Amith Yamasani
am e1970346: am b5afeca3: am a865bb5d: Merge "Use the correct method to check if device is encrypted" into lmp-dev
* commit 'e1970346a43109a9bcf4037135425a918fc953d3':
Use the correct method to check if device is encrypted
2014-10-17 19:14:06 +00:00
am 43d7ad3e: am e62a4a50: am af8de90f: Merge "fix 1% mystery bug on preview image downloads. just remove the hashchange listener; no more back-navigation, eh." into lmp-dev
* commit '43d7ad3e48e9323b3418c05170cbe4d1cff2b4a5':
fix 1% mystery bug on preview image downloads. just remove the hashchange listener; no more back-navigation, eh.
2014-10-17 19:14:01 +00:00
am c77dc669: am 99c8167a: am a1012fb5: am fe511970: Merge "edits to the Lollipop highlights" into lmp-dev
* commit 'c77dc6696f392288dd32956b6f14becdc379abc6':
edits to the Lollipop highlights
2014-10-17 19:11:58 +00:00
Vince Harron
am d6a34c55: am cd5d6a68: am 9d141d1d: am 6da9e548: Merge "Updated Android SDK/Studio system requirements" into lmp-dev
* commit 'd6a34c55fc57b0d02fd3f734902c1d52107fbf48':
Updated Android SDK/Studio system requirements
2014-10-17 19:11:53 +00:00
Quddus Chong
am 9e868f02: am 5fe3c49a: am 7f83b4a7: am 15d2e768: Merge "docs: Updated Android 5.0 API Overview to reflect that setting the device to RINGER_MODE_NORMAL or RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE causes the device to leave priority mode." into lmp-dev
* commit '9e868f020074f1387bd519954834da4db1bc9a79':
docs: Updated Android 5.0 API Overview to reflect that setting the device to RINGER_MODE_NORMAL or RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE causes the device to leave priority mode.
2014-10-17 19:11:47 +00:00
Trevor Johns
am dc62a2d6: am 8ac39738: am 6e028eba: am ac21dbb4: Docs: Update "What\'s New" for L Final Preview samples
* commit 'dc62a2d6b13453e3e755fea482b0783c3c25c514':
Docs: Update "What's New" for L Final Preview samples
2014-10-17 19:11:42 +00:00
Jim Miller
am 0e534383: am a6b7c5a7: am 4142d9b0: am 7d96dc6d: Merge "Fix getStorageEncryptionStatus() in DevicePolicyManager" into lmp-dev
* commit '0e5343833f74e2019f2466f0f854a99e9226279b':
Fix getStorageEncryptionStatus() in DevicePolicyManager
2014-10-17 19:11:36 +00:00
Dirk Dougherty
am e1fa68cd: am 20a7afd4: am f0c1af8e: am 22fa76da: Merge "Doc change: Add Lollipop to platform versions table." into lmp-dev
* commit 'e1fa68cd24c5a97a549c101f3eeacb70cafb8c9d':
Doc change: Add Lollipop to platform versions table.
2014-10-17 19:11:31 +00:00
am 63294fe7: am 84b4ad4b: am 5957b633: am c8cef6cc: Merge "time to forget about honeycomb and gingerbread." into lmp-dev
* commit '63294fe7277be28845e03c08280cfafdd195d9cb':
time to forget about honeycomb and gingerbread.
2014-10-17 19:11:10 +00:00
am d11c89f7: am d8d62257: am 2ff9be11: am 8adb5fd1: Merge "fix links on preview page" into lmp-dev
* commit 'd11c89f7b1132aa151c3eb991ddb829f8ca651bb':
fix links on preview page
2014-10-17 19:11:05 +00:00
am f4c4b593: am f51cc58c: am dfcdfbd6: am f19f6397: Merge "edits to the lollipop highlights" into lmp-dev
* commit 'f4c4b593142f9bff6a10b0c13dd150b740b604f4':
edits to the lollipop highlights
2014-10-17 19:11:00 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 09e67c86: am 702cb3b2: am 7314b607: am e7cc9e80: Merge "docs: Android TV docs fixes for L SDK release" into lmp-dev
* commit '09e67c86b9d17fb7ab8f9a5a7f4951ca13c40fa4':
docs: Android TV docs fixes for L SDK release
2014-10-17 19:10:54 +00:00
am 6ac00545: am 0f6eb938: am d9b48e94: am 4561be01: Merge "add TV quality page to Develop landing carousel" into lmp-dev
* commit '6ac00545000f009e22b70bbfbae192d478494373':
add TV quality page to Develop landing carousel
2014-10-17 19:10:49 +00:00
Scott Rowe
am 81584ee6: am 5100b72c: am fafb6c70: am dd886683: docs: Notifications changes for L
* commit '81584ee6ed1b0378847aaee0ae4091cb9fefe2a3':
docs: Notifications changes for L
2014-10-17 19:10:38 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 38748ce7: am 5f13e2f0: am f8d6891c: am 4deed3ec: Merge "docs: Android TV App Quality Requirements v2" into lmp-dev
* commit '38748ce701ef261f17e6c29bd340fe5b039f44fb':
docs: Android TV App Quality Requirements v2
2014-10-17 19:10:33 +00:00
Scott Rowe
am 3d5d4b4c: am c371b0af: am 583cf69c: am 6bd081ca: docs: Displaying a Now Playing Card
* commit '3d5d4b4cea5f00f0bbf24b174af2ce5e654943dc':
docs: Displaying a Now Playing Card
2014-10-17 19:10:28 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am d81ca1da: am 39f69b79: am 770f57e0: am 321e7645: Merge "docs: Recents screen for tasks and activities" into lmp-dev
* commit 'd81ca1da0546b4d0d9ff32918132e625e89d4e16':
docs: Recents screen for tasks and activities
2014-10-17 19:10:23 +00:00
am 9c60193a: am 53805450: am 4a0f162d: am c6400892: Merge "add Lollipop highlights and revision to 5.0 API overview intro" into lmp-dev
* commit '9c60193adfac4d5d8fde077544abd7c06a90ec22':
add Lollipop highlights and revision to 5.0 API overview intro
2014-10-17 19:10:18 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 315a45e0: am 36d13e6a: am 491fa057: am d664dc93: Merge "Android 5.0 changes to IME switching" into lmp-dev
* commit '315a45e085a14884e267c49498e94a316376e212':
Android 5.0 changes to IME switching
2014-10-17 19:09:52 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am e9f6f29b: am b07f08f1: am be097523: am c49acf02: Merge "docs: Update Android TV home for L announcement" into lmp-dev
* commit 'e9f6f29b66ff26c649bd8794877128c29bb83c39':
docs: Update Android TV home for L announcement
2014-10-17 19:09:47 +00:00
David Friedman
am 3d8eb0a5: am 9ce4e565: am 4e5ebb99: am c2a556ff: Merge "Notificiations Design for Android L Release" into lmp-dev
* commit '3d8eb0a5478b5362e50f3ff6e550cc45c5dfceef':
Notificiations Design for Android L Release
2014-10-17 19:09:42 +00:00
David Friedman
am 5ac64f0d: am 30be8be4: am 981c97ec: am 597d3861: Merge "NDK-r10c release notes (change log) for publication to NDK page on DAC." into lmp-dev
* commit '5ac64f0d860d4b5f682557a48547437f9ec7ac01':
NDK-r10c release notes (change log) for publication to NDK page on DAC.
2014-10-17 19:09:36 +00:00
am 9cdc6073: am fd756b9f: am 238b4795: am 271078f5: update L preview landing page for 5.0 SDK launch includes new system images also update the DAC homepage announcement
* commit '9cdc6073e159e286f5c04c23b0987862e24d8715':
update L preview landing page for 5.0 SDK launch includes new system images also update the DAC homepage announcement
2014-10-17 19:09:18 +00:00
Ricardo Cervera
am ce9676e7: am c1c31327: am f1425001: am 2e57c2c9: Merge "docs: Migrating material design info from the Preview site" into lmp-dev
* commit 'ce9676e71257798ed5cd4a147095f8f505c2b6da':
docs: Migrating material design info from the Preview site
2014-10-17 19:09:12 +00:00
Quddus Chong
am f8cdc978: am b14e07e3: am 0fae717e: am 67b5c8eb: Merge "docs: Updates to Android 5.0 API Overview." into lmp-dev
* commit 'f8cdc9784302e180b5999b2e84e296ef23f9892f':
docs: Updates to Android 5.0 API Overview.
2014-10-17 19:09:07 +00:00
Quddus Chong
am fee0385f: am fdb2d1f8: am c598a4a4: Merge "docs: Fixed sound and vibration section in Android 5.0 API overview." into lmp-dev
* commit 'fee0385f1c4af659b897ba2bfba7e4d9fa8f7ff1':
docs: Fixed sound and vibration section in Android 5.0 API overview.
2014-10-17 19:06:25 +00:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 3182987e: am bab9b48e: am 52476989: Merge "SDK only: hide the old L API version constant." into lmp-dev
* commit '3182987eb8bf93c77d2cde6d3483d39006aea28a':
SDK only: hide the old L API version constant.
2014-10-17 19:06:20 +00:00
Amith Yamasani
am b5afeca3: am a865bb5d: Merge "Use the correct method to check if device is encrypted" into lmp-dev
* commit 'b5afeca3d9ce3efb0ab9ab6536d4446ec73b416c':
Use the correct method to check if device is encrypted
2014-10-17 19:05:25 +00:00
am e62a4a50: am af8de90f: Merge "fix 1% mystery bug on preview image downloads. just remove the hashchange listener; no more back-navigation, eh." into lmp-dev
* commit 'e62a4a50cf2cc4c26f8616d09bed30e94a7699ca':
fix 1% mystery bug on preview image downloads. just remove the hashchange listener; no more back-navigation, eh.
2014-10-17 19:05:21 +00:00
am 99c8167a: am a1012fb5: am fe511970: Merge "edits to the Lollipop highlights" into lmp-dev
* commit '99c8167a1634a9347d08813190ac26bf7f05fb9b':
edits to the Lollipop highlights
2014-10-17 19:01:10 +00:00
Vince Harron
am cd5d6a68: am 9d141d1d: am 6da9e548: Merge "Updated Android SDK/Studio system requirements" into lmp-dev
* commit 'cd5d6a6826e21f131a9715538d22a888b7cb61b0':
Updated Android SDK/Studio system requirements
2014-10-17 19:01:04 +00:00
Quddus Chong
am 5fe3c49a: am 7f83b4a7: am 15d2e768: Merge "docs: Updated Android 5.0 API Overview to reflect that setting the device to RINGER_MODE_NORMAL or RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE causes the device to leave priority mode." into lmp-dev
* commit '5fe3c49a62894f52f1e3b62027fba2a5a2270592':
docs: Updated Android 5.0 API Overview to reflect that setting the device to RINGER_MODE_NORMAL or RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE causes the device to leave priority mode.
2014-10-17 19:01:00 +00:00
Trevor Johns
am 8ac39738: am 6e028eba: am ac21dbb4: Docs: Update "What\'s New" for L Final Preview samples
* commit '8ac3973862c87ecd166d4945878e5bffc9c25889':
Docs: Update "What's New" for L Final Preview samples
2014-10-17 19:00:55 +00:00
Jim Miller
am a6b7c5a7: am 4142d9b0: am 7d96dc6d: Merge "Fix getStorageEncryptionStatus() in DevicePolicyManager" into lmp-dev
* commit 'a6b7c5a7b11af0671cde1b20e4c76c9d16113ef8':
Fix getStorageEncryptionStatus() in DevicePolicyManager
2014-10-17 19:00:49 +00:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 20a7afd4: am f0c1af8e: am 22fa76da: Merge "Doc change: Add Lollipop to platform versions table." into lmp-dev
* commit '20a7afd4b4fb0bc38ea3d4920f62e337c1011219':
Doc change: Add Lollipop to platform versions table.
2014-10-17 19:00:45 +00:00
am 84b4ad4b: am 5957b633: am c8cef6cc: Merge "time to forget about honeycomb and gingerbread." into lmp-dev
* commit '84b4ad4b20c8e9f2caab05df6716590c84dde595':
time to forget about honeycomb and gingerbread.
2014-10-17 19:00:40 +00:00
Amith Yamasani
am a865bb5d: Merge "Use the correct method to check if device is encrypted" into lmp-dev
* commit 'a865bb5df834194dee339db615c17d7c7b63aaa3':
Use the correct method to check if device is encrypted
2014-10-17 19:00:36 +00:00
am d8d62257: am 2ff9be11: am 8adb5fd1: Merge "fix links on preview page" into lmp-dev
* commit 'd8d62257c3f7e2233792ce369e14de4214b7887b':
fix links on preview page
2014-10-17 19:00:35 +00:00
am f51cc58c: am dfcdfbd6: am f19f6397: Merge "edits to the lollipop highlights" into lmp-dev
* commit 'f51cc58c09efe79dd2152297f376c3dab0c321df':
edits to the lollipop highlights
2014-10-17 19:00:30 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 702cb3b2: am 7314b607: am e7cc9e80: Merge "docs: Android TV docs fixes for L SDK release" into lmp-dev
* commit '702cb3b2f6b6d0eca9f8d40dc94142fcc6b53a35':
docs: Android TV docs fixes for L SDK release
2014-10-17 19:00:26 +00:00
am 0f6eb938: am d9b48e94: am 4561be01: Merge "add TV quality page to Develop landing carousel" into lmp-dev
* commit '0f6eb938937996bcd6e3f889da5d03859df5f0e8':
add TV quality page to Develop landing carousel
2014-10-17 19:00:22 +00:00
Scott Rowe
am 5100b72c: am fafb6c70: am dd886683: docs: Notifications changes for L
* commit '5100b72cba49b0371ccead241e18420ebf8c3ee9':
docs: Notifications changes for L
2014-10-17 19:00:17 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 5f13e2f0: am f8d6891c: am 4deed3ec: Merge "docs: Android TV App Quality Requirements v2" into lmp-dev
* commit '5f13e2f0fb56976351d0decb314a9cac85e8d1ba':
docs: Android TV App Quality Requirements v2
2014-10-17 19:00:12 +00:00
Scott Rowe
am c371b0af: am 583cf69c: am 6bd081ca: docs: Displaying a Now Playing Card
* commit 'c371b0afab75759a6c9bed9d0754aefe5cb4065b':
docs: Displaying a Now Playing Card
2014-10-17 19:00:08 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 39f69b79: am 770f57e0: am 321e7645: Merge "docs: Recents screen for tasks and activities" into lmp-dev
* commit '39f69b7984591b57d560ffb0c3e147121543b7fd':
docs: Recents screen for tasks and activities
2014-10-17 19:00:03 +00:00
am 53805450: am 4a0f162d: am c6400892: Merge "add Lollipop highlights and revision to 5.0 API overview intro" into lmp-dev
* commit '5380545023a7c7cbf690c732c3edab6d140d32fa':
add Lollipop highlights and revision to 5.0 API overview intro
2014-10-17 18:59:56 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am 36d13e6a: am 491fa057: am d664dc93: Merge "Android 5.0 changes to IME switching" into lmp-dev
* commit '36d13e6ae8ccef31fde01118fd457f13f10d288f':
Android 5.0 changes to IME switching
2014-10-17 18:59:51 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
am b07f08f1: am be097523: am c49acf02: Merge "docs: Update Android TV home for L announcement" into lmp-dev
* commit 'b07f08f13751ae68e03501795d8f448c306a6180':
docs: Update Android TV home for L announcement
2014-10-17 18:59:46 +00:00
David Friedman
am 9ce4e565: am 4e5ebb99: am c2a556ff: Merge "Notificiations Design for Android L Release" into lmp-dev
* commit '9ce4e565204c0d8828a05928be8f8177031dc52d':
Notificiations Design for Android L Release
2014-10-17 18:59:42 +00:00
David Friedman
am 30be8be4: am 981c97ec: am 597d3861: Merge "NDK-r10c release notes (change log) for publication to NDK page on DAC." into lmp-dev
* commit '30be8be4d4fd42a245aa481d4abf3ae299e9e17e':
NDK-r10c release notes (change log) for publication to NDK page on DAC.
2014-10-17 18:59:37 +00:00