We lost this somewhere. When a callback is set on a MediaSession it needs
to have a reference to the Session so it can do default routing of media
Change-Id: I4af82947da790135049d40c5c69c2996f3cc4ccc
Does all the updates in the bug except the loadIcon/loadBitmap
methods, which are removed per feedback from Sharkey.
Change-Id: Ie84d4d25a59c6985ce16972c26c8d1e5c02ff5c9
- Add device name for keys
- Add max volume for streams
- Add missing stream name constant
Change-Id: I92facbd8ae49ba299c27bcb10bcf6668fed0d302
A recent change that moved the string resource for the system supported
content ratings from the framework to the TV app led to a need for
allowing the TV app to publish its own content rating systems. This
change added an intent action and a metadata key to be used by the TV
input manager service for querying available content rating systems,
similarly to the way InputManager defined ACTION_QUERY_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS
and META_DATA_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS for custom keyboard layouts. Applications
now can register their own rating systems simply by declaring a
broadcast receiver in their manifests.
Bug: 17167287, Bug: 17114406
Change-Id: I1808c624014b603ea709714737c2a880714bdc0a
1. Persist microphone mute state.
2. Set mute state for correct user.
3. Check for settings restrictions as the correct user.
Bug: 17177502
Bug: 16701642
Change-Id: Id8b6cd90c5caceb67fbec862f90aac7ec7a00b3c
In checkSendBecomingNoisyIntent(), only output devices
must be taken into account when checking if the device
type is in mBecomingNoisyIntentDevices
Bug: 17298383.
Bug: 16403219.
Change-Id: I2213681184ab9fb3b874029143f2bbd34032d6b8
Expand the javadoc for AudioManager.generateAudioSessionId() to
describe what audio session IDs are used for.
Bug 17059255
Change-Id: I7a8764fd12fa332af747c4d584b0079e80bacf44
Complete javadoc for android.media.SoundPool.Builder to document
what the default values are.
Bug 17059255
Change-Id: I966e9ed00ed75a78c9b4741b7f68bae996442cdf
Use MediaProjectionManager to determine whether or not
screencasting is active, when it changes, and to stop
- Implement hashCode/equals on MediaProjectionInfo
- Fix unintentional recursion in the service.
Change-Id: Icd1a88f23bbdf1d4c1915b30cb2508f8fe9d6d7e
- handlePinMMI docs should explain what a Pin is and what MMI is
- rename isInAPhoneCall to isInCall
- rename showCallScreen to showInCallScreen
- merge this class into TelecommManager, we don't need both
Bug: 16960458
Change-Id: I7d573e27ed093f2ddb7849703cc62f9916835393
This sets the current volume when a session is switched over to
remote playback. Otherwise it won't be current until it changes and
sends an update.
Change-Id: Iabedb24a34e88308e7e3c56a2b1ab279a17b466b