If an Exception occurs when storing the file treat this as an error
and always fail to try to prevent corrupted pictures to be stored to
the file system.
Close files if they were opened, the caller might want to perform other
file operations on the file and if it is still open these may fail.
Change-Id: Ic68596b5c745bbe413096c22684c388e853a7643
When showing a progress bar instance more than once
it will not animate after the first time.
Change-Id: I5104c551d561755005e533f2ab5257454567bf71
Signed-off-by: David Sobreira Marques <dpsmarques@gmail.com>
During onRestoreInstanceState for DatePicker, the internal
state of the widget is restored properly (thus setting the
internal year, month, and day), but the spinners aren't
visually updated to that state immediately. That is to say,
the internal state of the widget doesn't match the spinners
in that case, which can cause confusion.
Change-Id: I96d1a299d0ee159d41450470acb30a3bf6006d44
from http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=4638
If you try to use a WebView to open an image (of any type)
that is stored in your project's assets/ directory the image
will be written to the screen as text (instead of drawn as
an image) if the filename contains a space.
The problem stems from MimeTypeMap, which determines the
file type from the url. Spaces, represented as '%20'
are not included in the list of acceptable characters for
an image file name, causing the image to be treated as plain
text. I am remedying this by adding '%' to the list.
Change-Id: I29e3da57f3cdaa63ed60b1e6977ba62a0dd108e5
Some MMS carrier append own custom header as text into PduData. We should parse it and ignore it at the moment.
Change-Id: I4d6cf20f5cf99172ebbe310ab18101316eb04c77
The problem appears when the user selects, copies and paste text
and then selects text again. The second time text is selected,
the copied text becomes visible in the text field.
Change-Id: Iae19d1659f58ad2e1c6f1a98bdef8bbedabd447f
This is a fix for http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=907. Note that
that issue was declined without comment, but the bug (while incredibly minor)
does exist. This can be seen on the facebook app, as well as many third party apps.
Change-Id: I8f1449c47228f5f757a5baf389656e51c817b150
The DatePickerDialog in the Settings application is not updated correctly if you follow
the following step-by-step:
1. Enter Date option in settings application
2. Modify the values of the date, then cancel the changes
3. Once again enter the date option
and you can see that the title in the dialog has not been updated correctly. This is
due to a missing call to onDateChanged callback in the DatePicker class. Solution was
to add the notify call when updateTime has been called.
Fixes a memory leak when input methods are switched. Uses a variety of methods
to avoid holding a reference to the InputMethodService which created the binders,
which was leaking those InputMethodServices.
See http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6661 for reproduction steps.
widget/CheckedTextView.java: report if the item is checked or not.
widget/CompoundButton.java: report if the item is checked or not.
widget/ProgressBar.java: isIndeterminate(), getProgress(), getSecondaryProgress(), and getMax() report what
sliders and progress bars are showing
widget/TextView.java: report the current selection: getSelectionStart() and getSelectionEnd()
Merge commit '00b17659bb4b2774580eea523c5f23b588105ab6' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '00b17659bb4b2774580eea523c5f23b588105ab6':
Manual merge of 40245 (ed5c973fc23a6733fd473ad13b4eb317e74e9bb5) DO NOT MERGE.
Merge commit '67e9e9df929aad9139f1dc776b15f6c5d64f424e' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '67e9e9df929aad9139f1dc776b15f6c5d64f424e':
Manual merge of 40170 (b4a107d8269d1a75b8f270e0516c1fa3b517f8f9) DO NOT MERGE
Merge commit '8368ef0b670f8193f3161671b119e78b1fb659a1' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '8368ef0b670f8193f3161671b119e78b1fb659a1':
Manual merge of 40080 DO NOT MERGE
cherry-pick https://android-git.corp.google.com/g/#change,29843 from eclair-mr2
This will cherry-pick SHA1: 58def690a87b4aa2c01331c06b61e457198de0ea
This will workaround the following three bugs which are occuring because
the webview DB is getting corrupted:
Here are the comments from the eclair-mr2 CL:
If openOrCreateDatabase() throws an exception, delete
the old db and re-do it. If it still fails, something
bad happens, like the directory may have the different
permission. Let it throw as WebView needs the db.
Fix http://b/issue?id=2179339