The headset state indicated by HeadsetObserver in the broadcast intent ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG was not 0 or 1 as specified in the java doc but contained a bit field indicating the type of headset connected.
Modified HeadsetObserver to broacast a state conforming to java doc.
Added an extra to intent ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG to indicate if headset has a microphone or not.
Removed handling of non standard headset indications from HeadsetObserver.
Removed platform specific devices from output devices defined in AudioSystem.
Modified AudioService to use new ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG intent extra instead of bitfield in state.
Merge commit 'c66d53f97b1fe635f576642d5720dcd441e34cce' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'c66d53f97b1fe635f576642d5720dcd441e34cce':
Delegate the platform dependent hardware renderer implementation to a shared library provided by the vendor.
Merge commit '05eca1d46a45723a57899dabad698537b7faef82' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '05eca1d46a45723a57899dabad698537b7faef82':
DO NOT MERGE: Squashed commit of the following:
commit 08259dd3dc9026887f9bbfedaf45866eb56ea9bc
Author: Andreas Huber <>
Date: Thu Nov 5 12:02:31 2009 -0800
DO NOT MERGE: Use PV for metadata extraction even if stagefright is used for playback.
commit 991832fe4dc012e51d3d9ed8d647c7f09991858f
Author: Andreas Huber <>
Date: Thu Nov 5 11:24:11 2009 -0800
DO NOT MERGE: Do not assert if we encounter OMX_StateInvalid. All bets are off though.
commit cec45cf302d9218fe79956cbe8a462d7ca3a10bb
Author: Andreas Huber <>
Date: Mon Oct 26 16:11:54 2009 -0700
DO NOT MERGE: When freeing an OMX node, attempt to transition it from its current state all the way to "Loaded" in order to properly free any allocated buffers.
commit 34a1e885ef9113d68acbc26d36fcc47fdebbed84
Author: Andreas Huber <>
Date: Thu Nov 5 11:10:49 2009 -0800
DO NOT MERGE: Fix heap corruptin in OMXNodeInstance.
commit 5a47f7439a1298b330541a7e4e647a8b44487388
Author: Andreas Huber <>
Date: Thu Nov 5 11:08:19 2009 -0800
DO NOT MERGE: Fix seek-on-initial-read behaviour of OMXCodec.
commit 45bed64722501b9f411a2940aff5aff4cc4d2e98
Author: Andreas Huber <>
Date: Thu Nov 5 11:02:23 2009 -0800
DO NOT MERGE: Renaming string.h to stagefright_string.h to avoid conflicts.
commit 6738e306a50196f31a73d4fc7b7c45faff639903
Author: Andreas Huber <>
Date: Thu Oct 15 13:46:54 2009 -0700
DO NOT MERGE: Reimplement the OMX backend for stagefright.
Besides a major cleanup and refactoring, OMX is now a singleton living in the media server, it listens for death notifications of node observers/clients that allocated OMX nodes and performs/attempts cleanup.
Changed APIs to conform to the rest of the system.
Merge commit '67b692920c18f99b096dce285adc6f7439fa866c' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '67b692920c18f99b096dce285adc6f7439fa866c':
Fix issue 2203561: Sholes: audio playing out of earpiece.
Create a new IAudioTrack interface to AudioFlinger when start() fails due to a broken pipe error.
Do the same if start fails due to the same error after time out in obtainBuffer().
Do not indicate that the AudioTrack is started to AudioPolicyManager if IAudioTrack start fails.
This avoids that an AudioTrack keeps a dead IAudioTrack after a media server crash.
Same modifications for AudioRecord.
Add a flag to ToneGenerator indicating that the callback thread can call Java. Without it, when the media server crashes and restarts, the AudioSystem error callback will crash in JNI if the IAudiotrack is created from AudioTrack callback thread.
Merge commit '7ed0ceeba54712f76e9a4f2dd4c9197d76813488' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '7ed0ceeba54712f76e9a4f2dd4c9197d76813488':
Add new audio sources to support the A1026 recording configurations.
Merge commit '8637759a1d34a4adda292579d5f8790587659235' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '8637759a1d34a4adda292579d5f8790587659235':
fix[2228133] pixelflinger ignores the "vertical stride" leading to artifacts when playing back video
we lost the concept of vertical stride when moving video playback to EGLImage.
Here we bring it back in a somewhat hacky-way that will work only for the
softgl/mdp backend.
Merge commit 'd4649b2f8ea8285a4eb3c47e87520c7835e6c672' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'd4649b2f8ea8285a4eb3c47e87520c7835e6c672':
libbinder: add a NO_CACHING flag to MemoryHeapBase
Merge commit '4cb04c4654e9718a73b378e7b9962dee454efa8d' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '4cb04c4654e9718a73b378e7b9962dee454efa8d':
Use image rect information to display zoomed picture.
Merge commit '73e17015d3cd67c93ccad5d63d31c439ff6fa694' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '73e17015d3cd67c93ccad5d63d31c439ff6fa694':
fix [2143798] Need to figure out how to do video
Use EGLImageKHR instead of copybit directly.
We now have the basis to use streaming YUV textures (well, in fact
we already are). When/if we use the GPU instead of the MDP we'll
need to make sure it supports the appropriate YUV format.
Also make sure we compile if EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer is not supported
Merge commit 'bf96aaadd46fb5b0884070177faa16ec4f22e2ba' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'bf96aaadd46fb5b0884070177faa16ec4f22e2ba':
Fix issue 2192181: AudioFlinger must provide separated methods to set VOICE_CALL stream volume and down link audio volume.
Added setVoiceVolume() method to AudioSystem, AudioFlinger, IAudioFlinger, AudioPolicyService.
Removed call to AudioHardwareInterface::setVoiceVolume() from AudioFlinger::setStreamVolume().
Merge commit 'ca404dfb920ab009cef4db5e74715b796f79b3f9' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'ca404dfb920ab009cef4db5e74715b796f79b3f9':
do not merge: The qcom video decoders always output yuv data after adjusting dimensions to be a multiple of 16.
Add a quirk mode to OMXCodec that makes it aware of this fact for proper display. Also integrate back a change from eclair-mr2 that delays releasing an output buffer briefly after posting it to surface flinger, as we don't know how long it'll take it to actually display the buffer's content.
This also fixes [2152536] ANR in browser
When SF is enqueuing buffers faster than SF dequeues them.
The update flag in SF is not counted and under some situations SF will only
dequeue the first buffer. The state at this point is not technically
corrupted, it's valid, but just delayed by one buffer.
In the case of the Browser ANR, because the last enqueued buffer was delayed
the resizing of the current buffer couldn't happen.
The system would always fall back onto its feet if anything -else- in
tried to draw, because the "late" buffer would be picked up then.
Merge commit '9d6a685ba939f413a8d3e1e97627593aa1cdf6cb' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '9d6a685ba939f413a8d3e1e97627593aa1cdf6cb':
fix [2168528] enable glTexImage2D code path in SF for software-only buffers
fix [2168531] have software-only gralloc buffer side-step the HAL
fix [2167050] glTexImage2D code path buggy in SurfaceFlinger
Merge commit 'c39d2e3c012fb96999991e30659a474f9f30f789' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'c39d2e3c012fb96999991e30659a474f9f30f789':
Music visualizer support hack.
Merge commit 'f8e4bc9f7789b98b54fe04df56555ca8c630df70' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'f8e4bc9f7789b98b54fe04df56555ca8c630df70':
Attempt to fix [2152536] ANR in browser
A window is created and the browser is about to render into it the
very first time, at that point it does an IPC to SF to request a new
buffer. Meanwhile, the window manager removes that window from the
list and the shared memory block it uses is marked as invalid.
However, at that point, another window is created and is given the
same index (that just go freed), but a different identity and resets
the "invalid" bit in the shared block. When we go back to the buffer
allocation code, we're stuck because the surface we're allocating for
is gone and we don't detect it's invalid because the invalid bit has
been reset.
It is not sufficient to check for the invalid bit, I should
also check that identities match.
This change is a complement to the main fix in kernel driver for the same issue (partner change #1250).
It removes clicks sometimes heard after the end of the tones while audio flinger is sending 0s to the audio output stream.
The problem was that the sleep time between two writes was more than the duration of one audio output stream buffer which could cause some underrun.
Also fixed a recent regression in ToneGenerator that made that the end of previous tone was repeated at the beginning of current one under certain timing circumstances when the maximum tone duration was specified.
When EGLImage extension is not available, SurfaceFlinger will fallback to using
glTexImage2D and glTexSubImage2D instead, which requires 50% more memory and an
extra copy. However this code path has never been exercised and had some bugs
which this patch fix.
Mainly the scale factor wasn't computed right when falling back on glDrawElements.
We also fallback to this mode of operation if a buffer doesn't have the adequate
usage bits for EGLImage usage.
This changes only code that is currently not executed. Some refactoring was needed to
keep the change clean. This doesn't change anything functionaly.
This currently assumes 44k stereo (won't crash on other formats, but won't give the correct results either), and links statically with libspeex to get FFT data, increasing the size of libmedia by about 45kb.
The ANR is caused by SurfaceFlinger waiting for buffers of a removed surface to become availlable.
When it is removed from the current list, a Surface is marked as NO_INIT, which causes SF to return
immediately in the above case. For some reason, the surface here wasn't marked as NO_INIT.
This change makes the code more robust by always (irregadless or errors) setting the NO_INIT status
in all code paths where a surface is removed from the list.
Additionaly added more information in the logs, should this happen again.