Wale Ogunwale
Merge "Clean-up state if we have an exception when acquiring provider"
2015-04-13 04:25:29 +00:00
Geoff Mendal
am 55295c76: (-s ours) am 08c21adc: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '55295c76fd43930da196f4275c9f6e27b756692c':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2015-04-11 10:08:46 +00:00
Geoff Mendal
am 08c21adc: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '08c21adc91058e97ee6761cfd3a250b64f567d39':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2015-04-11 09:59:00 +00:00
Geoff Mendal
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
Change-Id: Ia69d7347d0e753efa924d1b61b416b08affa3329
Auto-generated-cl: translation import
2015-04-10 23:14:36 -07:00
Geoff Mendal
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
Change-Id: I239fc7724d745a1abbac73e673ecfe408ce17c9b
Auto-generated-cl: translation import
2015-04-10 23:07:04 -07:00
Alex Klyubin
am ad48c4c9: am c1c6528d: Merge "Add EcIesParameterSpec to enable ECIES crypto."
* commit 'ad48c4c9c194d66dcc96e74e906825ca7b550e24':
Add EcIesParameterSpec to enable ECIES crypto.
2015-04-11 02:45:17 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
am c1c6528d: Merge "Add EcIesParameterSpec to enable ECIES crypto."
* commit 'c1c6528d2b686d5a17e577e7864a319dcba7c224':
Add EcIesParameterSpec to enable ECIES crypto.
2015-04-11 02:35:45 +00:00
David Friedman
am a22125ff: am 23b5e508: am 340a617e: am 746fed63: am 3a77a8ae: Merge "New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite." into lmp-docs
* commit 'a22125ff98085c0fe662966cadfe4c889707db54':
New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite.
2015-04-11 02:27:01 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
Merge "Add EcIesParameterSpec to enable ECIES crypto."
2015-04-11 02:17:01 +00:00
David Friedman
am 23b5e508: am 340a617e: am 746fed63: am 3a77a8ae: Merge "New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite." into lmp-docs
* commit '23b5e508adfb454552fda16d76d65b070a53f759':
New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite.
2015-04-11 02:15:48 +00:00
David Friedman
am 340a617e: am 746fed63: am 3a77a8ae: Merge "New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite." into lmp-docs
* commit '340a617ef42951446bbc730833cea207370307d0':
New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite.
2015-04-11 02:05:57 +00:00
David Friedman
am 746fed63: am 3a77a8ae: Merge "New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite." into lmp-docs
* commit '746fed63567c548c7b55c14e1532d059753bfa52':
New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite.
2015-04-11 01:55:32 +00:00
David Friedman
am 3a77a8ae: Merge "New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite." into lmp-docs
* commit '3a77a8aeea1a40ca5c2cdb0b66a877032118d89f':
New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite.
2015-04-11 01:46:19 +00:00
David Friedman
Merge "New build rule reflecting different masthead, side nav for NDK minisite." into lmp-docs
2015-04-11 01:36:57 +00:00
Mathieu Chartier
Update "Investigating your RAM usage" for ART
Bug: 19884954
Change-Id: I9a987c7bb0ab2a9d8b2ac870796969f073803d56
2015-04-10 18:34:51 -07:00
Chad Brubaker
am 3a9779b6: am 386c4e9e: Merge "Fix testSaw_ungrantedUid_Bluetooth"
* commit '3a9779b6edf9b118d8907a8124cd53c05f72aa00':
Fix testSaw_ungrantedUid_Bluetooth
2015-04-10 22:17:00 +00:00
Chad Brubaker
am 386c4e9e: Merge "Fix testSaw_ungrantedUid_Bluetooth"
* commit '386c4e9ea976377d87950427472a593c22b1b205':
Fix testSaw_ungrantedUid_Bluetooth
2015-04-10 22:09:18 +00:00
Shawn Willden
am 99f4ac14: am 97fce66f: Merge "Make several key crypto parameters repeatable"
* commit '99f4ac144506d307b38ab112d1054e5fe18a7217':
Make several key crypto parameters repeatable
2015-04-10 22:01:15 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
Add EcIesParameterSpec to enable ECIES crypto.
Bug: 18088752
Change-Id: I597b019106c500188e0fbbc9608722668c08b421
2015-04-10 14:57:28 -07:00
Shawn Willden
am 97fce66f: Merge "Make several key crypto parameters repeatable"
* commit '97fce66f7d6c5803dfa49f7ab9a0d9e9b009082f':
Make several key crypto parameters repeatable
2015-04-10 21:51:22 +00:00
Chad Brubaker
Merge "Fix testSaw_ungrantedUid_Bluetooth"
2015-04-10 21:42:23 +00:00
Shawn Willden
Merge "Make several key crypto parameters repeatable"
2015-04-10 21:21:37 +00:00
Chad Brubaker
Fix testSaw_ungrantedUid_Bluetooth
Keystore.saw returns [] on no result, not null, so the test was
incorrectly failing.
Change-Id: I22dcf85c5d6c5c0368848bc784c3215c092d9ea8
2015-04-10 14:15:17 -07:00
Olawale Ogunwale
am 6159f6eb: am 4406568e: Merge "Check caller status precisely when registering receiver."
* commit '6159f6eb231028bc6420edf4157fb335e78aca00':
Check caller status precisely when registering receiver.
2015-04-10 20:48:21 +00:00
Olawale Ogunwale
am 4406568e: Merge "Check caller status precisely when registering receiver."
* commit '4406568ebac6f6bbf627aeb6909b409d948cecf4':
Check caller status precisely when registering receiver.
2015-04-10 20:37:00 +00:00
Olawale Ogunwale
Merge "Check caller status precisely when registering receiver."
2015-04-10 20:14:54 +00:00
Bryce Lee
am 73b56873: am eccaf729: Allow going to home action to work for SHORT_PRESS_POWER_GO_HOME with keyguard enabled.
* commit '73b56873f1c39d29bc9f98e727b83b05bb74a44d':
Allow going to home action to work for SHORT_PRESS_POWER_GO_HOME with keyguard enabled.
2015-04-10 20:02:01 +00:00
Bryce Lee
am eccaf729: Allow going to home action to work for SHORT_PRESS_POWER_GO_HOME with keyguard enabled.
* commit 'eccaf7290ab833d12049a184747603cd74261490':
Allow going to home action to work for SHORT_PRESS_POWER_GO_HOME with keyguard enabled.
2015-04-10 19:51:32 +00:00
Chad Brubaker
Make several key crypto parameters repeatable
Bug: 19509156
Change-Id: Ic584d8a6bf5601f9754563b67b3cc6b3ca6b5ff9
2015-04-10 12:20:04 -06:00
Alex Klyubin
am c5f9683c: am a270264c: Merge "Track more changes to keymaster_defs.h"
* commit 'c5f9683c065e6ddf906a354603d19ce57448993f':
Track more changes to keymaster_defs.h
2015-04-10 18:18:42 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
am a270264c: Merge "Track more changes to keymaster_defs.h"
* commit 'a270264c61daa42a5b03bbb1e7f23e77780f8fc0':
Track more changes to keymaster_defs.h
2015-04-10 18:09:27 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
Merge "Track more changes to keymaster_defs.h"
2015-04-10 17:51:49 +00:00
Nick Kralevich
am a55ec9c2: am 08d76a94: Merge "Impose an ordering on created SELinuxMMAC Policy objects."
* commit 'a55ec9c2abfd8a8bd216f133ec925e9db1d69ae7':
Impose an ordering on created SELinuxMMAC Policy objects.
2015-04-10 16:42:25 +00:00
Wale Ogunwale
Clean-up state if we have an exception when acquiring provider
We can get a number of exceptions (e.g. SecurityException) when
a process is acquiring a provider. We need to clean-up correctly
so that other threads that try to acquire the provider the progress.
Bug: 20122809
Change-Id: Icac1d391df7e8c24198be89035b1c5a23da834cf
2015-04-10 09:32:26 -07:00
Nick Kralevich
am 08d76a94: Merge "Impose an ordering on created SELinuxMMAC Policy objects."
* commit '08d76a946b898af28f3c8125cdf4966195b718fb':
Impose an ordering on created SELinuxMMAC Policy objects.
2015-04-10 16:31:23 +00:00
Nick Kralevich
Merge "Impose an ordering on created SELinuxMMAC Policy objects."
2015-04-10 16:10:27 +00:00
Alex Klyubin
Track more changes to keymaster_defs.h
KeyStoreTest needed to be adjusted because OCB is no longer supported.
Bug: 18088752
Change-Id: I7594daaa5e97423d34726b07cc79e3ee28418d95
2015-04-10 08:58:38 -07:00
John Reck
am 32eafe9b: am a08f6a66: Merge "Fix GL_INVALID_OPERATION in font renderer when font cache is limited."
* commit '32eafe9b715b08453eea213d7dcad174ac5e80d2':
Fix GL_INVALID_OPERATION in font renderer when font cache is limited.
2015-04-10 15:55:33 +00:00
John Reck
am 1a595833: am d56e087b: Merge "Fixing memory leak in RenderBufferCache"
* commit '1a5958331ef5f51d7722682d7e980204a1c50a04':
Fixing memory leak in RenderBufferCache
2015-04-10 15:55:27 +00:00
John Reck
am a08f6a66: Merge "Fix GL_INVALID_OPERATION in font renderer when font cache is limited."
* commit 'a08f6a66e91c7bacd50e64c039aaaa6b9fe2625c':
Fix GL_INVALID_OPERATION in font renderer when font cache is limited.
2015-04-10 15:44:34 +00:00
John Reck
am d56e087b: Merge "Fixing memory leak in RenderBufferCache"
* commit 'd56e087b550f7ee351f15ac6c5ff9d57a08387fc':
Fixing memory leak in RenderBufferCache
2015-04-10 15:44:26 +00:00
Check caller status precisely when registering receiver.
Fine tune commit 9ac9609f.
Because process may reuse same process record to restart.
It is better to check below conditions to skip:
1. Simple dead and has been cleaned.
=> .thread will be null
2.The process has restarted with new pid but has not attached yet.
=> .thread will be null
3.The process has restarted and attached.
=> The IBinder will be different
Change-Id: Ic052f5025558ca93e1a6ab11bca61fe995126bb9
2015-04-10 15:41:19 +00:00
John Reck
Merge "Fix GL_INVALID_OPERATION in font renderer when font cache is limited."
2015-04-10 15:32:01 +00:00
John Reck
Merge "Fixing memory leak in RenderBufferCache"
2015-04-10 15:27:02 +00:00
Robert Craig
Impose an ordering on created SELinuxMMAC Policy objects.
Imposing an order on Policy objects allows us to extend the
policy writers ability to union mac_permissions.xml files.
Policy developers can now create new mac_permissions.xml
entries under their device specific directories. This is
in contrast to current methods which only allow differing
stanzas to appear outside the base mac_permissions.xml.
Also, report on stanzas with duplicate input selectors and
treat these as errors. There are some ambiguities that can
arise otherwise.
Lastly, impose an XOR condition on signer stanzas w.r.t seinfo
and package tags. This finer distinction helps the union feature
of policy to become clearer and simpler to code.
Change-Id: Idd86df8ad9a63d1b8ba6e8270670814ca6cee8d2
Signed-off-by: rpcraig <rpcraig@tycho.ncsc.mil>
2015-04-10 11:14:37 -04:00
Tim Murray
am af61d43d: am 6d718c2f: Merge "Add support for setting the cache directory."
* commit 'af61d43d6ce065832f906757c2185c3dad74d489':
Add support for setting the cache directory.
2015-04-10 01:30:14 +00:00
Tim Murray
am 6d718c2f: Merge "Add support for setting the cache directory."
* commit '6d718c2f43f6be057f9a519bc02f6b123405b79d':
Add support for setting the cache directory.
2015-04-10 01:07:26 +00:00
Tim Murray
Merge "Add support for setting the cache directory."
2015-04-10 00:51:15 +00:00
Tim Murray
Add support for setting the cache directory.
Change-Id: I2bf1874705b877a8a8262ab49b47fe8241e603d5
2015-04-09 17:50:39 -07:00
Alex Klyubin
am 5f8c17b9: am ba2836e6: Merge "Track recent keymaster_defs.h changes."
* commit '5f8c17b9f6d574eca6a24ddb2f7cc98a37f5aaea':
Track recent keymaster_defs.h changes.
2015-04-10 00:35:55 +00:00