Mike LeBeau
am e134279f: Merge "Also send EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE for voice search intents that do web search (not just for in-app search). Needed as part of http://b/2546173 " into froyo
Merge commit 'e134279ffa3d5a3871fd39e9e9328b3ab1fec88d' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'e134279ffa3d5a3871fd39e9e9328b3ab1fec88d':
Also send EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE for voice search intents that do web
2010-04-01 17:42:38 -07:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
Fix bug 2565463 Ensure an object cannot appear twice in the
AudioFocus stack.
Enforce parameter check in AudioManager.requestAudioFocus()
Typo correction in AudioService.unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver()
Change-Id: Iedd6081a2a096bd7effbaeb9f888a31691201b3b
2010-04-01 17:40:58 -07:00
Grace Kloba
Instead of holding an ApplicationContext, JWebCoreJavaBridge
will have a reference of the current window's main
WebView. It is only non-null if the WebView's window
has the focus.
Extract setActive() from onWindowFocusChanged() so
that onAttachedToWindow() can call it directly. The
old way has a mis-matching call to onWindowFocusChanged.
Fix http://b/issue?id=2559152
2010-04-01 17:40:07 -07:00
Charles Chen
Fix for bug 2564771 - pitch setting between apps can
interfere with one another.
Root cause was not caching all the params that were needed.
This change fixes that bug as well as related bugs for remembering
the default engine and for making sure that the right engine is
loaded when checking for language availability.
Change-Id: I2a76da8faec8112036e68d27539db444c53a1509
2010-04-01 17:39:15 -07:00
Yu Shan Emily Lau
Add the test template for the media audio manager test.
Change-Id: I55b5de0c55dbfded8d972f7378da3c19a613978c
2010-04-01 16:11:49 -07:00
Mike LeBeau
Merge "Also send EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE for voice search intents that do web search (not just for in-app search). Needed as part of http://b/2546173 " into froyo
2010-04-01 15:30:51 -07:00
Mike LeBeau
Also send EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE for voice search intents that do web
search (not just for in-app search). Needed as part of http://b/2546173
Change-Id: I661ff52bace754459651eacd369a19e97364c3c6
2010-04-01 15:29:46 -07:00
Gilles Debunne
am 55686d2c: am 83d4eb6c: Merge "Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener." into froyo
Merge commit '55686d2cdaa4e0e1d55a8cdd49dc871107cd54f7' into kraken
* commit '55686d2cdaa4e0e1d55a8cdd49dc871107cd54f7':
Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener.
2010-04-01 14:53:19 -07:00
Gilles Debunne
am 83d4eb6c: Merge "Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener." into froyo
Merge commit '83d4eb6c4fc35bd8ce203edde0051d4def8c2cef' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '83d4eb6c4fc35bd8ce203edde0051d4def8c2cef':
Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener.
2010-04-01 14:49:51 -07:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener." into froyo
2010-04-01 14:47:00 -07:00
Brett Chabot
am dbecc902: am f6118617: Merge "Remove FrameworkTest package." into froyo
Merge commit 'dbecc90220e924fc8c693dd903679e0e9d562820' into kraken
* commit 'dbecc90220e924fc8c693dd903679e0e9d562820':
Remove FrameworkTest package.
2010-04-01 14:44:26 -07:00
Brett Chabot
am f6118617: Merge "Remove FrameworkTest package." into froyo
Merge commit 'f6118617350c0c1541550bf3a558460db562b6a4' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'f6118617350c0c1541550bf3a558460db562b6a4':
Remove FrameworkTest package.
2010-04-01 14:40:43 -07:00
Fred Quintana
am 2aa2f78e: am e8b1971c: Merge "allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken" into froyo
Merge commit '2aa2f78ec553993de4cc7a30529e4fd9ce3b9cbc' into kraken
* commit '2aa2f78ec553993de4cc7a30529e4fd9ce3b9cbc':
allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken
2010-04-01 14:37:34 -07:00
Brett Chabot
Merge "Remove FrameworkTest package." into froyo
2010-04-01 14:36:36 -07:00
Fred Quintana
am e8b1971c: Merge "allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken" into froyo
Merge commit 'e8b1971c7b09f14f2d9a2e12399294798cf2066a' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'e8b1971c7b09f14f2d9a2e12399294798cf2066a':
allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken
2010-04-01 14:32:51 -07:00
Fred Quintana
Merge "allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken" into froyo
2010-04-01 14:27:00 -07:00
Fred Quintana
allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken
Change-Id: I78e91ef2f43503e13386894851f0d781583a4943
2010-04-01 14:26:32 -07:00
Derek Sollenberger
am 4c932079: am 11fb6144: Match RFC requirement that the domain portion of a cookie should be case-insensitive.
Merge commit '4c93207940aa70b3f777fe14dce1bf580e1b71ba' into kraken
* commit '4c93207940aa70b3f777fe14dce1bf580e1b71ba':
Match RFC requirement that the domain portion of a cookie should be case-insensitive.
2010-04-01 12:10:03 -07:00
Derek Sollenberger
am 11fb6144: Match RFC requirement that the domain portion of a cookie should be case-insensitive.
Merge commit '11fb6144604fbd1148695421e9ab6896701a431b' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '11fb6144604fbd1148695421e9ab6896701a431b':
Match RFC requirement that the domain portion of a cookie should be case-insensitive.
2010-04-01 12:06:25 -07:00
Brett Chabot
Remove FrameworkTest package.
The only remaining test here was RingtonePickerActivityTes, which has been
suppressed since pre-donut.
Change-Id: I74c08c9c9447b67252430db3b462373af879bd1d
2010-04-01 12:05:26 -07:00
Derek Sollenberger
Match RFC requirement that the domain portion of a cookie should be case-insensitive.
fixes bug #2549818 .
Change-Id: I1372171568828545e78690f1ddc0ddcf25ddd428
2010-04-01 14:53:06 -04:00
Fred Quintana
revert the stripping of System Group:
from the names of google system groups
Change-Id: I677a7abb42a0c3d70d7e7009325f76a4644f1cb1
2010-04-01 11:43:57 -07:00
Andreas Huber
Support another kind of iso mpeg4 file.
Change-Id: I052aa1c971c577e50679b6a9263acd32895906c7
related-to-bug: 2558114
2010-04-01 11:42:50 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 865bd884: am 2d8234b7: Merge "doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)" into froyo
Merge commit '865bd884e878bbc6d9f5832fda6971c21754b588' into kraken
* commit '865bd884e878bbc6d9f5832fda6971c21754b588':
doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)
2010-04-01 10:47:00 -07:00
James Dong
am d12d6c30: am ccc17b34: Merge "Public API changes for CameraProfile and CamcorderProfile classes" into froyo
Merge commit 'd12d6c305caeea556781083152e741bdb3863eff' into kraken
* commit 'd12d6c305caeea556781083152e741bdb3863eff':
Public API changes for CameraProfile and CamcorderProfile classes
2010-04-01 10:46:57 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 2d8234b7: Merge "doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)" into froyo
Merge commit '2d8234b73d11fdc2178232cabad3ffaa23723405' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '2d8234b73d11fdc2178232cabad3ffaa23723405':
doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)
2010-04-01 10:40:15 -07:00
James Dong
am ccc17b34: Merge "Public API changes for CameraProfile and CamcorderProfile classes" into froyo
Merge commit 'ccc17b34fe6f0a6cc4ca86f28663fcf28827d2d4' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'ccc17b34fe6f0a6cc4ca86f28663fcf28827d2d4':
Public API changes for CameraProfile and CamcorderProfile classes
2010-04-01 10:40:11 -07:00
Gilles Debunne
Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener.
The asserts were removed from that class and replaced by a status String object.
This allows ExpandableListTester to do the asserts instead.
These tests passed on a sapphire and passion devices as well as in the emulator.
The asserts in the main thread are expected to make these tests pass during the
continuous build too.
This is 7fbddb1db1beeac7c6762fb7a11612e348f6ff90 cherrypicked to froyo.
2010-04-01 10:37:53 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
Merge "doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)" into froyo
2010-04-01 10:35:21 -07:00
James Dong
Merge "Public API changes for CameraProfile and CamcorderProfile classes" into froyo
2010-04-01 10:33:45 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
am cab133a7: am 33eb7767: Merge "NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API" into froyo
Merge commit 'cab133a7fa39969f136e3f401f97f6ce843514bb' into kraken
* commit 'cab133a7fa39969f136e3f401f97f6ce843514bb':
NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API
2010-04-01 10:27:04 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
am 33eb7767: Merge "NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API" into froyo
Merge commit '33eb7767fb49482643df80c8b5567da83aa0e49f' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '33eb7767fb49482643df80c8b5567da83aa0e49f':
NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API
2010-04-01 10:22:51 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API" into froyo
2010-04-01 10:19:57 -07:00
Kristian Monsen
am 4ba57a4e: am 70c22a48: Merge "Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null" into froyo
Merge commit '4ba57a4e0ab56126e54d5c7137cfda1d47845578' into kraken
* commit '4ba57a4e0ab56126e54d5c7137cfda1d47845578':
Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null
2010-04-01 10:00:08 -07:00
Kristian Monsen
am 70c22a48: Merge "Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null" into froyo
Merge commit '70c22a48e605cd59c35ccbbc5eee05b5a30f0a2a' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '70c22a48e605cd59c35ccbbc5eee05b5a30f0a2a':
Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null
2010-04-01 09:57:12 -07:00
Kristian Monsen
Merge "Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null" into froyo
2010-04-01 09:54:47 -07:00
Dave Sparks
am 5100df84: am 49e5a4c5: Update AMR codec.
Merge commit '5100df844c209b93b912917fad3e402e00241210' into kraken
* commit '5100df844c209b93b912917fad3e402e00241210':
Update AMR codec.
2010-04-01 09:51:42 -07:00
Dave Sparks
am 49e5a4c5: Update AMR codec.
Merge commit '49e5a4c5be2e8ba114efff8d0634a34867cb2c26' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '49e5a4c5be2e8ba114efff8d0634a34867cb2c26':
Update AMR codec.
2010-04-01 09:47:58 -07:00
Kristian Monsen
Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null
This does not actually pass the test since the test has wrong expectations, but it is at least doing the right thing.
Change-Id: I7da29a3f101647bb628805514cf2bdef24864e50
2010-04-01 17:38:07 +01:00
Dirk Dougherty
doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)
Change-Id: I1d2b80b8dc3f8b2e3c1befcbb7c4c522d78a2db8
2010-04-01 09:16:08 -07:00
Dave Sparks
Update AMR codec.
Change-Id: I8ecd2712863f6962b762f26898002912d1c77afb
2010-04-01 09:16:05 -07:00
Ben Murdoch
am bf691348: am 352cf1a4: Merge changes Ic9531e3c,I3f04433b into froyo
Merge commit 'bf6913481eff68a69d1e6ba312227e2fcea29793' into kraken
* commit 'bf6913481eff68a69d1e6ba312227e2fcea29793':
Cherry pick from master.
Cherry pick from master.
2010-04-01 08:47:58 -07:00
Ben Murdoch
am 352cf1a4: Merge changes Ic9531e3c,I3f04433b into froyo
Merge commit '352cf1a45e26803a466d096ca2d679ea5a3ac249' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '352cf1a45e26803a466d096ca2d679ea5a3ac249':
Cherry pick from master.
Cherry pick from master.
2010-04-01 08:44:58 -07:00
Ben Murdoch
Merge changes Ic9531e3c,I3f04433b into froyo
* changes:
Cherry pick from master.
Cherry pick from master.
2010-04-01 08:42:14 -07:00
Steve Block
Cherry pick from master.
Fixes DumpRenderTree to re-use HTTP authentication credentials
This is required for layout test http/tests/appcache/auth.html
Bug: 2098423
Change-Id: Ic9531e3c23a2fa9ebfab70cde3172550f572a404
2010-04-01 16:39:53 +01:00
San Mehat
NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API
Change-Id: I4976549cdbb027ba7859335e69bf866e738961c9
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <san@google.com>
2010-04-01 08:34:20 -07:00
Grace Kloba
am fe72c533: am 461cef5d: Merge "As we don\'t support over scroll any more, we need to pin the (x,y) if we handle the drag after the plugin choose not to handle the event." into froyo
Merge commit 'fe72c533fe210e147111e0a862360032365dd987' into kraken
* commit 'fe72c533fe210e147111e0a862360032365dd987':
As we don't support over scroll any more, we need
2010-04-01 08:20:48 -07:00
Steve Block
Cherry pick from master.
This change forwards to the WebView HTTP authentication credentials that
are supplied to an XHR from JavaScript. This allows the WebView to store these
credentials for use with later requests.
This is a re-working of https://android-git.corp.google.com/g/46430
Bug: 2544330
Change-Id: I3f04433b00233d7b7bf4f7e3471d8d15d8817f93
2010-04-01 16:19:39 +01:00
Grace Kloba
am 461cef5d: Merge "As we don\'t support over scroll any more, we need to pin the (x,y) if we handle the drag after the plugin choose not to handle the event." into froyo
Merge commit '461cef5d209fd072c82f6a70eb106e4690b7ef97' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '461cef5d209fd072c82f6a70eb106e4690b7ef97':
As we don't support over scroll any more, we need
2010-04-01 08:17:35 -07:00
Grace Kloba
Merge "As we don't support over scroll any more, we need to pin the (x,y) if we handle the drag after the plugin choose not to handle the event." into froyo
2010-04-01 08:15:09 -07:00