015-04-29 02:49:24 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
am a65101cd: am ecde0330: am 0838084a: Merge "Align AndroidKeyStore API with user auth API." into mnc-dev
* commit 'a65101cd49247f792ae05bc31458c73bbcacf6c0':
Align AndroidKeyStore API with user auth API.
2015-04-29 02:25:54 +00:00
Luan Nguyen
am 95f43e7d: am 2787cab7: am 50ea9422: am 4e7500e1: am c1609dc0: docs: Update information on delivering message to clarify that MessageAPI is not reliable.
* commit '95f43e7dff3736b5978ac8f3dbab2fae22e03e20':
docs: Update information on delivering message to clarify that MessageAPI is not reliable.
2015-04-29 02:23:35 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
Merge "Align AndroidKeyStore API with user auth API." into mnc-dev
2015-04-29 01:25:32 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
Align AndroidKeyStore API with user auth API.
This simplifies the AndroidKeyStore API around user authentication: no
more explicit control over which user authenticators are bound to
which keys.
User-authenticated keys with timeout are unlocked by whatever unlocks
the secure lock screen (currently, password/PIN/pattern or
fingerprint). User-authenticated keys that need authentication for
every use are unlocked by fingerprint only.
Bug: 20526234
Bug: 20642549
Change-Id: I1e5e6c988f32657d820797ad5696797477a9ebe9
2015-04-28 17:39:30 -07:00
Luan Nguyen
am 4e7500e1: am c1609dc0: docs: Update information on delivering message to clarify that MessageAPI is not reliable.
* commit '4e7500e10cf10eb697bb3e916bf705b9db470c8f':
docs: Update information on delivering message to clarify that MessageAPI is not reliable.
2015-04-28 21:09:22 +00:00
Luan Nguyen
am c1609dc0: docs: Update information on delivering message to clarify that MessageAPI is not reliable.
* commit 'c1609dc0b25c3143ae8d74bc44fb36873b7d289c':
docs: Update information on delivering message to clarify that MessageAPI is not reliable.
2015-04-28 20:39:14 +00:00
Rich Slogar
docs: Update Eclipse migrate procedure
Change-Id: I6cd292d457a7f2e975ceb0a11086fc5e35a78308
2015-04-28 12:08:13 -07:00
Luan Nguyen
docs: Update information on delivering message to clarify that
MessageAPI is not reliable.
bug: 20088602
Change-Id: I2244598e5a155bc6e477d367287b8683ebdf019f
2015-04-28 11:36:42 -07:00
Joe Fernandez
am 322e15a8: am cd3793c6: am e658285b: am 03cbc278: am 0312f377: Merge "docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors" into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '322e15a859f19a4ca150e902a0a1642fb210a62d':
docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors
2015-04-28 17:47:03 +00:00
Jeff Davidson
Fix incorrect getType signature/implementation in doc.
The method is missing the Uri parameter and the implementation is
both inefficient and unnecessary. It is documented as fine to
return null in getType.
Change-Id: I78c83918916ca5ef28172e544d9ddc9c3695444d
2015-04-28 17:23:47 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 03cbc278: am 0312f377: Merge "docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors" into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '03cbc27845d6622c8eb7c033ec18dc535ab5d7e4':
docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors
2015-04-28 17:02:34 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 0312f377: Merge "docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors" into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '0312f37785768d7931e81afe92dbeda11f132d50':
docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors
2015-04-28 16:46:36 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
Merge "docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors" into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
2015-04-28 16:21:56 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am ff31bb4b: am 68ef9287: Merge "docs: Add note about overriding onConnectedNodes() when listening for capability node changes." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit 'ff31bb4bb7d46766552526f6580a76445a549339':
docs: Add note about overriding onConnectedNodes() when listening for capability node changes.
2015-04-28 00:36:29 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 80d19484: am 185002bc: Merge "docs: Update Wearable API setup to mention addApiIfAvailable()." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '80d19484c109c4beb0e36b7ce0418ebe526ad300':
docs: Update Wearable API setup to mention addApiIfAvailable().
2015-04-28 00:36:23 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 68ef9287: Merge "docs: Add note about overriding onConnectedNodes() when listening for capability node changes." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '68ef92871f52bad28d5aea168c0d3a4b863d282d':
docs: Add note about overriding onConnectedNodes() when listening for capability node changes.
2015-04-28 00:24:26 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 185002bc: Merge "docs: Update Wearable API setup to mention addApiIfAvailable()." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '185002bcc9b551828557ab6946fef7fef1c17d74':
docs: Update Wearable API setup to mention addApiIfAvailable().
2015-04-28 00:24:19 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
Merge "docs: Add note about overriding onConnectedNodes() when listening for capability node changes." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
2015-04-28 00:03:50 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
Merge "docs: Update Wearable API setup to mention addApiIfAvailable()." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
2015-04-28 00:00:09 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
docs: Modify Branding guidelines for Android form factors
Change-Id: Ic942aa3c262de5922e084b1e007652b151ca2a76
2015-04-27 15:16:41 -07:00
Luan Nguyen
docs: Update Wearable API setup to mention addApiIfAvailable().
bug: 20486912
Change-Id: Ie5fe89b5bd0bbed5c95cead301c6eb6278bfdaee
2015-04-27 13:30:40 -07:00
Luan Nguyen
docs: Add note about overriding onConnectedNodes() when listening
for capability node changes.
bug: 20523695
Change-Id: I7a1b057625f6f39d9ee3a03948f0b187484b1842
2015-04-27 11:27:04 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 2a8ef256: am 495227aa: Doc change: update dff image.
* commit '2a8ef2563042e2db93960ace529a2986c289d3dc':
Doc change: update dff image.
2015-04-25 22:05:38 +00:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 495227aa: Doc change: update dff image.
* commit '495227aab706fa6daf7f7b0b4ca741fef82c9d1d':
Doc change: update dff image.
2015-04-25 21:59:35 +00:00
Dirk Dougherty
Doc change: update dff image.
Bug-id: 20251587
Change-Id: I25d59c8a66c548a13e699c25e79cd4a23d2cd330
2015-04-25 21:53:05 +00:00
Quddus Chong
am bbe5effb: docs: Fixed typo in \'Authorizing with Google for REST APIs\' doc. bug: 18025533
* commit 'bbe5effb6682b4ba5e6accd9a226ec7611fe83dc':
docs: Fixed typo in 'Authorizing with Google for REST APIs' doc. bug: 18025533
2015-04-24 23:43:49 +00:00
Quddus Chong
docs: Fixed typo in 'Authorizing with Google for REST APIs' doc.
bug: 18025533
Change-Id: I6379b2a7be495a506e0e428fe9c68fdbe197704b
2015-04-24 16:29:28 -07:00
Quddus Chong
am 94089591: am 9774e8ab: Merge "docs: Updated What\'s New for GMS v7.3 to remove Maps support for Wear." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '9408959144d72d72afe89c3cf3de3d3d556a58b5':
docs: Updated What's New for GMS v7.3 to remove Maps support for Wear.
2015-04-24 21:09:27 +00:00
Quddus Chong
am 9774e8ab: Merge "docs: Updated What\'s New for GMS v7.3 to remove Maps support for Wear." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '9774e8ab0890d694840c883f309916a444b3ee54':
docs: Updated What's New for GMS v7.3 to remove Maps support for Wear.
2015-04-24 19:56:39 +00:00
Quddus Chong
Merge "docs: Updated What's New for GMS v7.3 to remove Maps support for Wear." into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
2015-04-24 19:48:04 +00:00
Scott Rowe
am 6a6bfe5e: am 6e5063fe: docs: Supported media protocols, codecs, formats for Android TV
* commit '6a6bfe5e84b598f24d73138523d7f8d88729daed':
docs: Supported media protocols, codecs, formats for Android TV
2015-04-24 18:21:42 +00:00
Scott Rowe
am 6e5063fe: docs: Supported media protocols, codecs, formats for Android TV
* commit '6e5063fe88b265c89b39401545925b9e0cbd8390':
docs: Supported media protocols, codecs, formats for Android TV
2015-04-24 18:10:25 +00:00
Scott Rowe
docs: Supported media protocols, codecs, formats for Android TV
Change-Id: I8202ba148d35d73ee0940070090e0a29553f9202
(cherry picked from commit f769caa8c15f9983188597e2436b011d23ff2561)
2015-04-24 17:58:13 +00:00
Scott Rowe
Merge "docs: Supported media protocols, codecs, formats for Android TV" into lmp-docs
2015-04-24 17:49:16 +00:00
Quddus Chong
docs: Updated What's New for GMS v7.3 to remove Maps support for Wear.
Change-Id: I8ebe6c77c4eac3ac660f148bf40ce9a1f710e5fb
2015-04-24 10:26:19 -07:00
Quddus Chong
am 5dafb34b: resolved conflicts for merge of e470fd85 to lmp-mr1-ub-dev
* commit '5dafb34bca889abb8776a320b1ed9544cff9f9b3':
docs: Added 3rd-party Javadocs for GMS Parmesan release.
2015-04-23 22:02:12 +00:00
Quddus Chong
resolved conflicts for merge of e470fd85 to lmp-mr1-ub-dev
Change-Id: I9ecfa4b7b225f2543bdbdad0f046e9474f1cb47f
2015-04-23 14:30:26 -07:00
Andrew Solovay
am 62eaad72: am f9787d87: Merge "cherrypick from lmp-docs Docs: Correcting how to escape quotes. Original Change-Id: I417546a473f0ebe76a6e4102b87883a85365ac26" into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
* commit '62eaad7200e172404db587ecec9940670946e92a':
cherrypick from lmp-docs Docs: Correcting how to escape quotes. Original Change-Id: I417546a473f0ebe76a6e4102b87883a85365ac26
2015-04-23 20:47:39 +00:00
Andrew Solovay
Merge "cherrypick from lmp-docs Docs: Correcting how to escape quotes. Original Change-Id: I417546a473f0ebe76a6e4102b87883a85365ac26" into lmp-mr1-ub-docs
2015-04-23 20:25:45 +00:00
Quddus Chong
am 9af35e73: am 79918589: docs: Fixed url for Wear sample on \'What\'s New for GMS v7.3\'.
* commit '9af35e73adb813b7a73a2802ac14c7810c90bc6a':
docs: Fixed url for Wear sample on 'What's New for GMS v7.3'.
2015-04-23 20:25:17 +00:00
Andrew Solovay
cherrypick from lmp-docs Docs: Correcting how to escape quotes.
Original Change-Id: I417546a473f0ebe76a6e4102b87883a85365ac26
The behavior for single and double-quotes is different--I expanded
this section to note how they differ.
bug: 19959941
Change-Id: I9be9c066c416e9403a3ac164af0b1ce35f7ab1dd
2015-04-23 13:07:29 -07:00