(Goodbye, hypno-P and your '90s tech magazine color palette.)
Bug: 123903304
Test: adb shell am start -n android/com.android.internal.app.PlatLogoActivity
Test: adb shell am start -c com.android.internal.category.PLATLOGO -a android.intent.action.MAIN
Test: adb shell am start -n com.android.egg/.paint.PaintActivity # still works
Change-Id: I4865024a14b6a78e7a043c56d2330b5f9dd214c6
Don't know what the deal is, but I had to make these changes to make a
newer kotlin compiler happy
Test: builds
Change-Id: Id5a85c787876248e610cc668f54e7bd40629d4e0
- Remove unused parameters / method
- Wrap uses nullable bitmap with "?.let {" and sadly !! as it is
in fact theoretically possible that bitmap becomes null due to a
call from a different thread.
- Run ktlint autofix up.
Bug: 112638508
Test: make -j EasterEgg
Change-Id: Idab21176ec9e4e61751a87c4aeafe3966ed10a8c
This change sets LOCAL_SDK_VERSION for all packages where
this is possible without breaking the build, and
Setting one of these two will be made required soon, and this
is a change in preparation for that. Not setting LOCAL_SDK_VERSION
makes the app implicitly depend on the bootclasspath, which is
often not required. This change effectively makes depending on
private apis opt-in rather than opt-out.
Test: make relevant packages
Bug: 73535841
Change-Id: I4233b9091d9066c4fa69f3d24aaf367ea500f760
Bug: 65597560
Test: 1. launch easter egg
adb shell am start \
-a android.intent.action.MAIN \
-c com.android.internal.category.PLATLOGO
2. go home
adb shell input keyevent 3
3. ensure octo is not consuming CPU
adb shell top
Change-Id: I5e95e56ddb212f951b461264d3af40682d08fee3
It's convenient that this release is Android 8.
Bug: 32956843
Test: adb shell am start \
-a android.intent.action.MAIN \
-c com.android.internal.category.PLATLOGO
Change-Id: I9bb02b212fa241c17f03ef11c5c52dba0e6a746e
- Closed up tiny gaps in the vectors
- Export larger cat PNGs
- Make it harder to delete cats by accident
- Properly color the two front/back feet most of the time
instead of the two left/right
Change-Id: I185bf433d3be004945d6e16387ec928c14376b7a
Fixes: 29922607
Fixes: 30064123
Fixes: 29922111
Fixes: 29922066