Joe Malin
am 83c8b8a3: Merge "Doc Change: Topics for copy/paste/drag/drop" into honeycomb
* commit '83c8b8a3284063c201beccc79f14db6bd715dd82':
Doc Change: Topics for copy/paste/drag/drop
2011-02-14 10:05:46 -08:00
Joe Malin
Doc Change: Topics for copy/paste/drag/drop
Change-Id: I755216fe9d2afca87a9adaeb99840142ff34a685
2011-02-14 09:47:22 -08:00
Scott Main
am a7276805: am b269346c: am d4952380: fix md5sum for windows installer
* commit 'a7276805bfad4b3170f7887f8358b5f8e5bef943':
fix md5sum for windows installer
2011-02-14 09:46:08 -08:00
Scott Main
am b269346c: am d4952380: fix md5sum for windows installer
* commit 'b269346ca333a975d37ac50fec0c7b6a4c39a3de':
fix md5sum for windows installer
2011-02-14 09:25:30 -08:00
Scott Main
am d4952380: fix md5sum for windows installer
* commit 'd49523809714b04636a9ac43de1c508ed1dbfc38':
fix md5sum for windows installer
2011-02-14 09:14:12 -08:00
Scott Main
fix md5sum for windows installer
Change-Id: I85a3f5c9c39b0bb5d9c8654c8b7702e7bd0235f2
2011-02-14 08:56:54 -08:00
Roman Nurik
am 471f89cc: am b9659336: Merge "Update Supported Media Formats document to include information about network protocols and provide video encoding recommendations." into honeycomb
* commit '471f89cc8666f484c5a609503f16d806b8c716f0':
Update Supported Media Formats document to include information about network protocols and provide video encoding recommendations.
2011-02-11 16:47:34 -08:00
Roman Nurik
am b9659336: Merge "Update Supported Media Formats document to include information about network protocols and provide video encoding recommendations." into honeycomb
* commit 'b9659336c24ee9be8041132f0d9a1bca3ff6ed36':
Update Supported Media Formats document to include information about network protocols and provide video encoding recommendations.
2011-02-11 16:44:52 -08:00
Roman Nurik
Merge "Update Supported Media Formats document to include information about network protocols and provide video encoding recommendations." into honeycomb
2011-02-11 16:43:32 -08:00
Robert Ly
am 154e849b: am ccea5d27: Doc change: tools, adt, ndk release notes
* commit '154e849b72f6c71ee4c996b6dc67a46e7f8703df':
Doc change: tools, adt, ndk release notes
2011-02-11 16:31:59 -08:00
Robert Ly
am ccea5d27: Doc change: tools, adt, ndk release notes
* commit 'ccea5d27d37636db2669abec8a854fbd923440da':
Doc change: tools, adt, ndk release notes
2011-02-11 16:30:15 -08:00
Robert Ly
Doc change: tools, adt, ndk release notes
Change-Id: I83f03b193995450f694e5f638bdb4a2cf90c0bdd
2011-02-11 16:19:55 -08:00
Roman Nurik
am d822438f: am 94be4a5e: Deprecate samples/index.html in favor of resource browser. Also update resources-data.js for Accelerometer, Accessibility, and StackWidget sample code.
* commit 'd822438fa7fcc23df3a240a65ad4ba1fe6fe7cc7':
Deprecate samples/index.html in favor of resource browser. Also update resources-data.js for Accelerometer, Accessibility, and StackWidget sample code.
2011-02-11 15:44:46 -08:00
Roman Nurik
am 94be4a5e: Deprecate samples/index.html in favor of resource browser. Also update resources-data.js for Accelerometer, Accessibility, and StackWidget sample code.
* commit '94be4a5e1ad833d7e5d0dbed29b806ba8fd5409e':
Deprecate samples/index.html in favor of resource browser. Also update resources-data.js for Accelerometer, Accessibility, and StackWidget sample code.
2011-02-11 15:42:57 -08:00
Adam Cohen
am c7f15f5c: am 5a1b6357: Merge "Adding StackWidget sample code" into honeycomb
* commit 'c7f15f5cbb68e138e739f6e6d7e1605c48cad2a4':
Adding StackWidget sample code
2011-02-11 15:29:43 -08:00
Winson Chung
am 40683904: am 5f3cd3ea: Merge "Associated changes for \'Adding sample for collection widgets backed by content providers.\'" into honeycomb
* commit '4068390434c366b814dc0885ae5ef5fc0cf50eff':
Associated changes for 'Adding sample for collection widgets backed by content providers.'
2011-02-11 15:29:35 -08:00
Adam Cohen
am 5a1b6357: Merge "Adding StackWidget sample code" into honeycomb
* commit '5a1b63572bf52142aa880cccc92636e65600bb60':
Adding StackWidget sample code
2011-02-11 15:23:27 -08:00
Roman Nurik
Deprecate samples/index.html in favor of resource browser. Also update resources-data.js for Accelerometer, Accessibility, and StackWidget sample code.
Change-Id: I0b98cf639a0c52343290227291620c88fd260774
2011-02-11 15:21:49 -08:00
Adam Cohen
Merge "Adding StackWidget sample code" into honeycomb
2011-02-11 15:19:38 -08:00
Winson Chung
am 5f3cd3ea: Merge "Associated changes for \'Adding sample for collection widgets backed by content providers.\'" into honeycomb
* commit '5f3cd3eabb7bcf8a293f84e84b0acbef682d3c88':
Associated changes for 'Adding sample for collection widgets backed by content providers.'
2011-02-11 15:15:33 -08:00
Winson Chung
Merge "Associated changes for 'Adding sample for collection widgets backed by content providers.'" into honeycomb
2011-02-11 15:07:06 -08:00
Roman Nurik
Update Supported Media Formats document to include information about network protocols and provide video encoding recommendations.
Change-Id: I905213a47c9da0476e8495ffa20344a8811d56bc
2011-02-11 14:42:17 -08:00
Robert Ly
am 65bdc59e: resolved conflicts for merge of 810c1c0c to honeycomb-plus-aosp
* commit '65bdc59ea0e5c1cbc97ea2b288b71d48de173a79':
Doc change: nfc dev guide
2011-02-11 14:02:00 -08:00
Robert Ly
resolved conflicts for merge of 810c1c0c to honeycomb-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I42d55f7ae899a914dc3f1c8a55492411c28057a2
2011-02-11 13:49:09 -08:00
Robert Ly
am 6059bb3e: am 2be58282: Merge "Doc change: updating animation framework topic" into honeycomb
* commit '6059bb3e24bf47c3bfd805c887775db817d537e7':
Doc change: updating animation framework topic
2011-02-11 13:21:47 -08:00
Robert Ly
am 41d34195: am 997a6713: Merge "Doc change: renderscript dev guide" into honeycomb
* commit '41d34195f9d0c6a1548bb9c0de27a8cfd147210f':
Doc change: renderscript dev guide
2011-02-11 13:21:44 -08:00
Robert Ly
am 2be58282: Merge "Doc change: updating animation framework topic" into honeycomb
* commit '2be58282746de92773f6423d4ae55a2ef4e5f226':
Doc change: updating animation framework topic
2011-02-11 13:18:41 -08:00
Robert Ly
am 997a6713: Merge "Doc change: renderscript dev guide" into honeycomb
* commit '997a671368c3b9f66f3a415876aaa94b391ab602':
Doc change: renderscript dev guide
2011-02-11 13:18:33 -08:00
Robert Ly
am 322891c6: Doc change: nfc dev guide
* commit '322891c689c845b5aa63dbca606967eb9f8f900b':
Doc change: nfc dev guide
2011-02-11 13:18:31 -08:00
Robert Ly
Merge "Doc change: updating animation framework topic" into honeycomb
2011-02-11 13:15:55 -08:00
Robert Ly
Merge "Doc change: renderscript dev guide" into honeycomb
2011-02-11 13:15:35 -08:00
Scott Main
add compatible-screens manifest element
and update supports-screens element with resizeable attribute
Change-Id: I0f9247464572d126b725270b40074a390b0887bf
2011-02-11 13:00:52 -08:00
James Dong
am d24d00ae: am f9e7442a: Update sample code in documentation
* commit 'd24d00ae1c0eaa20ec9f8581be4baba723ea4a00':
Update sample code in documentation
2011-02-11 12:00:14 -08:00
James Dong
am f9e7442a: Update sample code in documentation
* commit 'f9e7442a0c0c7efc70d13fa9330baa797316154a':
Update sample code in documentation
2011-02-11 11:56:33 -08:00
Winson Chung
Associated changes for 'Adding sample for collection widgets backed by content providers.'
Change-Id: Ic872675f4645497dd1478b6c7e3074b029ea66ad
2011-02-11 11:27:23 -08:00
Robert Ly
Doc change: renderscript dev guide
Change-Id: I4a70e4659fa629fa16369c81ebc601c8b4b570e5
2011-02-10 21:37:03 -08:00
Robert Ly
Doc change: updating animation framework topic
Change-Id: Ideb386113a0fb027f62c1ed4215dd0bab79fdb72
2011-02-10 21:22:33 -08:00
Adam Cohen
Adding StackWidget sample code
Change-Id: I4c469f25147f733a3a09cdea0db407cd4e9f62ca
2011-02-10 19:12:41 -08:00
James Dong
Update sample code in documentation
bug - 3364497
Change-Id: I4cad247a403917aa7816350454c9ae3930dd3d25
2011-02-10 18:48:31 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 592989b3: am 12244c57: Merge "Doc change: changes for 3.0 SDK" into honeycomb
* commit '592989b3b7c088114de6ee59d609449de749fd78':
Doc change: changes for 3.0 SDK
2011-02-10 15:46:10 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 12244c57: Merge "Doc change: changes for 3.0 SDK" into honeycomb
* commit '12244c57960d85a066c94774e3e37685d0081213':
Doc change: changes for 3.0 SDK
2011-02-10 15:08:28 -08:00
Joe Malin
SDK docs: Hierarchy Viewer V2
Change-Id: I6716eac083a8e054e52383ad76a5377c677ea40d
2011-02-10 14:06:33 -08:00
Scott Main
am 0d66a2ec: am b605869c: am 07cefd3c: add 2.3.3 announcement to site home page
* commit '0d66a2ec428fe5ae746629b6c62750d1201e3f6f':
add 2.3.3 announcement to site home page
2011-02-10 13:57:02 -08:00
Scott Main
am b605869c: am 07cefd3c: add 2.3.3 announcement to site home page
* commit 'b605869cd36c7498ca99cc00bad5d0dfbf237c43':
add 2.3.3 announcement to site home page
2011-02-10 13:52:57 -08:00
Scott Main
am c06e7abe: resolved conflicts for merge of 42f18194 to honeycomb-plus-aosp
* commit 'c06e7abe6f37d1d8bc4f1c228964229d9f101d70':
docs: move the SIP guide into guide/network/
2011-02-10 13:51:30 -08:00
Scott Main
resolved conflicts for merge of 42f18194 to honeycomb-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I42c36e828f5b28d84f2062bfd4963711251696b7
2011-02-10 13:47:32 -08:00
Robert Ly
Doc change: nfc dev guide
Change-Id: I380cebe8d015749a00f6f3d22fdc5c55a380f447
2011-02-10 13:42:13 -08:00
Katie McCormick
am ce7c05e8: resolved conflicts for merge of 690d31a6 to honeycomb-plus-aosp
* commit 'ce7c05e842d4e35ce180d398ecb969aad18f3460':
cherrypick Change-Id: I5b52c5d11e111a9dab2b08fd44a439ab4db04dd2 Doc change: Adding new docs for SIP API
2011-02-10 13:03:27 -08:00
Katie McCormick
resolved conflicts for merge of 690d31a6 to honeycomb-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I1308f0a5fda0646a90dcd60a78c15538c7364cbc
2011-02-10 12:38:07 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
Doc change: changes for 3.0 SDK
Change-Id: If94d2bd65f396491d0f5de333dfe30d18628edc9
2011-02-10 12:01:21 -08:00