- Per suggestion of API council, moving properties of a Connection from
Bug: 27458894
Change-Id: Icce921b03cda514a991646ed39a26559c7e91230
Two major changes:
1) Add the notion of extras to a Connection. These extras will be
parceled through to InCallService as Call.getExtras()
2) The previously existing Call.getExtras() has been renamed to
getIntentExtras(). This name better describes the fact that these
particular extras are from the original CALL or INCOMING_CALL intents.
Change-Id: I08c1baf4f08d54757f98012f0c08b423a707c53d
- The issue was due to a mis-merge in ParcelableConference. The write
of the status hints happens at the end of the writeToParcel method.
Bug: 20503132
Change-Id: I40ef9b267b48876006e4cbe29e5ae09ba77bcb33
Looks like the connectTimeMillis parameter to ParcelableConference
got removed when partner CLs were merged in. Adding it back fixes
the problem.
Bug: 20159830
Change-Id: Ibe067f64f8faea6fd1eb157e5073bc702978c511
-Add isVideo API to VideoProfile.VideoState
IMS-VT: Fix propagation of device orientation.
Orientation received at VT Service is incorrect.
Fixed propagation of device orientation to VT service.
IMS-VT: Upgrade fix
-Add session modify call timed out constant
Notify listeners of video quality changed event
- Propagate the video quality changed message to the UI.
IMS: Add support for video quality
- Add Config interface to get/set video quality
IMS-VT: Multitasking feature
-Support for video multitasking
IMS-VT: Modification of data usage aidl
Change data usage aidl interface to take parameter type long
instead of int
Change-Id: I7cda2a689edb86d025dfe8efc8f573918c4bd6bc
Propagate the call substate changed message to the UI
IMS-VT: Add call modifiable capability
PhoneCapababilities call type modifiable constant added
IMS-VT: Add a bit mask CALL_SUBSTATE_ALL with all call substate bits set
IMS-VT: Enable Video conferencing.
Enable Video conferencing.
Change-Id: I4240aa6f32c75d6eea8a41da3c87bca651f0901b
IMS-VT: Add hide for setVideoProvider API
Observed compilation error for SDK generation due to setVideoProvider
API. Marking setVideoProvider as hide inorder to resolve the
compilation error.
IMS-VT: Add persist.radio.ims.audio.output for VT calls
-- Add persist.radio.ims.audio.output to set the default speaker
for VT calls.
-- Add required constants
IMS-VT: Add additional error codes for upgrade downgrade
-Add support to send additional error codes to UI during
upgrade downgrade.
Change-Id: Id452d225098fe3bccdcd37d242985c5c761144c1
- Added support in Conference for specifying the connect time when the
conference is created.
Bug: 18959443
Change-Id: I501edde3b62f6bf021eb7455089e80626013da12
- Changing package from android.telecomm to android.telecom
- Changing package from com.android.telecomm to
- Renaming TelecommManager to TelecomManager.
Bug: 17364651
Change-Id: I192cb5d189f55db012ea72ee82ccc5aedbc21638