11 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sasha Smundak
b6aca11e80 Convert tests/**/Android.mk files to Android.bp
See build/soong/README.md for more information.

Note: tests/ImfTest/Android.mk causes conflict as it hasn't been yet
ported to internal master. Do it later.
Note: the conversion in the following directories has to be done in the
internal master first because of the conflicts:
* tests/ActivityManagerPerfTests
* tests/AppLaunch
* tests/AppLaunchWear
* tests/BackgroundDexOptServiceIntegrationTests
* tests/Camera2Tests/CameraToo
* tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera
* tests/Compatibility
* tests/Internal
* tests/RcsTests
* tests/ServiceCrashTest
* tests/UsbTests

Bug: 122332340
Test: treehugger
Change-Id: Ie17590c6a96aee5caa80d38092a3de5c1b6efe8d
2019-03-07 16:14:00 -08:00
Anton Hansson
ab6ec61251 frameworks/base: Set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION where possible.
This change sets LOCAL_SDK_VERSION for all packages where
this is possible without breaking the build, and

Setting one of these two will be made required soon, and this
is a change in preparation for that. Not setting LOCAL_SDK_VERSION
makes the app implicitly depend on the bootclasspath, which is
often not required. This change effectively makes depending on
private apis opt-in rather than opt-out.

Test: make relevant packages
Bug: 73535841
Change-Id: I4233b9091d9066c4fa69f3d24aaf367ea500f760
2018-02-28 15:13:23 +00:00
Paul Duffin
b866307f99 Stop statically including legacy-android-test
Statically including legacy-android-test leads to duplicate classes
which causes build time problems (with Proguard) and runtime problems on
older SDK versions. This change:
* Stops statically including legacy-android-test.
* Adds compile time dependencies on andoid.test.base, android.test.mock
  and android.test.runner where necessary.
* Adds <uses-library android:name="android.test.runner"/> to any
  affected package to ensure that the classes that were included by
  legacy-android-test are still available at runtime. That also adds a
  dependency on android.test.base and android.test.mock.

The following change descriptions were generated automatically and so
may be a little repetitive. They are provided to give the reviewer
enough information to check the comments match what has actually been
changed and check the reasoning behind the changes.

* apct-tests/perftests/core/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in CorePerfTests results
    in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    CorePerfTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

* core/tests/ConnectivityManagerTest/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    ConnectivityManagerTest's source depends on its classes and because
    of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in ConnectivityManagerTest
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* core/tests/bandwidthtests/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    BandwidthTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in BandwidthTests results
    in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* core/tests/bluetoothtests/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    BluetoothTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in BluetoothTests results
    in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/DownloadManagerTestApp/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in DownloadManagerTestApp
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    DownloadManagerTestApp's source depends on its classes and because
    of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation

* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPerms/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in
    ExternalSharedPermsTestApp results in duplicate classes which leads
    to build time and compile time issues.

* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsBT/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in
    ExternalSharedPermsBTTestApp results in duplicate classes which
    leads to build time and compile time issues.

* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsDiffKey/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in
    ExternalSharedPermsDiffKeyTestApp results in duplicate classes
    which leads to build time and compile time issues.

* core/tests/hosttests/test-apps/ExternalSharedPermsFL/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in
    ExternalSharedPermsFLTestApp results in duplicate classes which
    leads to build time and compile time issues.

* core/tests/notificationtests/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    NotificationStressTests's source depends on its classes and because
    of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in NotificationStressTests
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* keystore/tests/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in KeystoreTests results
    in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* media/mca/tests/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    CameraEffectsTests's source depends on its classes and because of
    these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in CameraEffectsTests
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* media/tests/MediaFrameworkTest/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    mediaframeworktest's source depends on its classes and because of
    these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in mediaframeworktest
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* nfc-extras/tests/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in NfcExtrasTests results
    in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* packages/CarrierDefaultApp/tests/unit/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    CarrierDefaultAppUnitTests's source depends on its classes and
    because of these changes they are no longer present on the
    compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in
    CarrierDefaultAppUnitTests results in duplicate classes which leads
    to build time and compile time issues.

* packages/ExtServices/tests/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    ExtServicesUnitTests's source depends on its classes and because of
    these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in ExtServicesUnitTests
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* packages/MtpDocumentsProvider/tests/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
    LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because MtpDocumentsProviderTests's source
    depends on their classes and because of these changes they are no
    longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in
    MtpDocumentsProviderTests results in duplicate classes which leads
    to build time and compile time issues.

* packages/SettingsLib/tests/integ/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    SettingsLibTests's source depends on its classes and because of
    these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in SettingsLibTests
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* packages/SettingsProvider/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in SettingsProvider
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* packages/SettingsProvider/AndroidManifest.xml
    Add uses-library for android.test.runner because otherwise this
    change would change the set of files available to SettingsProvider
    at runtime.

* packages/Shell/tests/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
    LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because ShellTests's source depends on their
    classes and because of these changes they are no longer present on
    the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in ShellTests results in
    duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* packages/SystemUI/shared/tests/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in SystemUISharedLibTests
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* packages/SystemUI/tests/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in SystemUITests results
    in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    SystemUITests's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

* packages/WAPPushManager/tests/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    WAPPushManagerTests's source depends on its classes and because of
    these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in WAPPushManagerTests
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* sax/tests/saxtests/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    FrameworksSaxTests's source depends on its classes and because of
    these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in FrameworksSaxTests
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* tests/BrowserPowerTest/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    BrowserPowerTests's source depends on its classes and because of
    these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in BrowserPowerTests
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* tests/CanvasCompare/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    CanvasCompare's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in CanvasCompare results
    in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* tests/CoreTests/android/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    CoreTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in CoreTests results in
    duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* tests/DataIdleTest/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    DataIdleTest's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in DataIdleTest results in
    duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* tests/FrameworkPerf/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    FrameworkPerf's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in FrameworkPerf results
    in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* tests/HierarchyViewerTest/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    HierarchyViewerTest's source depends on its classes and because of
    these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in HierarchyViewerTest
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* tests/ImfTest/tests/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    ImfTestTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in ImfTestTests results in
    duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* tests/Internal/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in InternalTests results
    in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* tests/MemoryUsage/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    MemoryUsage's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in MemoryUsage results in
    duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

* tests/NetworkSecurityConfigTest/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    NetworkSecurityConfigTests's source depends on its classes and
    because of these changes they are no longer present on the
    compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in
    NetworkSecurityConfigTests results in duplicate classes which leads
    to build time and compile time issues.

* tests/SoundTriggerTests/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in SoundTriggerTests
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    SoundTriggerTests's source depends on its classes and because of
    these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

* tests/SurfaceComposition/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in SurfaceComposition
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

    Added 'android.test.runner.stubs' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    SurfaceComposition's source depends on its classes and because of
    these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

* tests/TtsTests/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in TtsTests results in
    duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    TtsTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
    changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.

* tests/WindowAnimationJank/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in WindowAnimationJank
    results in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile
    time issues.

* tests/permission/Android.mk
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    FrameworkPermissionTests's source depends on its classes and
    because of these changes they are no longer present on the
    compilation path.

    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in
    FrameworkPermissionTests results in duplicate classes which leads
    to build time and compile time issues.

* tests/testables/tests/Android.mk
    Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
    because statically including the classes in TestablesTests results
    in duplicate classes which leads to build time and compile time

    Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
    LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because TestablesTests's source depends on
    their classes and because of these changes they are no longer
    present on the compilation path.

Bug: 30188076
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: Iacfc939c97415314366ed61c5f3b7aa1a40f0ec9
2017-12-08 00:07:17 +00:00
Paul Duffin
8aeb59ebcd Prepare for removal of legacy-test from default targets
In preparation for removing junit classes from the Android API
the legacy-test target will be removed from the
TARGET_DEFAULT_JAVA_LIBRARIES. This change adds explicit
dependencies on junit and/or legacy-android-test to ensure that
modules will compile properly once it is removed.

Bug: 30188076
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: I13e88297731253420e4e5f5291d503f13a39a156
2017-01-18 16:39:34 +00:00
Jeff Smith
a45746efad Fix several cases of broken droiddoc syntax
external issue 35214

patch contributed by Jeff Smith <whydoubt@yahoo.com>

Change-Id: I70dcee88a140699bf3e1ab369bed6dcd2fdd3d83
2012-07-25 10:49:25 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
b52e3e5509 INetworkStatsSession with lifecycle for caching.
Users outside system_server now explicitly communicate their
lifecycle, which keeps a strong-reference chain to any fully loaded
NetworkStatsCollection histories.

Bug: 6236498
Change-Id: I8e22739b6e89a626b676967a736d7117fd000778
2012-04-06 13:38:29 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
8fc27e8b87 Support metered Wi-Fi NetworkPolicy.
Add networkId field to NetworkIdentity to identify Wi-Fi networks by
SSID.  Add support for policies without usage cycles.

Only apply mobile policies when SIM state is ready, which is cleaner
than just checking for airplane mode.  Also avoids creating no-op
default policies when subscriberId is null.

Bug: 3001465, 3291052
Change-Id: I1f8aaa49a5db306df022c402ea7f3f5d4bc0cfc7
2012-04-05 16:02:25 -07:00
Tsu Chiang Chuang
9cf416fde6 adding packet count and removing extra uid stats that were used for debugging.
Change-Id: I19664ee991760b9515fc129be50be68579f8ce93
2011-09-26 14:33:24 -07:00
Tsu Chiang Chuang
db2990f5e7 Force an update before we poll for the data.
Change-Id: Ic70c1611ac289c934bf9f909e924c0043f065498
2011-09-15 17:50:23 -07:00
Tsu Chiang Chuang
a14d20f60c aggregating test results when reporting to instrumentation out.
Change-Id: Ic652f893d7cfd469a912bd71a094f337166a6aa5
2011-09-11 12:26:29 -07:00
Tsu Chiang Chuang
3ae29d4558 idle test app for bandwidth usage.
Change-Id: Ib35b27617369b360972e653db70bf5cf9303ddf1
2011-09-08 13:50:41 -07:00