isRound allows a view to determine whether the window it is contained
within obscures the corners of the window content. This allows views
aware of this property to adapt their layout accordingly.
Switch ViewRootImpl to use dispatchApplyInsets instead of
Change-Id: Ic3e3936b73815b2593cb9720af1a309fbd18406e
The constant does not have a final value yet but is useful for
documentation purposes during development.
Change-Id: Iddd9b956eff822a9a25e9df483b5bd3979189023
Applying insets is now handled by:
* WindowInsets class - Encapsulate system insets and local decor
insets into a single object, written specifically so that new inset
categories may be added later. Apps cannot construct their own
WindowInsets, only clone with optional modifications. This is to
prevent losing data in the event of new insets added in the future.
* onApplyWindowInsets - Actually perform the application of insets.
* OnApplyWindowInsetsListener - Allow an app to use a separate
Listener object to apply insets to a View. This allows for things
like support lib integration in custom views written for older
versions where the verifier would otherwise complain about the use
of the new WindowInsets class as a method parameter. It also allows
for applying insets in a custom way without writing a custom view.
* dispatchApplyWindowInsets - Dispatch the call to self and children
in turn, if applicable. An OnApplyWindowInsetsListener will override
the behavior of the view's default onApplyWindowInsets method; a
listener wishing to call down to the 'superclass' implementation as
part of its own operation should call view.onApplyWindowInsets. App
code should generally not override this method and instead override
onApplyWindowInsets or provide a listener.
Compatibility support with the existing fitSystemWindows method has
been provided in both directions: for code that previously called
fitSystemWindows on arbitrary views and also for code that overrode
the fitSystemWindows method in custom views. A view that supports the
newer onApplyWindowInsets mechanism should not mix that behavior with
other calls to fitSystemWindows or vice versa. Support lib-style code
should take care to consistently use one mechanism or the other at
Change-Id: Ie88b96e0382beb5d3c3f6cd013f7043acbc0a105
* commit 'cd4c1c714c37a1bc7ba35ebd2509eca4f0f6a314':
Add stringType and requiredPermissions to, as well as a permission for the heart rate sensor
Most of the methods in the interface IHdmiCecService should be implemented
based on the device type. This CL makes a change such that the HdmiCecDevice
just has stub methods that should be overriden by subclasses.
Other changes:
- Fixed a bug of <Inactive Source> not sending its physical address
in its message body. Also the command should have been sent to TV
only rather than broadcast.
- Put back sendGiveDevicePowerStatus interface method. It allows the client
to keep track of the other device(like TV) power status more closely.
Devices goes through the status from standby -> transient to on -> on
but the CEC spec doesn't require that they broacast it actively.
The restored method can be used to let the playback device to get
up-to-date power status of TV/display when it is booting up.
This method should work the same across all the device types. So it was
implemented in the service, not delegated to HdmiCecDevice.
- Send <Report Physical Address> when a new logical device is registered,
which is required by CEC spec: "it should report the association between
its logical and physical address by broadcasting <Report Physical
Change-Id: Iac1d2cf5783d947f2dcd6965a54670fbdb8e6a63
Declare a new method, Display.getState() to retrieve the actual
power state of a display.
Improved documentation for Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON and
Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF to clarify what they really mean in
terms of the interactive state of the device.
Deprecated PowerManager.isScreenOn() and replaced it with
PowerManager.isInteractive() with a more suggestive name and
better documentation.
Redirect display power state changes to go through the display
manager first and only then head over to the power manager for
legacy compatibility.
Eliminated the bright here and woke here policy flags since they
were unused. Simplified the input dispatch policy somewhat.
Ensure that screen wake locks are respected up until the point
when dozing really begins.
Fixed a regression in DreamService where onDreamingStarted
might be called before onWindowAttached.
Bug: 13133142
Bug: 13472578
Bug: 13929355
Bug: 13760290
Change-Id: Iabef96921dd554ce3768fb18619cefc3230b5fb0
* commit '819239e5bec90ee3c861ac45fffac4a832a183a1':
Revert "Add stringType and requiredPermissions to, as well as a permission for the heart rate sensor"
* commit 'fd53d8352a4617941b0a0449390aa562a01ea1d3':
Add stringType and requiredPermissions to, as well as a permission for the heart rate sensor
* commit 'd020fd33d147c88a9cda4976d2fa559e55b4ab03':
Generate and respect ACTION_CANCEL for joystick fallbacks. DO NOT MERGE
Adds API for determining confirm and cancel keys.
Introduces HdmiCecManager/HdmiCecClient to provide apps/system components
with the way to access HdmiCecService via Context.getSystemService(HDMI_CEC_SERVICE).
Change-Id: I39da071a328074a4b7b049947943688bd7779c26
Added the ability to flag applications as Games in the manifest,
so they can receive a different treatment in the UI.
Change-Id: I4c36bc1a96757030fad58ee050cd68491b31bb6c
This CL adds a system service handling HDMI-CEC protocol. The service
is equipped with the capability sending/receiving HDMI-CEC messages
Not all the messages are in place. Currently it has messages to support
a few features only, as follows:
- One touch play
- System information
- Routing control (partially - active source status maintenance only)
- Device OSD transfer
- Power status
It will be extended to cover the wider usages in the follow up CLs.
The CEC standard version referenced in the implementation is 1.3a.
Change-Id: Ifed0b02f52ebf098eddb3bd0987efbf353b7e8fe - the device supports leanback UIs. - the device ONLY supports leanback UIs.
leanback_only is a hidden feature for now.
Change-Id: I497bd96464125ad81212c804e150f210f3e95af2