- threshold set to 60% (using a constant)
- fix also one issue during layout direction resolution (parent could be null so delay resolution
up to when parent is no more null)
Change-Id: I65f24a297aac6bc0d5d482ee31b55db0b201e5bf
A cell's ability to shrink or stretch is now integrated with the
constraints system, which is now supplied with both upper and lower
. Remove package private access (pseudo) annotation
. Remove rowWeight and columnWeight attributes and fields
. Remove code to handle weights
Change-Id: I9e2432101d15466c621f51ae362435051fab5764
- use ViewGroup inheritance if defined
- use different heuristics (inherit, firstStrong, anyRtl, ltr, rtl)
- add more unit tests
Change-Id: Ic1325aa7d9e4689b181e0a2d08b7dd7fb3f0dbeb
Change NMS parsing to handle extended /proc/ stats formats by pairing
values with header keys. Move TrafficStats to integer tags to match
kernel internals, and offer well-known tags for system services.
Async policy event dispatch from NPMS, and update tests to block for
event dispatch. Narrow app policy to exclude apps signed with system
key, which are usually critical.
Bug: 4948913, 4903489, 4585280
Change-Id: Idb357227ccaa617906411f309371cea18d7bc519
b/2689122 SSL error shows the wrong page when triggered by an image/javascript in the page.
This change receives the URL which has a cert error from webkit and carrys it in SslError.
so the Browser app can show the URL in the dialog boxes. Related CLs are:
webkit: https://android-git.corp.google.com/g/#change,117817
browser: https://android-git.corp.google.com/g/#change,117835
Change-Id: I65c3f038a48b6386fa93cb25a9ef70dbfb982c18
1. Added scrolling accessibility event to provicde feedback
when a view is scrolled.
Note: We need scroll events for ICS since even though we have
touch exploration the user does not know when something
is scrollable and not feedback is provided while scrolling.
2. Added a text selection change event to provide feedback
for selection changes including cursor movement.
Note: We need the text selection change events for ICS since
even though the IME supports navigation in text fields
the user receives no feedback for the current selection/
cursor position.
3. Added a scrollable property to both AccessibilityEvent and
AccessibilityNodeInfo. The info has to describe the source
in terms of all properties that make sense for accessibility
purposes and the event has this property (kinda duplicated)
since clients will aways want to know if the source is
scrollable to provided clue to the user and we want to avoid
pulling the info of the source for every accessibility event.
Change-Id: I232d6825da78e6a12d52125f51320217e6fadb11
Extended KeyChain.chooserPrivateKeyAlias to allow caller to supply
preferred choice to be selected in chooser. This allows Email
settings to highlight the current choice when allowing user to
change settings.
Implemented KeyChain functionality to pass host and port
information to KeyChainActivity for display.
KeyChain now sends a PendingIntent as part of the Intent it sends
to the KeyChainActivity which can be used to identify the caller
in reliable way.
Moved .pfx/.p12/.cer/.crt constants to Credentials for reuse.
Added Credentials.install variant with no value for use from KeyChainActivity
Source of extension constants now in Credentials
Have browser supply host and port information to KeyChain.choosePrivateKeyAlias
Tracking KeyChain.choosePrivateKeyAlias API change
Tracking KeyChain.choosePrivateKeyAlias API change
KeyChain now depends on bouncycastle X509Name for formatting
X500Principals, since the 4 X500Principal formatting options could
not format emailAddress attributes in a human readable way and its
the most important attribute to display for client certificates in
most cases.
Changing the UI to a dialog, make the activity style transparent.
Layout for chooser dialog
Layout for list items in chooser
New resources for dialog including comments for translators.
New dialog based KeyChainActivity. Now also shows requesting app
and requesting server. Now can preselect a specified alias. New
link directly to CertInstaller.
Fix KeyChainTestActivity to work with TestKeyStore changes that
were causing network activity on the UI to look up the name of
localhost. Also track KeyChain.choosePrivateKeyAlias API change.
Change-Id: I07128fba8750f9a6bcb9c6be5da04df992403d69
Also clarified comments to indicate that this is only intended to be used
in list queries.
Bug: 4777097
Change-Id: I3c3e08d796755e2613a94a1e9b6dc2961f4483a3
Modified onHoverEvent so that a view only has its state changed to
hovered when the view is clickable. The intent is to prevent labels
from taking hover focus away from their containing view group despite
not being actionable in any way. The child will still receive
a hover event but, if it does not handle the event (returns false),
the hover event will bubble up to its parent and ancestors allowing
them a chance to handle the event instead.
The new onHoverEvent semantics are better because now they closely
mirror those of onTouchEvent. This makes it straightforward to
implement views that respond to hover by changing their visual
appearance (such as by making buttons glow when hovered).
Added onInterceptHoverEvent to enable ViewGroups to explicitly
intercept hover events within their bounds.
Exposed the new hover event API for real.
Change-Id: I63195c8f5c74b859f6047487f9a0f703e8f40ffe
Engines must declare a <meta-data> attribute in their
manifest with name "android.speech.tts". This must reference
an XML resource as per
Change-Id: I56a6b9f1a360174f98c9f39da901ade83d0f38a7
- use a lazy padding resolution (because layout direction is lazyly resolved too)
- cache resolved layout direction as getResolvedLayoutDirection() will be more called
- enable resetting layout direction cache if needed
- update unit tests
Change-Id: I30ce19e3100cc137f84e60163b60e1577ff61819