Enhance URL regular expression to match legal one byte Unicode characters in
Internationalized Resource Identifiers as detailed in RFC 3987. Specifically
two byte Unicode characters are not included. Not all things in RFC 3987 is
implemented, this is just an enhancement for recognizing more common used one
byte Unicode characters.
This change helps Browser address bar identify more valid URL without scheme
typed in, such as 현금영수증.kr
make-iana-tld-pattern.py is modified to contain only Top Level Domain
regular expression generation. Other parts of WEB_URL pattern are in
solely in Patters.java for better consistency and maintenance.
to be used by anyone implementing a voice recognition service. Also define
a new <recognition-service> styleable to be used in such service's metadata
Still to do: Change VoiceSearch's GoogleRecognitionService to respond to this
intent, and actually use this intent instead of ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH here
in RecognitionService.
The device mode is now called ui mode. Furthermore is the order of
precedence for the resources now in such a way that the ui mode needs
to be specified after the orientation and before the density.
The ui mode can be set, like it is done for the locale, as follows:
IActivityManager am = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault();
Configuration config = am.getConfiguration();
config.uiMode = Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR | Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_ANY;
To allow users to disable the car mode and set the night mode the IUiModeManager
interface is used.
The automatic night mode switching will be added in a separate change.
for voice recognition on the device. Right now this just queries
the package manager at boot and finds the (hopefully) single
available recognizer.
TODO: Add an attribute to let recognition services expose a settings
activity, and expose the settings activity of the chosen recognition
service in the system settings for voice input & output.
Merge commit '1e90ab542d675616e9370ab7e5add99d7af12587'
* commit '1e90ab542d675616e9370ab7e5add99d7af12587':
Fixs the incorrect message for SecurityException
Default RotateDrawable's pivot set to (50%, 50%)
We now have the new package retain the name of the old package. This makes
sure that all existing references to it (shortcuts, widgets, etc) will still
This does mean that your package can run under either the old or new name,
depending on whether the user got it with an update. Buyer beware!
I have tried testing all of the paths of updating, installing another
update in /data, uninstalling the update, updating system with an even
newer update, etc. I think they all work. No promises though.
events (and in one case, a DropBox entry).
Add a simple intent that triggers master-clear (and toggle EFS), given the
right permissions.
Bug: 2264596
Bug: 2350452
Bug: 2264596
The IP state was not being refreshed when the supplicant transitions
from COMPLETED to ASSOCIATED to COMPLETED. This can lead to
a connected state with no real connection due to old IP settings.
The fix refreshes IP on each connection.
Bug: 2329261
Change-Id: I38cd56369ee2d8ab3e0f06f5c9f5712b9b2f35a0
TabHost sets closed tabs visibility to GONE instead of INVISIBLE, so that they are no
longer considered by the layout.
Change-Id: I74efea13d43e3c7ce21476c7bbcb3bb1cca8bf29
queryBroadcastReceivers() can return null, so AppWidgetService
should guard against that.
Fixes http://b/issue?id=2418982
Change-Id: I1ba83c0c37622e0280f3dba2fef5eca2cc90c975