So far AutoFillService only received the assist data from framework; in
this CL, it also offers a method where the auto-fill provider can send
the auto-fill data back to framework.
The workflow is:
- AFMSI calls a new AM method (requestAutoFillData(), instead
of requestAssistContextExtras()).
- The assist receiver is located in the app, not on system service.
- AM uses a new request type (ASSIST_CONTEXT_AUTOFILL) to request the
assist data to the activity.
- ViewStructure has a new setAutoFillId() method which is used to set an
unique id for the view.
- View uses the accessibility id to implement the auto-fill id.
- When the activity fullfills the request, it creates an IAutoFillCallback
remote object - that will be used to set the auto-fill fields - and
returns it in the assist bundle (using the
VoiceInteractionSession.KEY_AUTO_FILL_CALLBACK key).
- The app-visible AutoFillService class offers an onFillRequest() method,
which contains the assist data and a FillCallback used to handle it.
BUG: 31001899
Test: manually built and ran it
Change-Id: I3d208c14e81022dc96dd03f38bbe25a778b24a67
BugreportProgressService used to poll system properties to get the
progress of the underlying dumpstate process, but now dumpstate provides
a IDumpstateListener and IDumpstateToken binder objects for the same
Test: BugreportReceiverTest passes
Test: manual verification
BUG: 31636879
Change-Id: I81d551781a511cb1cc218a27452875b0bb267f7a
This CL provides the initial, skeleton implementation of the Auto-Fill
Framework classes:
- Defines the system service and app-based
AIDL (IAutoFillManagerService.aidl and IAutoFillService.aidl respectively).
- Defines the 'adb shell cmd' interface.
- Defines the permission required to access the service.
- Registers the service on SystemServer.
- Adds the code to bind the app-specified service to system_server.
- Defines the service class (AutoFillService) required by providers.
- Implements the initial startSession() method.
This is still a very early, "work-in-progress" change:
- It has many TODOs.
- It does not have unit or CTS tests yet.
- It does not provide a callback method to auto-fill the fields.
- In fact, it has a lot of TODOs.
Despite these adversities, it can be tested by following the steps
1.Create an app with a service extending AutoFillService
2.Implement the onNewSession() method
3.In the manifest:
- Listen to android.service.autofill.AutoFillService intents.
- Require the android.permission.BIND_AUTO_FILL permission.
4.Explicitly set the app as an autofill-service by running:
adb shell settings put secure auto_fill_service MY_APP/.MY_SERVICE
5.Start a session against the top activity:
adb shell cmd autofill start session
BUG: 31001899
Test: manually built and ran it
Change-Id: I00f4822159b31ddddba8f513e57c4474bc74eb89
~Rename only (and any reformatting needed to pass lint) - no
functional changes!
Remove from manifest:
redundant/remnant of an older configuration.
(cherry-pick of commit a61b9fb569153917a650f1d48efa20ba8846a9f3)
(cherry-pick of commit b061f21e7e59a99834e163e2baa1c82229e419a6)
Bug: 32263750
Test: All unit tests and integration (sl4a) tests pass.
Change-Id: Ie4ff675fa61041e8fcf6a9bf9900ea835d0a7614
This CL follows up on ag/1530343 and adds:
1) Various network events.
2) Retrieval method in DPM and APIs in DeviceAdminReceiver.
3) Extension of NetworkLogger and it's NetworkLoggingHandler.
Test: runtest --path frameworks/base/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
Bug: 29748723
Change-Id: I42a1a477e7c75c109a3982f809c22732b814e8b2
This CL adds:
1) Setter and getter in DPM to manipulate logging switch (retrieval
method to come in a subsequent CL(s)).
2) A way for DPM to register to listen for events.
3) Skeleton of NetworkLogger class (more to come in subsequent CL(s)).
Bug: 29748723
Change-Id: I5c04662ccc6febd2ba294b0eaca1ed1da9c16e47
Add MAP client code into packages/apps/Bluetooth. Changes here are to
define the MAP MCE interface and enable its selection when running on a
device that is also running a PBAP client (Car Kitt).
Bug: 30467210
Change-Id: Ifa2cdea7d67f63a2b5f3d971df8ec6d321dc5fee
(cherry picked from commit 433b3054847951e8e7b3864d11990604a66b8651)
- Creating a PinnedStackController to keep track of the state of the PIP
to prevent changes in the system (ie. IME showing) and user interaction
from clobbering each other.
- Refactoring calls in AM into WM/controller
Test: android.server.cts.ActivityManagerPinnedStackTests
Change-Id: Ie59dfd45d5c54764ba69a589b3b8148845e92cc3
Signed-off-by: Winson Chung <>
Right now, LE scanning functionality is combined with the GATT client.
This is the source of various bugs, like scans suddenly stoppinging when
a GATT client is killed. It also increases memory consumption, because
we associate many structures with a GATT client, which are not necessary
when just scanning.
Test: sl4a BleScanApiTest ConcurrentBleScanTest
Change-Id: I0c25bd4a58bb430eb0ee4100d5f2bbab194f9621
NOTE: Linear blending is currently disabled in this CL as the
feature is still a work in progress
Android currently performs all blending (any kind of linear math
on colors really) on gamma-encoded colors. Since Android assumes
that the default color space is sRGB, all bitmaps and colors
are encoded with the sRGB Opto-Electronic Conversion Function
(OECF, which can be approximated with a power function). Since
the power curve is not linear, our linear math is incorrect.
The result is that we generate colors that tend to be too dark;
this affects blending but also anti-aliasing, gradients, blurs,
The solution is to convert gamma-encoded colors back to linear
space before doing any math on them, using the sRGB Electo-Optical
Conversion Function (EOCF). This is achieved in different
ways in different parts of the pipeline:
- Using hardware conversions when sampling from OpenGL textures
or writing into OpenGL frame buffers
- Using software conversion functions, to translate app-supplied
colors to and from sRGB
- Using Skia's color spaces
Any type of processing on colors must roughly ollow these steps:
[sRGB input]->EOCF->[linear data]->[processing]->OECF->[sRGB output]
For the sRGB color space, the conversion functions are defined as
OECF(linear) :=
linear <= 0.0031308 ? linear * 12.92 : (pow(linear, 1/2.4) * 1.055) - 0.055
EOCF(srgb) :=
srgb <= 0.04045 ? srgb / 12.92 : pow((srgb + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)
The EOCF is simply the reciprocal of the OECF.
While it is highly recommended to use the exact sRGB conversion
functions everywhere possible, it is sometimes useful or beneficial
to rely on approximations:
- pow(x,2.2) and pow(x,1/2.2)
- x^2 and sqrt(x)
The latter is particularly useful in fragment shaders (for instance
to apply dithering in sRGB space), especially if the sqrt() can be
replaced with an inversesqrt().
Here is a fairly exhaustive list of modifications implemented
in this CL:
to disable linear blending. This is only for GLES 2.0 GPUs
with no hardware sRGB support. This flag is currently assumed
to be false (see note above)
- sRGB writes are disabled when entering a functor (WebView).
This will need to be fixed at some point
- Skia bitmaps are created with the sRGB color space
- Bitmaps using a 565 config are expanded to 888
- Linear blending is disabled when entering a functor
- External textures are not properly sampled (see below)
- Gradients are interpolated in linear space
- Texture-based dithering was replaced with analytical dithering
- Dithering is done in the quantization color space, which is
why we must do EOCF(OECF(color)+dither)
- Text is now gamma corrected differently depending on the luminance
of the source pixel. The asumption is that a bright pixel will be
blended on a dark background and the other way around. The source
alpha is gamma corrected to thicken dark on bright and thin
bright on dark to match the intended design of fonts. This also
matches the behavior of popular design/drawing applications
- Removed the asset atlas. It did not contain anything useful and
could not be sampled in sRGB without a yet-to-be-defined GL
- The last column of color matrices is converted to linear space
because its value are added to linear colors
Missing features:
- Resource qualifier?
- Regeneration of goldeng images for automated tests
- Handle alpha8/grey8 properly
- Disable sRGB write for layers with external textures
Test: Manual testing while work in progress
Bug: 29940137
Change-Id: I6a07b15ab49b554377cd33a36b6d9971a15e9a0b
This introduces a new feature of the IBinder command protocol
to allow the shell command implementation to call back into
its caller to ask it to open files in the calling context. This
is needed so that commands that have arguments specifying files
can open those files as the calling shell, not the system (or
whatever) process.
To test this all out, move the "am start" implementation over
to ActivityManagerShellCommand, in particular along with its
option to specify a file in which to write profiling data.
Test: Manual
Change-Id: I0c1e3857defefbd19a2ac29413aafbb34b1e48a3
We keep track which process saw and account to whitelist
the app for future access as an optimization to avoid
prompting the user for account access approval. Some apps
use SefeParcelable where the parcels are marshalled
which does not allow the parcel to contain IBinders.
To avoid this we are switching from account tracker remote
objects to unforgeable tokens.
Change-Id: I3b52bff720655f695ad0c58d420eb35ef93161b9
We keep track which process saw and account to whitelist
the app for future access as an optimization to avoid
prompting the user for account access approval. Some apps
use SefeParcelable where the parcels are marshalled
which does not allow the parcel to contain IBinders.
To avoid this we are switching from account tracker remote
objects to unforgeable tokens.
Change-Id: I19916b54afd0b47e57c517145aa6b1ff17154144