Andrew Solovay
docs: Removing reference to Apache HTTP client
With Android M, the Apache HTTP client is no longer supported.
Removing references to that client and the clients that depend
on it (DefaultHttpClient and AndroidHttpClient). Replacing, when
appropriate, with references to HttpURLConnection.
Also removing references to the 2011 blog post "Android's HTTP
Clients" ( ) since that post is largely
about the ex-clients.
Fixed a couple of other small errors while I had the files open
(for example, changed a sample URL in a code snippet to the safe
bug: 19696844
Change-Id: Iabf780140c37d5fc95c0d45542c425a945c69337
2015-09-28 17:25:27 -07:00
Michal Bendowski
am abe8ecf4: Fix dependencies block in "Building Local Unit Tests"
* commit 'abe8ecf4ac4e036a408cd949138f002f7faabc4f':
Fix dependencies block in "Building Local Unit Tests"
2015-09-28 15:43:02 +00:00
Michal Bendowski
Fix dependencies block in "Building Local Unit Tests"
Change-Id: I47c10cd7013bfacc8285d21fcae35c2a77621fcc
2015-09-28 11:21:18 +01:00
Joe Fernandez
am 6e9eb723: Merge "resolved conflicts for 4f68b784 to mnc-preview-docs" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit '6e9eb7238d7e55e3cb643aac2cc9450ccbea7aa5':
docs: ATV Catalog Browser Update
2015-09-22 17:11:02 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
Merge "resolved conflicts for 4f68b784 to mnc-preview-docs" into mnc-preview-docs
2015-09-22 17:00:25 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
resolved conflicts for 4f68b784 to mnc-preview-docs
Change-Id: I850c65b3f1491d332a7d677d8e04c1ade67f6ba4
2015-09-22 09:57:35 -07:00
Quddus Chong
Merge "docs: Fixed broken links to unit testing samples. bug: 24237555" into mnc-docs
2015-09-21 21:55:42 +00:00
Quddus Chong
docs: Fixed broken links to unit testing samples.
bug: 24237555
Change-Id: I1bd1b4731bd883c9c1f047ade8615b8676948e8d
2015-09-21 14:35:45 -07:00
Stephan Linzner
Fixed atsl versions and gradle task
Change-Id: Ia0c3b18ac72b660f5bbedc9bb3a27d94f87a87e7
2015-09-21 14:21:13 -07:00
Joe Fernandez
am d13d50d8: Merge "docs: ATV Catalog Browser Update" into lmp-docs
* commit 'd13d50d881d66d0e870170c19a4e07ffe8aee742':
docs: ATV Catalog Browser Update
2015-09-21 19:41:17 +00:00
Joe Fernandez
Merge "docs: ATV Catalog Browser Update" into lmp-docs
2015-09-21 19:32:25 +00:00
Dirk Dougherty
Doc change: updated online course cards.
Change-Id: I9801fd97745861ab47fbf0e7f7dfa94ac3be0ee8
2015-09-18 23:12:29 +00:00
Andrew Solovay
docs: Adding link to Android Auto distribute page
See first comment for doc stage location.
bug: 20068182
Change-Id: I9e8d341852d3a8cb992d7959e988f69aa49d4490
2015-09-11 16:34:13 -07:00
Andrew Solovay
am 04cefcb9: Merge "docs: New app bar training docs" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit '04cefcb98d3881c4a21217405aa941572fdc46a5':
docs: New app bar training docs
2015-09-11 17:51:51 +00:00
Andrew Solovay
docs: New app bar training docs
Replacing the existing "ActionBar" training docs with new, up-to-date
ones focused on using the appcompat Toolbar. Ultimately these lessons
will also replace the existing ActionBar UI guide.
See first comment for doc stage location.
Change-Id: Ic20362ec4c4fc872c4388b05367451ae8072938b
2015-09-10 17:13:51 -07:00
Cheryl Potter
am 4b32b3f4: Merge "docs: change intro and title for contacts and sign-in lesson, and remove empty bullet" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit '4b32b3f43fe8e27ffdb19d51364ebd99a3503e79':
docs: change intro and title for contacts and sign-in lesson, and remove empty bullet
2015-09-08 21:36:36 +00:00
Cheryl Potter
Merge "docs: change intro and title for contacts and sign-in lesson, and remove empty bullet" into mnc-preview-docs
2015-09-08 21:28:06 +00:00
Cheryl Potter
docs: change intro and title for contacts and sign-in lesson, and remove empty bullet
Change-Id: Ib8b26e2ebe651fc3d9a1b9c89183ab62128d5e20
2015-09-08 10:49:59 -07:00
Cheryl Potter
am 79ad6310: Merge "docs: changed references to Google+ sign-in to Google sign-in" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit '79ad6310ea3ca5931013cf746babf55cf391cc8f':
docs: changed references to Google+ sign-in to Google sign-in
2015-09-04 22:24:57 +00:00
Renato Mangini
am 81e0dff0: Minor fix on Auto Desktop Head Unit doc.
* commit '81e0dff0da637f3580ac81e86950b23e9a55bbdc':
Minor fix on Auto Desktop Head Unit doc.
2015-09-04 22:24:52 +00:00
Cheryl Potter
Merge "docs: changed references to Google+ sign-in to Google sign-in" into mnc-preview-docs
2015-09-04 22:14:25 +00:00
Quddus Chong
docs: Fixed broken link in 'Handling TV hardware' lesson.
bug: 20423603
Change-Id: Ia9de0354c72675f5e40071685cf3a6ee9a033f58
2015-09-04 13:45:36 -07:00
David Friedman
Merge "Docs: Updated URI information for custom-view xlmns directive to reflect Gradle" into mnc-docs
2015-08-31 19:00:37 +00:00
David Friedman
Docs: Updated URI information for custom-view xlmns directive to reflect Gradle
If you're building with Gradle, you no longer include the whole, fully-qualified
name of your project in the URI. Instead, you just end the URI with
Change-Id: Ie7dda8ff8f320951a5bd5d94b80b738cc0d483dc
2015-08-31 01:48:37 -07:00
Joe Fernandez
docs: Update to the DHU connection instructions
- Add: disable the "Only connect to known cars" option
- Fix the side-by-side figures with column divs
Change-Id: I2784c153010459250e8093f2e635444012138a5d
2015-08-28 13:30:16 -07:00
Quddus Chong
docs: Fixed broken link in 'Displaying a Now Playing Card' lesson.
bug: 19555868
Change-Id: I0063c5a71e471b13dbe8e06054cbdc7dd8884b46
2015-08-27 13:02:52 -07:00
Renato Mangini
Minor fix on Auto Desktop Head Unit doc.
Change-Id: I245484e87fadcc98fabc6f4c4fc67f2b454f9874
2015-08-27 11:11:55 -07:00
Rich Slogar
cherrypick from mnc-preview-docs docs: New auto Desktop Head Unit docs
Original Change-Id: I21565b82199394622ce4113b42174277c0248998
See first comment for doc stage location.
Change-Id: I5fec5599faacdca58e36694809b2e5a8365c7f5b
2015-08-26 17:03:05 -07:00
Rich Slogar
docs: New auto Desktop Head Unit (DHU) docs
See comment on patch set 9 for doc stage location.
Change-Id: I21565b82199394622ce4113b42174277c0248998
2015-08-26 16:14:34 -07:00
David Friedman
am 5389f46c: Docs: Fixes to interactive-watch-face docs (CL 743190)
* commit '5389f46ce4245a6a0cfc931160ea13dab17f6590':
Docs: Fixes to interactive-watch-face docs (CL 743190)
2015-08-26 20:58:34 +00:00
Andrew Solovay
Quick phrasing fix to remove ambiguity.
This is small and straightforward--a summary paragraph didn't clearly
explain the process (which was properly documented further down)--
so I'm going to just go ahead and +2 it myself.
Also fixed a couple of broken anchors while I had it open.
bug: 20719615
Change-Id: I8cc806007168adcd3a674b7b30e7aa397b471cc0
2015-08-25 15:52:08 -07:00
Cheryl Potter
docs: changed references to Google+ sign-in to Google sign-in
Change-Id: I61f8b05da94e81c23792a1a06ee125f35b7c88fb
2015-08-21 16:44:26 -07:00
Claudio Cherubino
Trying to help clean up the public issue tracker (and show some love to external developers) by taking care of a bunch of typos that were reported.
List of issues from that are fixed by this CL: 183476,183249,183248,183241,183222,183142,183093,183329,182385,182311,182193,182019,73149,181589,179740,179384,178322,178189,178086,178020,177169,176312,175138,172322,172030,171820,170647,167288,163574,161580,161041,159199,151347,144290,136137,132505
Change-Id: I2e96f7444048abd2f666c75bd6ab9640019afb75
2015-08-21 14:49:09 -07:00
David Friedman
Docs: Fixes to interactive-watch-face docs (CL 743190)
Change-Id: I2b9c7d7afbf5583da01808027869e1e98873c7d1
2015-08-20 08:51:39 -07:00
David Friedman
am 9f4ddca9: am 56c22d29: Merge "Docs: Creating interactive watch faces Bug: 21721463" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit '9f4ddca909e1f7d4274da3282a05494d6fb2f3f9':
Docs: Creating interactive watch faces Bug: 21721463
2015-08-20 01:15:08 +00:00
David Friedman
Docs: Creating interactive watch faces
Bug: 21721463
Training module and related API-reference documentation. This is new
material for Android Wear D(iamond) release.
Change-Id: I9959bca50fd96812abd7cfb693139986bc59b133
2015-08-19 17:41:57 -07:00
David Friedman
Docs: Fixing files that didn't merge properly from mnc-preview-docs
Change-Id: If1a97d8da5a8e7f65293bc34e1a1646f06a48043
2015-08-17 18:45:36 -07:00
Eric Gilmore
am 398d655f: am d381eb95: Merge "Adding link to location API video." into mnc-preview-docs
* commit '398d655f3eda88cde7fc44144b1dad40e1844e06':
Adding link to location API video.
2015-08-17 15:39:23 +00:00
Eric Gilmore
Adding link to location API video.
Change-Id: I1c639fe9538589b691934de83c0d4ac36fad824d
2015-08-07 15:21:16 -07:00
Alex Klyubin
Document what algorithms Android Keystore supports.
This updates the Android platform SDK documentation to list which
algorithms are supported by Android Keystore on which Android
The list is similar in design to the one in SSLSocket and SSLEngine.
Bug: 22661043
Change-Id: I08fcf65ca58ead644100b673dceb93c67f34f507
2015-07-22 12:04:39 -07:00
Robert Schaub
am f4db2de8: am 1b29a957: Merge "docs: Added "location" before "gps" in list under "Declaring hardware ..."" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit 'f4db2de881d197db0dfd76645dfd7a95b1f8f0de':
docs: Added "location" before "gps" in list under "Declaring hardware ..."
2015-07-16 18:57:39 +00:00
Robert Schaub
docs: Added "location" before "gps" in list under "Declaring hardware ..."
Bug: 20106795
Change-Id: I13e7be98722ac56a9175b1456fc018ff665b77ab
2015-07-15 17:13:11 -07:00
Robert Schaub
am 28006a3b: am 7182f075: Merge "docs: Changed text as requested in Android TV advertising bug, with minor cleanup" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit '28006a3b31d1cd3765568ceed211f8bc8de9c50c':
docs: Changed text as requested in Android TV advertising bug, with minor cleanup
2015-07-13 23:58:09 +00:00
Robert Schaub
docs: Changed text as requested in Android TV advertising bug, with minor cleanup
Bug: 19245688
Change-Id: Icd7c689dd8a99a761a247e603b76e20f6db9c2a8
2015-07-06 17:00:30 -07:00
George Mount
Merge "Fix docs for ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal" into mnc-dev
2015-07-06 14:39:41 +00:00
David Friedman
am c5764868: am e562bb6b: Merge "Docs: Localizations of Android dev on-boarding training docs. Bug: 20503574" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit 'c5764868bdeef4a944317885b000db50e4092db5':
Docs: Localizations of Android dev on-boarding training docs. Bug: 20503574
2015-07-02 00:47:18 +00:00
Robert Schaub
am bf0fd65c: am 9131f97f: Merge "docs: Added warning to not use Android Key when API key is required" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit 'bf0fd65ca0ba800f65aa9a70219abc3b37d5f6ec':
docs: Added warning to not use Android Key when API key is required
2015-07-02 00:13:00 +00:00
George Mount
Fix docs for ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal
Bug 22202425
Change-Id: Ic9b5b8ec88b8ae2ece2312e3bc3d4fd49ffc1f1f
2015-07-01 11:10:58 -07:00
David Friedman
Merge "Docs: Localizations of Android dev on-boarding training docs. Bug: 20503574" into mnc-preview-docs
2015-07-01 17:54:46 +00:00
Luan Nguyen
am a4ac253b: am ed053477: Merge "docs: Move scale Bitmap code to onSurfaceChanged" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit 'a4ac253bc36bbced5acad8a7ddf1838b11f6e44c':
docs: Move scale Bitmap code to onSurfaceChanged
2015-07-01 17:13:03 +00:00