- an overview section on including search suggestions in quick search box
- additional table of searchable metadata attributes related to quick search box
- additional column descriptions that we've added for quick search box.
- description of how to expose your content provider's search suggestions to
the search infrastructure if you have permissions guarding your content provider.
* changes:
First update of SearchManager docs to reflect the new Donut Quick Search Box feature. This simply cleans up any inconsistencies or weirdnesses, we still need to add the new info for QSB.
When RemoteViews inflates a layout and set of actions, it
uses a cloned remote Context so it can fully access the
resources needed to complete the inflate. However, in one
specific case when inflating the root view, LayoutInflater
calls back to the soon-to-be parent view to request the
correct set of LayoutParams through generateLayoutParams().
The default implementation of generateLayoutParams() uses
the Context of the /local/ View instead of the remote
Context being used for the inflation, which means that any
LayoutParam references in the root view are unresolved.
To fix this, we internally create our own copy of the target
remote Context. This way, when the remote LayoutInflater
calls generateLayoutParams(), we inflate it using the remote
Context to correctly resolve any references.
This change is required as part of http://b/2038594
close itself directly because it may not happen correctly for some cursors
currently. This fixes http://b/2036290, which is being caused by
http://b/2015069 which we are not fixing for Donut, so this is a hack around
that for the time being.
* changes:
Close the search dialog before starting voice search in all cases, i.e., also when launching web search, not just when it's using the intent API.
* changes:
Fix#2025900. If a https request is canceled while openConnection is called and a ssl error happened, the http thread can be blocked for up to 10 min. Added code to detect this case and unlock the thread.
search. Without this, because of the recent changes to how the search
dialog hides and resumes, we end up re-showing the search dialog after
returning to the app from voice search, obscuring the new voice search
results behind.
Fixes http://b/2025364
* changes:
check for null native objects, which never happens on a real subclass (we throw in that case) but can happen because we allow the callers to create the base class from java.
When the suggstion provider is in a different package from the searchable
activity, the icons stored for shortcuts used the package of the
activity instead of the provider.
Fixes http://b/issue?id=2023993
The drawing matrix used in onDraw() is mDrawMatrix, but in setImageMatrix()
only mMatrix is updated. We need to call configureBounds() to update
mDrawMatrix if it was null. The is found in bug 2023281.
It turns out we were not returning the density for anything retrieved from a
TypedArray... which basically means any bitmap references from a layout or style...!!!
This is now fixed.
Also fiddle with the density compatibility mode to turn on smoothing in certain situations,
helping the look of things when they need to scale and we couldn't do the scaling at
load time.
* changes:
Special-case search within the browser to not show the app icon to the left of the search field. Also, because this removes context about whether you're in browser search or global search, we make sure to clear any entered text if you jump out to global search from within browser search.
to the left of the search field. Also, because this removes context
about whether you're in browser search or global search, we make
sure to clear any entered text if you jump out to global search from
within browser search.
This is a really ugly hack, but was required by the UI team. We will
find a better way to reconcile in Eclair.
This will fix a CNAP-related bug where missing a call from a party with an
"Unknown" number presentation and then trying to log that call will cause
a NullPointerException to be thrown.
This was already merged into master so marked will not be merged.
Removed the TTS_ prefix in the TextToSpeech class to follow the standard naming convention.
Moved the TTS-related intents from the Intent class to TextToSpeech and TextToSpeech.Engine.
Renamed the TextToSpeech.Engine constants that are used as extras for the
ACTION_TTS_CHECK_TTS_DATA intent to prefix them with EXTRA_.
Cleaned up the other TextToSpeech.Engine constant to remove superfluous mentions of
"TTS" in the name.
Re-arrange various things to ensure that the search dialog is told about system windows being
closed before it is told about the navigation back to home.