Tim Murray
Merge "Switch to simpler createFromBitmap in ImageProcessing."
2012-12-19 11:59:27 -08:00
Justin Koh
am e422737f: am a90c92a1: am 86903699: Merge "Start RecognitionActivity with an upswipe gesture." into jb-mr1-aah-dev
* commit 'e422737fda48f73cdd74800c9a9b9d15d0186b6d':
Start RecognitionActivity with an upswipe gesture.
2012-12-19 11:50:30 -08:00
Justin Koh
am a90c92a1: am 86903699: Merge "Start RecognitionActivity with an upswipe gesture." into jb-mr1-aah-dev
* commit 'a90c92a1c97830de5e1766bb64ff421a2a50ed56':
Start RecognitionActivity with an upswipe gesture.
2012-12-19 11:48:41 -08:00
Justin Koh
am 86903699: Merge "Start RecognitionActivity with an upswipe gesture." into jb-mr1-aah-dev
* commit '86903699692a0b3229062da2995d829629e64e7b':
Start RecognitionActivity with an upswipe gesture.
2012-12-19 11:46:34 -08:00
Justin Koh
Merge "Start RecognitionActivity with an upswipe gesture." into jb-mr1-aah-dev
2012-12-19 11:42:26 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
am b82f5a6c: am c4241766: am 6f59fb53: am 71fc6b86: am 84303f5c: Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
* commit 'b82f5a6c90e4a36aebf0f5fb10d752f0ba4dd2a0':
Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
2012-12-19 11:25:24 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
am c4241766: am 6f59fb53: am 71fc6b86: am 84303f5c: Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
* commit 'c4241766be958d68d4b9605957093bed9b540a75':
Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
2012-12-19 11:23:27 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
am 6f59fb53: am 71fc6b86: am 84303f5c: Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
* commit '6f59fb53acebd7bf09372f17514322e076874f89':
Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
2012-12-19 11:21:16 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
am 71fc6b86: am 84303f5c: Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
* commit '71fc6b860c77b36435a6f221919531582866e787':
Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
2012-12-19 11:19:28 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
am 84303f5c: Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
* commit '84303f5cd613f24653cc08d156a533e23a76b34a':
Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
2012-12-19 11:15:17 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
Also remove the duplicate copy of this file. There's a redirect in place
from the old location.
Bug: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=41623
(cherry picked from commit 965da34de94cdb845b64bd676e45b260000cd09d)
Change-Id: I5a940383fb27900ba560822c060cc5ed864eb771
2012-12-19 11:09:16 -08:00
Joe Malin
am 5f5f6c33: am 44a0489f: am 46dd710a: am 89523cfe: am 4c59230a: am d4289c6e: am c84b3603: am 8dd6275e: Android Training: Multiple Threads
* commit '5f5f6c3335eed994cab6a1c10aaca04afcbda057':
Android Training: Multiple Threads
2012-12-19 10:46:46 -08:00
Joe Malin
am 44a0489f: am 46dd710a: am 89523cfe: am 4c59230a: am d4289c6e: am c84b3603: am 8dd6275e: Android Training: Multiple Threads
* commit '44a0489f590f80ee1bc73f051757e246f73e2b5f':
Android Training: Multiple Threads
2012-12-19 10:45:11 -08:00
Joe Malin
am 46dd710a: am 89523cfe: am 4c59230a: am d4289c6e: am c84b3603: am 8dd6275e: Android Training: Multiple Threads
* commit '46dd710a802e016740711e40ecfac345e19a183f':
Android Training: Multiple Threads
2012-12-19 10:43:14 -08:00
Joe Malin
am 89523cfe: am 4c59230a: am d4289c6e: am c84b3603: am 8dd6275e: Android Training: Multiple Threads
* commit '89523cfe92c7975324894d21d8c1624b4ff7b9a4':
Android Training: Multiple Threads
2012-12-19 10:40:39 -08:00
Joe Malin
am 4c59230a: am d4289c6e: am c84b3603: am 8dd6275e: Android Training: Multiple Threads
* commit '4c59230a2fe0ec750b31a0908fbee5c5613b87c0':
Android Training: Multiple Threads
2012-12-19 10:37:41 -08:00
Joe Malin
am d4289c6e: am c84b3603: am 8dd6275e: Android Training: Multiple Threads
* commit 'd4289c6e20c0a42deba796d02b5a9bc60c9a4e7c':
Android Training: Multiple Threads
2012-12-19 10:35:32 -08:00
Joe Malin
am c84b3603: am 8dd6275e: Android Training: Multiple Threads
* commit 'c84b3603fa27db68516187cea19de1e6a021152d':
Android Training: Multiple Threads
2012-12-19 10:33:14 -08:00
Joe Malin
am 8dd6275e: Android Training: Multiple Threads
* commit '8dd6275e2871bea1acb20cbdd98ea0451b3d5be0':
Android Training: Multiple Threads
2012-12-19 10:31:39 -08:00
am 52ed1fdf: am 5ce02267: am 7ad7b2c4: am 32b81205: Fix a bug where disabled auxilialy IME is unexpectedly re-enabled
* commit '52ed1fdf105846e184efe1889fa0aa358ac8a181':
Fix a bug where disabled auxilialy IME is unexpectedly re-enabled
2012-12-19 10:29:20 -08:00
am 5ce02267: am 7ad7b2c4: am 32b81205: Fix a bug where disabled auxilialy IME is unexpectedly re-enabled
* commit '5ce0226708ec75b8636d062ae89aeb410c06659c':
Fix a bug where disabled auxilialy IME is unexpectedly re-enabled
2012-12-19 10:27:42 -08:00
am 7ad7b2c4: am 32b81205: Fix a bug where disabled auxilialy IME is unexpectedly re-enabled
* commit '7ad7b2c437d10fb8e7221e6e28aa247217f93681':
Fix a bug where disabled auxilialy IME is unexpectedly re-enabled
2012-12-19 10:24:45 -08:00
am 32b81205: Fix a bug where disabled auxilialy IME is unexpectedly re-enabled
* commit '32b812054cce27d1c70b53ba8ac729c7186b105e':
Fix a bug where disabled auxilialy IME is unexpectedly re-enabled
2012-12-19 10:23:04 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
am cae1550e: am a8d7b52c: am 171a9906: Merge "Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link."
* commit 'cae1550e910c43508c3d0c7e2f445639c99c65ce':
Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
2012-12-19 09:54:11 -08:00
The Android Open Source Project
am 25ad2cf7: (-s ours) am 38f45ddb: (-s ours) Reconcile with jb-mr1.1-release - do not merge
* commit '25ad2cf742ec700722185cf8501f32517c8feff7':
2012-12-19 09:54:09 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
am a8d7b52c: am 171a9906: Merge "Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link."
* commit 'a8d7b52c88ec0dea889affeaa9311b6f7ae43538':
Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
2012-12-19 09:51:33 -08:00
The Android Open Source Project
am 38f45ddb: (-s ours) Reconcile with jb-mr1.1-release - do not merge
* commit '38f45ddb1347b8db126b6d96115d68f883078ee1':
2012-12-19 09:51:30 -08:00
Joe Malin
Android Training: Multiple Threads
Change-Id: I58c472aa5ed82f6b4fb50d9bbb4e66841b9e99c3
2012-12-19 09:47:04 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
am 171a9906: Merge "Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link."
* commit '171a9906996675e3e9eb49fe3b3c1589417d70fb':
Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
2012-12-19 09:46:36 -08:00
Glenn Kasten
Merge "Leak in ToneGenerator_native_setup"
2012-12-19 08:47:20 -08:00
The Android Open Source Project
Reconcile with jb-mr1.1-release - do not merge
Change-Id: I2f44e5d059ca2d6cb1f96ef628cf112ace247f70
2012-12-19 08:37:05 -08:00
Chet Haase
am 11825751: Merge "Fix for requestLayout-during-layout inefficiencies"
* commit '118257517a4b715f4f0318c03f14b3236721dd01':
Fix for requestLayout-during-layout inefficiencies
2012-12-19 07:46:42 -08:00
Chet Haase
Merge "Fix for requestLayout-during-layout inefficiencies"
2012-12-19 07:43:23 -08:00
Derek Sollenberger
Merge "Update framework to support r5967 of Skia." into master-chromium
2012-12-19 06:18:11 -08:00
Fix a bug where disabled auxilialy IME is unexpectedly re-enabled
Bug: 7872918
This is a serious issue which the disabled system auxilialy IME is unexpectedly re-enabled by re-building internal IMI cache.
Change-Id: I0727cc973dfaea9823194021ce94af8665b98373
2012-12-19 21:06:57 +09:00
Andrew Hsieh
Fix typo
Change-Id: I58f863c4eb1eb4196d001c280027ab59bee51ce4
2012-12-19 11:21:38 +08:00
Elliott Hughes
Merge "Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link."
2012-12-18 18:06:07 -08:00
Jeff Sharkey
am ceab6cbf: Merge "Fix metered SSID matching regression."
* commit 'ceab6cbf781d084ab4bb1b4985d7202f5c5b9ed0':
Fix metered SSID matching regression.
2012-12-18 17:48:54 -08:00
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "Fix metered SSID matching regression."
2012-12-18 17:45:34 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
Update the JNI spec link, and remove a dead link.
Also remove the duplicate copy of this file. There's a redirect in place
from the old location.
Bug: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=41623
Change-Id: I521b640fdef17c98582171d97214486d16e774e4
2012-12-18 17:24:36 -08:00
Glenn Kasten
am 06f7de49: Merge "Simplify AudioTrack event handling and fix a race"
* commit '06f7de4944bbf650e1574c6f25d3ef6a193122bf':
Simplify AudioTrack event handling and fix a race
2012-12-18 17:13:49 -08:00
Glenn Kasten
Merge "Simplify AudioTrack event handling and fix a race"
2012-12-18 17:10:52 -08:00
Jeff Sharkey
Fix metered SSID matching regression.
WifiInfo changed to return SSIDs with quotes included, so relax our
identity matching to accept matches regardless of quotedness.
Bug: 7695807
Change-Id: Ib5d06666035e06b2d4b2f7cb498767d63b1b1828
2012-12-18 17:07:01 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 12174a1c: am 48576911: Merge from AOSP staging branch
* commit '12174a1c62f1a21c76f4b10eef71438019dce716':
Return error upon attempt to use non-existent APN
Memory leak due to bad destroy sequence
2012-12-18 15:55:14 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 48576911: Merge from AOSP staging branch
* commit '48576911a2de25c46ecfbecdf7dcb373b70be3a5':
Return error upon attempt to use non-existent APN
Memory leak due to bad destroy sequence
2012-12-18 15:52:45 -08:00
Andy McFadden
am ddf6d290: Merge "Rename ISurfaceTexture and SurfaceTexture"
* commit 'ddf6d2907ba55159a0b053e3cf557768e0b5959c':
Rename ISurfaceTexture and SurfaceTexture
2012-12-18 15:23:00 -08:00
Andy McFadden
Merge "Rename ISurfaceTexture and SurfaceTexture"
2012-12-18 15:19:44 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge from AOSP staging branch
Change-Id: Iad3df4845e6fae16c4ae6dbddcad0121d4775dcd
2012-12-18 15:14:12 -08:00
Tim Murray
Switch to simpler createFromBitmap in ImageProcessing.
Change-Id: I61034689ed83b6536abc034e21c39adac2cdf553
2012-12-18 14:21:39 -08:00
Chet Haase
Fix for requestLayout-during-layout inefficiencies
An earlier fix made it possible to call requestLayout() during layout
(which is not recommended in most cases outside of a ListView) without
ending up with blank content and internal layout flags in a confused state.
However, that fix incorrectly detected a problem in some cases (such as
ListView practices of adding views during layout) which were actually okay;
as long as you make sure to measure and layout your children properly
before returning from layout(), then it's not a problem. We were improperly
spamming the log with supposed problems, and causing more overhead in correct
cases by running a full request/measure/layout pass after the first layout
pass, all of which is unnecessary in cases where the containers know what
they're doing.
This new fix changes the logic to only cause the second layout pass (and third,
posted to the next frame, if things are really done incorrectly) if the layout-request
flags are still set on the requesting views after the full layout pass is complete.
This situation causes the blank screens we've seen in buggy apps, and is exactly
what we should avoid. However, correct cases (e.g., ListView) will not have these
problems because they run measure/layout correctly after the request calls, which
clears these flags. The upshot is that buggy cases will be detected and compensated for
(by clearing the flags and then running a second request/measure/layout pass, as in the
original fix) and non-buggy cases will be noop'd, going back to their previous, working
logic flow.
The bug below is one of the buggy apps to demonstrate this problem. I noticed that the
original problem (blank screen) is no longer reproducible. I suspect that logic was
added to the app to force a refresh after it is attached. You can still detect the problem
(and the fix) by seeing that prior to the fix (say, on mr1.1) there is a delay of about
a second between the end of the progress bar updates and the showing of content on a
screen that used to just remain blank. With the fix (both the previous version and this
one), the content is updated immediately, because we now handle the buggy request-
during-layout situation in the same frame as it occurs.
Issue #6914123 News and Weather app sometimes loads to a blank screen
Change-Id: I4c34817cc3dd44ba422ff50de4321624c0824d83
2012-12-18 13:40:50 -08:00