Enable feature in config. Expose Dream in public api for unbundled apps.
Unhide package. Add isDreaming() method to service.
Re-arrange the Dream api a bit. (use onStart as hook for subclasses).
Coordinate properly with power manager.
Replace old dock mode (don't fire old intent).
Change-Id: I1318d20cc1613e5d862f2913f2fcdc9719302cf7
Bug: 6921930
- Expose the existing Context.sendBroadcast() as
- Add new android:singleUser attribute for services.
- Add new INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission for full
system-level access to cross-user interface (allows
sendBroadcastAsUser() to send to any receiver).
- Add new INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission for
more restricted cross-user interaction: this is required
for android:singleUser, and allows you to use
sendBroadcastAsUser() but only to send to your own
Change-Id: I0de88f6718e9505f4de72e3f45d29c0f503b76e9
Bug 6807326
Public bug http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=34690
Make this available for use by applications that wish to make
programmatic changes to the AutoCompleteTextView without filtering.
Change-Id: I889452d3b19b378258ad9247f3d254afee1e8408
Bug 6803309
When the alert dialog raised by the JS unload handler was pressed
outside the alert region, it was canceled and no response was
sent back to WebViewCore. This captures the cancel event so that
WebViewCore doesn't hang.
Change-Id: I0c125e759a252a803c2c77aa9533adef7fa82d3d
Bug 6904212
Update allow-text and max item height properties for action bar menu
item views properly.
Fix an ActionMenuItemView measurement bug that could cause items to
measure too small.
Change-Id: Ibac8491f7670969b0ae4584fff5e44ebd1435abd
This change passes the originating URL and accompanied referrer to
package verifiers, when available.
Bug: 6544677
Change-Id: If9ff6663ad7f3426b7aea2aceb1413b689788138
Bug 6921236
Add a default contentDescription for MediaRouteButton.
Add long-press "cheat sheet" support to MediaRouteButtons created by
MediaRouteActionProvider for use in the action bar to match standard
action button behavior.
Change-Id: I313cfcb2349210765b084c3388095de4624009e8
Bug 6854156
setComposingText is in the middle of a batch and it was resetting
the InputConnection. When the batch ended, it was closing a
batch that wasn't open on the new InputConnection. The reset
turns out not to be necessary anymore -- the LatinIME respects
the content when setComposingText fails to change anything.
Change-Id: If3352b32ed7b3c90c8dcb3d5ff8d308e82849d85
Fix a couple of bugs that turned up.
Remove touch/focus from display. Add iterators for access.
Respond to comments. Remove TODOs, and some deviceId parameters.
Change-Id: Idcdb4f1979aa7b14634d450fd0333d6eff26994d
ActionBarContainer drawables for primary/stacked/split backgrounds
will now properly respect callbacks, layout direction, etc.
Bug 6905932
Change-Id: I20a089861c66a2a378f4b70c0b6cb4bb27476049
This puts in most of the infrastructure needed to allow us to
switch between different densities at run time. The main remaining
uses of the global are to initialize the Bitmap object (not sure
what to do about that since it doesn't have anything passed in
the constructor to get this information from), and being able to
load drawables if we need a different density than what was preloaded
by zygote.
Change-Id: Ifdbfd6b7a5c59e6aa22e63b95b78d96af3d96848
Enables system apps to correctly account network usage performed on
behalf of another application.
Bug: 6695246
Change-Id: I39e243afd57936b6b30157a6ca511a17b6c55c39