were already listed in attrs.xml into SearchManager.java. Add
a (brief - no time for more) description about how to add search
by voice to apps.
JAVADOC ONLY - should be safe change for cupcake sdk.
Original author: stadler
Merged from: //branches/cupcake/...
Automated import of CL 147168
InstrumentationTestCase and its descendants should be the
package manager package name (not the java package name, and
not the test package) of the package holding the Activity
under test.
Added similar notations to the ApiDemos call sites.
JAVADOC ONLY - should be safe change for cupcake sdk.
Original author: stadler
Merged from: //branches/cupcake/...
Automated import of CL 147167
We use a single outstanding message of type SHOW_PROGRESS to refresh the progress
bar's current position as well as textual display of time and duration. This message
could get lost if the scroll ball was used to adjust the current playback position as
we entered state "mDragging" which would cause the subsequent SHOW_PROGRESS message
to be a no-op and would also cause it to not be re-enqueued.
The change refactors the seekbar logic a little and makes sure that while dragging
there isn't a pending SHOW_PROGRESS message in the queue and once dragging is over,
exactly one SHOW_PROGRESS message is reenqueued.
related to bug 1721227
that ought to be exposed. Hid and deprecated the single-arg public
constructor for NetworkInfo, and modified a CTS test that was testing it.
Ran the android.net test package to make sure it still works.
Original author: ers
Merged from: //branches/cupcake/...
Automated import of CL 145980
It should be renamed to something more meaninful before being exposed.
Original author: jsharkey
Merged from: //branches/cupcake/...
Automated import of CL 145860
Two new broadcasts, Intent.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED and
Intent.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED, that are issued when the device is plugged
and unplugged from USB or AC power. This pulls two changes from the
open-source Gerrit repo into the internal Donut codeline:
1241 fda6fae Added broadcasts for external power events.
9491 37f8ca1 Fix system service crash when booting while on battery power
The current.xml API description has also been updated to include the
new Intent fields; the new API was approved in the original OSS change.
The usage stats service now collects per-activity launch time stats. There are a number of fixes and improvements to its statistics management and collection; it now operates its calendar in GMT and ensures that for checkin purposes it always reports one day and only one complete day to the checkin service.
Also change the checkin option from "-c" to "--checkin" since it is really a special thing.
Previously any Intent designated by setIntent() would be lost when
the Activity was shut down and restarted due to orientation change.
Now the custom intent is preserved across the relaunch.
Bug: b/1743425
LocationManagerService now listens for changes to settings,
making LocationManager.updateProviders() unnecessary.
Removed LocationManager.updateProviders()
Added Settings.Secure.setLocationProviderEnabled(), which is a thread-safe way
of enabling or disabling a single location provider.
This is safer than reading, modifying and writing the LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED directly.
Automated import of CL 144372
2 levels as recorded at plug and unplug events. During charge cycles this would be useful because it would tell us
what the start and end levels were in the last discharge cycle. However during a discharge cycle this information could
be misleading as it would give you the level at the last unplug event (beginning the the discharge cycle) and last plug
event (end of the previous discharge cycle).
Now we are still keeping track of 2 values, but they are "discharge cycle start level" and "discharge cycle current level".
During a discharge cycle this will give you the level the current discharge cycle started at, and the current level. During
a charge cycle the same data will be supplied as before (the start/end of the last discharge cycle).
Automated import of CL 144333