Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into mnc-dr1.5-dev am: 0be332852e -s ours am: b685f719f1 am: 45b6a52225 am: 34b87d94e4 am: 30ef1ad5be am: 652521ae7b
am: 292bee2f74 -s ours
Change-Id: I2be817a6f58b8bbcd050123dd987424603d702f9
2016-12-02 19:21:57 +00:00 |
Treehugger Robot
Merge "Remove static link in Android framework under /frameworks/base."
2016-12-02 19:21:47 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into mnc-dev am: 8e14278209 am: a80cbeeee2 am: 44e8914f8b am: 26f78f5836 -s ours am: 99b97e5ed1
am: 398cdb6929
Change-Id: I40a0cb7f416d843b12893656d16dfed97d0df058
2016-12-02 19:21:21 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 4ddbf942a0 am: 190e20c2b5 am: 74b36307a0 am: 4ad177829a -s ours am: c067e76bba
am: 0891ca2fad
Change-Id: I2e9897c052ee296d68beb50b6ac927e5a0d92daa
2016-12-02 19:20:23 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 956bc433dc -s ours am: 3f0e7465cb am: b88d8dc58f am: b4638e2d88 am: bf9a60106b am: 1afc4b8425 am: d40f62eae8 -s ours"
2016-12-02 19:19:31 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into mnc-dr-dev am: 48f6bdfce4 am: 471812ad04 am: 4610805746 -s ours am: aeeb9c8470
am: 8c74832d5e
Change-Id: I35d8c2faba5a6f359bbe51b56052bafe90a6cac1
2016-12-02 19:19:29 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 956bc433dc -s ours am: 3f0e7465cb am: b88d8dc58f am: b4638e2d88 am: bf9a60106b am: 1afc4b8425
am: d40f62eae8 -s ours
Change-Id: I01f32e0afc3cae31ec34484833f62ea1f6e6cc54
2016-12-02 19:19:00 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938 am: 48313052ab" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp am: d1534dc14a -s ours"
2016-12-02 19:18:47 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: ff2fede0dd am: 7340749c2a am: a07bcbcc27 -s ours am: e0fe3201cb
am: 8165a22f53
Change-Id: Iee87f3c3d384bf785b3c6c877a817c35bbdb478b
2016-12-02 19:18:31 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938 am: 48313052ab am: 938649a13c -s ours"
2016-12-02 19:18:30 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938 am: 48313052ab" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp
am: d1534dc14a -s ours
Change-Id: I902b6cef1b88e15329d9aa0980de4427c9076aa9
2016-12-02 19:17:42 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938 am: 48313052ab
am: 938649a13c -s ours
Change-Id: I97048cde71a23c627a618a9217e2fcfc7ffff2c3
2016-12-02 19:17:37 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938 am: 29c335ef2e" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp am: 1c0d8bf73c -s ours"
2016-12-02 19:17:14 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938 am: 29c335ef2e am: 01f9f1bec2 -s ours"
2016-12-02 19:16:50 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938 am: 29c335ef2e" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp
am: 1c0d8bf73c -s ours
Change-Id: I10d850424df8472b25fa9427564dacdddf2b2444
2016-12-02 19:16:06 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938 am: 29c335ef2e
am: 01f9f1bec2 -s ours
Change-Id: I2cb165fab892f3206fbdf03a14796ea721c2a2a8
2016-12-02 19:16:00 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 11e3e52bd9 am: bdfb26ac3b am: ad04786a3d am: 9e7bd59457 am: 94b6048c4a" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp am: d949aa9afe -s ours"
2016-12-02 19:15:31 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into mnc-dr1.5-dev am: 0be332852e -s ours am: b685f719f1 am: 45b6a52225 am: 34b87d94e4 am: 30ef1ad5be
am: 5fafe8ea7c
Change-Id: Ia622d8d4b4397979bf69a2ef78e59bc0b6083e9a
2016-12-02 19:15:22 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 11e3e52bd9 am: bdfb26ac3b am: ad04786a3d am: 9e7bd59457 am: 94b6048c4a am: 8d9cb505d5 -s ours"
2016-12-02 19:15:11 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 11e3e52bd9 am: bdfb26ac3b am: ad04786a3d am: 9e7bd59457 am: 94b6048c4a" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp
am: d949aa9afe -s ours
Change-Id: I5c271fd23c03564165faf10d0d7499ef62325d34
2016-12-02 19:14:18 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 956bc433dc -s ours am: 3f0e7465cb am: b88d8dc58f am: b4638e2d88 am: bf9a60106b
am: 4d80f89b19
Change-Id: Ia8296466ffa048e8ada727f7015e74925d6098a3
2016-12-02 19:14:14 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 11e3e52bd9 am: bdfb26ac3b am: ad04786a3d am: 9e7bd59457 am: 94b6048c4a
am: 8d9cb505d5 -s ours
Change-Id: I39803911a8f10f0c73a93473d3b9dc67ca185065
2016-12-02 19:14:10 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 11e3e52bd9 am: bdfb26ac3b am: ad04786a3d am: 9e7bd59457 am: 0040d4f71c am: 906cec27c2 -s ours"
2016-12-02 19:13:36 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE. Check provider access for content changes." into lmp-dev am: ae7d4b1339 -s ours am: ce477912a2 am: 920b02a94f -s ours am: aff9286bd6
am: 37ff2d56bf
Change-Id: I0ff63a0da9300799a8df538fcefaf0d27ea2be00
2016-12-02 19:13:31 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 11e3e52bd9 am: bdfb26ac3b am: ad04786a3d am: 9e7bd59457 am: 0040d4f71c
am: 906cec27c2 -s ours
Change-Id: I46ccdd4afba9b3138397a8536d753e2819d94995
2016-12-02 19:12:50 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE. Check provider access for content changes. am: 9b85862620 -s ours am: 9277cce7fa am: a1d1ecbe05 -s ours am: 928c09cd8e
am: 5267b63325
Change-Id: I3cab573840604be9c44e85998c4b1a579d07aee4
2016-12-02 19:12:33 +00:00 |
TreeHugger Robot
Merge "Split home stack into home and recents stack"
2016-12-02 19:12:23 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into mnc-dev am: 8e14278209 am: a80cbeeee2 am: 44e8914f8b am: 26f78f5836 -s ours
am: 99b97e5ed1
Change-Id: I1812de0dd036142fae97145361fdf5da50e61536
2016-12-02 19:12:00 +00:00 |
TreeHugger Robot
Merge "Convert libandroidfw to Android.bp"
2016-12-02 19:11:56 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE. Check provider access for content changes." into lmp-mr1-dev am: 6b89229d14 am: a7efe16fe1 -s ours am: f1085f2dc8
am: c130d7fd5e
Change-Id: I15e9c5f864ec67c8bf5901fcc46abe0c7b362a6e
2016-12-02 19:11:29 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 4ddbf942a0 am: 190e20c2b5 am: 74b36307a0 am: 4ad177829a -s ours
am: c067e76bba
Change-Id: I36e17906c43408126d1acabde89bf7ec04e16aab
2016-12-02 19:10:36 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE. Check provider access for content changes. am: 91add43ae7 am: 792d49dfb5 -s ours am: 32af84320b
am: 8b5fa0c0c0
Change-Id: Ie5bb120bcd900c2032e47f0ae3e1c710c083ae2e
2016-12-02 19:10:35 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into mnc-dr1.5-dev am: 0be332852e -s ours am: b685f719f1 am: 45b6a52225 am: 34b87d94e4 am: 30ef1ad5be
am: 652521ae7b
Change-Id: I1b27ce8b97733188112331f969c72ca35e3bff56
2016-12-02 19:09:26 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 956bc433dc -s ours am: 3f0e7465cb am: b88d8dc58f am: b4638e2d88 am: bf9a60106b
am: 1afc4b8425
Change-Id: I7b752d76de85f13b0575972271bdca062f86e4d9
2016-12-02 19:08:38 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938 am: 48313052ab" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp
2016-12-02 19:04:28 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938 am: 29c335ef2e" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp
2016-12-02 19:04:20 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into mnc-dr1.5-dev am: 0be332852e -s ours am: b685f719f1 am: 45b6a52225 am: 34b87d94e4
am: 30ef1ad5be
Change-Id: I18a8e1de1557e15c289974240419abc59147facd
2016-12-02 19:04:02 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938
am: 48313052ab
Change-Id: Iea845fe3a9ce30f8e7e36f447a8f8d1925e426b8
2016-12-02 19:03:45 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into mnc-dev am: 8e14278209 am: a80cbeeee2 am: 44e8914f8b
am: 26f78f5836 -s ours
Change-Id: I6521af4ca816ed3b03e6954159276971a55d349c
2016-12-02 19:03:40 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into nyc-dev am: fdef2cd87d am: 414334595e am: 26e6918800 am: ef5d241938
am: 29c335ef2e
Change-Id: Iaa2e76ad70e68ea1457604b274b35a0978b34bff
2016-12-02 19:03:40 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into mnc-dr-dev am: 48f6bdfce4 am: 471812ad04 am: 4610805746 -s ours
am: aeeb9c8470
Change-Id: I886018e68c75bb833d0a18c76f6db557b1b9c9e8
2016-12-02 19:03:36 +00:00 |
Android Build Merger (Role)
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 11e3e52bd9 am: bdfb26ac3b am: ad04786a3d am: 9e7bd59457 am: 94b6048c4a" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp
2016-12-02 19:03:32 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes." into mnc-dr1.5-dev am: 0be332852e -s ours am: b685f719f1 am: 45b6a52225 am: 34b87d94e4
am: 30ef1ad5be
Change-Id: I2b58aa2e0123c5ab4e8c4fd81511984def099248
2016-12-02 19:03:28 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 4ddbf942a0 am: 190e20c2b5 am: 74b36307a0
am: 4ad177829a -s ours
Change-Id: I946f7bab2f86d26c23460cc5664d901f4f8fff06
2016-12-02 19:02:42 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: ff2fede0dd am: 7340749c2a am: a07bcbcc27 -s ours
am: e0fe3201cb
Change-Id: Ifbfd912aac170923e5aea43e3b5ba9cfe135cea5
2016-12-02 19:02:36 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 11e3e52bd9 am: bdfb26ac3b am: ad04786a3d am: 9e7bd59457
am: 94b6048c4a
Change-Id: I47554fd58875360e09418af17029deb1aff0274a
2016-12-02 19:02:35 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 956bc433dc -s ours am: 3f0e7465cb am: b88d8dc58f am: b4638e2d88
am: bf9a60106b
Change-Id: I8c9cb10bfc49c49fe51512dbc9242c94820d474e
2016-12-02 19:02:34 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 956bc433dc -s ours am: 3f0e7465cb am: b88d8dc58f am: b4638e2d88
am: bf9a60106b
Change-Id: I1dde05de5e0a04396d964c5a2f6aab82f021fd4c
2016-12-02 19:02:33 +00:00 |
Jeff Sharkey
DO NOT MERGE: Check provider access for content changes. am: 11e3e52bd9 am: bdfb26ac3b am: ad04786a3d am: 9e7bd59457
am: 0040d4f71c
Change-Id: I3ba82865bee69b527ebeb9bcfdd2b9883925a5ca
2016-12-02 19:02:33 +00:00 |
Fyodor Kupolov
Merge "Test permission grants for all privapps"
2016-12-02 19:02:29 +00:00 |