Expose both duration and maximum extended advertising events to limit
advertising time.
Test: manual
Bug: 30622771
Change-Id: I44df300995ef985526b93f8c24389775720b3432
-Remove Int-based SPI usage from the IpSecTransform.Builder
This is essentially a less-safe method overload, and it is both
unnecessary and difficult to implement: the cross-validation
between SPI and Transform is actually useful, and the kernel
requires two different mechanisms to use an unreserved vs a
reserved (alloc'd) SPI: CREATESA vs UPDATESA, which makes this
hard to support. API Council has questioned the value of this,
and they are right: everything points to "remove this". In the
future, if we find that SPI reservation is overhead, we can
always add it back.
-Hiding the TunnelMode builder method and application/remove
methods. These will not land by the time the next API
stabilizes, so better to hide them now that this is a
near-certainty. Expectation is to un-hide them in the subsequent
API bump.
Bug: 36073210
Test: Compilation, verified nobody is calling these stubs
Change-Id: Ic1a3f2cf7128633318ac175d6b56b45eb8d21cab
- Add API guide for developers giving an overview of what they need
to implement.
- Add @hide setLabel method in PhoneAccount; used when registering a
self-managed CS's phone account; we override it with their app label to
ensure they don't try to give themselves another name.
Test: Unit
Bug: 34159263
Change-Id: I0c890dc2feeb3ee438a80ed425db2aaf1f4c1fdd
To make the SPI reservation more semantically consistent with the
transform creation API, and to ensure that we always create SPI
reservations relative to a well-known remote, we should take the
SPI request relative to a remote (rather than to a destination).
This necessitates that we now consider direction separately, which
is used for keying the SA-Id.
Bug: 36073210
Test: compilation
Change-Id: I81e955c20128c1f8e04fd68eb26669561f827a78
Simplify API: semantics of publish/subscribe count restrictions
aren't clear at the app level. They depend on DW configuration as
well as discovery session type - number of packets transmitted over
the air.
There's already an app-facing discovery session lifetime configuration -
the TTL. That has clearer semantics and is sufficient (for now).
Bug: 36446307
Test: unit tests and integration (sl4a) tests.
Change-Id: I9129975bd2e1a61b3d23a4b6acaae703b42216c7
The option "Enhanced 4G LTE Mode" currently may be hidden according to
the VoLTE state of the plateform and device. With this new option we can
choose to hide the "Enhanced 4G LTE Mode" irrespective of VoLTE state.
Bug: 36220377
Test: manual
Change-Id: I516ad050e623a368f2c2ef3d81650eb20c20fd5b
Added two new public APIs getMeid and getImei. Deprecated the exisintg
getDeviceId API because it can't return a constant id when phone type
Test: CTS and manual
bug: 34233620, 10831289
Merged-In: Iad4c05d2fd2efc538214f466861497c973882dfe
Change-Id: Iad4c05d2fd2efc538214f466861497c973882dfe
New methods should be added to BluetoothGattCallback, instead of
creating Ext class.
Test: manual
Bug: 30622771
Change-Id: I2567df5baace6bd2d2f30c36d2f62056408ca5d0
There must be a proper way to specify if advertisment is scannable, when
updating the parameters.
Test: manual
Bug: 30622771
Change-Id: Ie520609d3fff07ccc2960015c19311d773842852
Timeout is not a parameter, it is a property of enabling the
advertising. Move it into more proper place.
Test: manual
Bug: 30622771
Change-Id: I09ebc6c770bc02938ea16a9738a7e03dc8006fde
Address API Councils comment to update both
WifiManager#addOrUpdatePasspointConfiguration and
WifiManager#removePasspointConfiguration to return void and throw
exception on failure instead of returning a boolean.
Bug: 35858311,35856174
Test: make -j32
Change-Id: Iac421eba7aa90e8bc3ffaf5d81210302c7557e95
Merged-In: Iac421eba7aa90e8bc3ffaf5d81210302c7557e95
The validate method is used by Framework only, no need to expose
to app developers. So hide it.
Bug: 35756298
Test: make -j32
Change-Id: I15ccae472f30d7ae968816479f6ea35d90248fe0
Merged-In: I15ccae472f30d7ae968816479f6ea35d90248fe0