A follow up change in voicemail content provider will now
populate this extra instead instead of EXTRA_CHANGED_BY to indicate if
the change was caused by the receiver. This makes the the security of
the notifications a bit tighter by not revealing the package name of the
app that made the change to others.
See Bug http://b/4773134
Change-Id: Ie376c40c7bba9792da3b18e66d9f205166a402e0
b/2689122 SSL error shows the wrong page when triggered by an image/javascript in the page.
This change receives the URL which has a cert error from webkit and carrys it in SslError.
so the Browser app can show the URL in the dialog boxes. Related CLs are:
webkit: https://android-git.corp.google.com/g/#change,117817
browser: https://android-git.corp.google.com/g/#change,117835
Change-Id: I65c3f038a48b6386fa93cb25a9ef70dbfb982c18
- Rename config_enableSlidingTabFirst to config_enableLockBeforeUnlockScreen and
default to 'false' on all devices.
- Use new larger handle asset.
Change-Id: I2537158b67642eb3f4c4a22a0bc388bf3022d408
When there are no paired devices, pairing a new device
will cause a crash since the profile proxies will be null.
Change-Id: Ie1a9fd198e46d7e9cc2ba1b2f3a806b3c709f568
This change alters the conditions under which the onFrameAvailable
callback gets called by the C++ SurfaceTexture class. The new behavior
is to call the callback whenever a frame gets queued that will be
visible to the buffer consumer. This means that buffers queued in
synchronous mode always trigger the callback, as those buffers will
remain pending until they are consumed. Buffers queued in asynchronous
mode will only trigger the callback if there was not previously an
unconsumed buffer pending.
The new behavior means that a consumer should perform a draw operation
exactly once for every onFrameAvailable call that it recieves. This
change also modifies SurfaceFlinger and the SurfaceTexture JNI to
support of the new behavior.
Change-Id: I8b2c6e00961d3d58b11c6af50b555b6e4c5f5b40
1. AccessibilityInjectorTest changes the key bindings and when done
restores the defatult ones. The restoreation was not working.
Change-Id: I812bad0b748637ded0ce69ace12517511f62f726
The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to
allow applications using the camera during recording.
Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application
needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot
access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy
of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and
release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that
allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording.
The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes
ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by
MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in
MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera
service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and
passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to
camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do
things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the
listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame.
The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the
The call sequences are as follows:
1. The app: Camera.unlock().
2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera().
3. Start recording
(1) The app: MediaRecorder.start().
(2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect().
(3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording().
(4) The app: ICamera.reconnect().
(5) The app: ICamera.startRecording().
4. During recording
(1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp()
(2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame().
5. Stop recording
(1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop()
(2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording().
(3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording().
Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
1. Added scrolling accessibility event to provicde feedback
when a view is scrolled.
Note: We need scroll events for ICS since even though we have
touch exploration the user does not know when something
is scrollable and not feedback is provided while scrolling.
2. Added a text selection change event to provide feedback
for selection changes including cursor movement.
Note: We need the text selection change events for ICS since
even though the IME supports navigation in text fields
the user receives no feedback for the current selection/
cursor position.
3. Added a scrollable property to both AccessibilityEvent and
AccessibilityNodeInfo. The info has to describe the source
in terms of all properties that make sense for accessibility
purposes and the event has this property (kinda duplicated)
since clients will aways want to know if the source is
scrollable to provided clue to the user and we want to avoid
pulling the info of the source for every accessibility event.
Change-Id: I232d6825da78e6a12d52125f51320217e6fadb11
- enable OwnerInfo to appear in status1 if dedicated view not present.
- force all status lines to be singleline and marquee.
- fix justification in landscape layouts.
- use buttonBarStyle for buttons on all LockScreens.
- reduce the size of the clock to fit in landscape.
- no longer show "Draw a pattern to unlock" help message in LockPatternView.
Change-Id: I1ff51550e2180f9d912c8f710ad5e2fd2424d373
The repeatsMonthlyOnDayCount() function was returning true for events
like FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=TU which actually appear weekly. This is not
the desired behavior of the function.
Bug 4522027
Change-Id: I03ef68b429828097c8bad7fcd374e7c9eb4c7b03
After unreverting the linkstate change patch, hook up notification handlers
that didn't exist when the first patch was created, like
EthernetDataTracker.java and Vpn.java.
For the observers that handle interfaceStatusChanged(), I made
interfaceLinkStatusChanged() call it so they both do the same thing.
Change-Id: I0077e5e5f48f3932ba98f5bf363243892f2de6cc
Signed-off-by: Mike J. Chen <mjchen@google.com>
Also clarified comments to indicate that this is only intended to be used
in list queries.
Bug: 4777097
Change-Id: I3c3e08d796755e2613a94a1e9b6dc2961f4483a3