Lajos Molnar
Merge "add android.util.SizeF.parseSizeF()" into lmp-dev
2014-09-11 00:55:06 +00:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
am e1f07060: (-s ours) am e825f0ee: am 60f22fbf: Do not restore the media button event receiver
* commit 'e1f07060b8c94cc02309172fb9fb8cd4bd0e35f7':
Do not restore the media button event receiver
2014-09-11 00:51:32 +00:00
Adam Lesinski
am 3e6e8495: am 5acd2166: Merge "Output recent configs in am get-config command" into lmp-dev
* commit '3e6e849511f08277467a729d1d1dca5a1b0782d0':
Output recent configs in am get-config command
2014-09-11 00:40:03 +00:00
Alan Viverette
am 5d1f9528: am 2a94c34d: Merge "Copy opaque over shape in GradientDrawable copy constructor" into lmp-dev
* commit '5d1f9528fd1b6f4c7919c9e19f69c86bbf1dc561':
Copy opaque over shape in GradientDrawable copy constructor
2014-09-11 00:39:58 +00:00
Matthew Williams
Add flag to JobParameters for job expired
BUG: 17424511
Introduce an "isOverrideDeadlineExpired" which will allow clients
to know when they are being run due to an expiry.
Nb that we check deadline expiry by checking that the constraints on
the job are not satisfied at execution time. Really this is the same
thing, as a job will not be run without its constraints being met,
unless the job has expired.
Change-Id: I4b91e5b5eadccabd91296d5a5ca66b859dbfaf5c
2014-09-10 17:32:18 -07:00
Adam Lesinski
am 5acd2166: Merge "Output recent configs in am get-config command" into lmp-dev
* commit '5acd2166edf0006270aeb3ee8c2e2e4d0699ee5a':
Output recent configs in am get-config command
2014-09-11 00:29:39 +00:00
Alan Viverette
am 2a94c34d: Merge "Copy opaque over shape in GradientDrawable copy constructor" into lmp-dev
* commit '2a94c34d4e0daef9391a95b7081f26169006bddb':
Copy opaque over shape in GradientDrawable copy constructor
2014-09-11 00:29:35 +00:00
Paul Jensen
Make Network.openConnection() share HttpHandlers not OkHttpClients.
HttpHandler and HttpsHandler classes have a lot of bug fixes baked into
them that the Network.openConnection() API should be using, for example
disabling SPDY support.
Change-Id: I9f1472753a542d1dd6bffde3a60c37a9145098aa
2014-09-11 00:25:50 +00:00
Adam Lesinski
Merge "Output recent configs in am get-config command" into lmp-dev
2014-09-11 00:24:05 +00:00
Alan Viverette
Merge "Copy opaque over shape in GradientDrawable copy constructor" into lmp-dev
2014-09-11 00:22:10 +00:00
Alan Viverette
Enable adjustViewBounds on preference icon so that maxWidth is used
BUG: 17437258
Change-Id: I87fcd8bfb5936aaf321f65d2b181a8dfddf3c973
2014-09-10 17:19:18 -07:00
Ricardo Cervera
am 4232a59b: am d086db30: Merge "cherrypick from klp-modular-dev docs: Added note on disabling debugging for WebView apps. Bug: 16232761 Change-Id: I6cdc2ef7da87e78ec42a456d232a8e46a26c7365" into klp-modular-docs
* commit '4232a59b083f4062e127b4de4663348b3e08b1bd':
cherrypick from klp-modular-dev docs: Added note on disabling debugging for WebView apps. Bug: 16232761 Change-Id: I6cdc2ef7da87e78ec42a456d232a8e46a26c7365
2014-09-11 00:19:11 +00:00
Ricardo Cervera
am 02afa734: am a6c12f01: Merge "docs: Fixed minor bug in downloads class. Bug: 16948533" into klp-modular-docs
* commit '02afa7348b7b6b41d24f4d401d07ed3cea4b5066':
docs: Fixed minor bug in downloads class. Bug: 16948533
2014-09-11 00:19:06 +00:00
Amith Yamasani
Apply cross-user restrictions to Shell
Even though Shell user is allowed to perform cross-user actions,
lock that path down if the target user has restrictions imposed by
the profile owner device admin that prevents access via adb.
If the profile owner has imposed DISALLOW_DEBUGGING_FEATURES, don't
allow the shell user to make the following types of calls:
start activities, make service calls, access content providers,
send broadcasts, block/unblock packages, clear user data, etc.
Bug: 15086577
Change-Id: I9669fc165953076f786ed51cbc17d20d6fa995c3
2014-09-10 17:15:06 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Fix issue #17414533 : update batterystats occasionally takes a couple...
...hundred milliseconds.
Rework the locking so that no critical paths block on the cpu collection.
Change-Id: Ie615a033f7f8b523b67abee62c581d1a8fce324c
2014-09-10 17:11:22 -07:00
Alan Viverette
Use Calendar day of week rather than Time in SimpleMonthView
BUG: 17377360
Change-Id: I685f35b760c049edaa8934eccaf5ce1bbf326cf2
2014-09-10 17:09:13 -07:00
Ricardo Cervera
am d086db30: Merge "cherrypick from klp-modular-dev docs: Added note on disabling debugging for WebView apps. Bug: 16232761 Change-Id: I6cdc2ef7da87e78ec42a456d232a8e46a26c7365" into klp-modular-docs
* commit 'd086db30d0f097f34eae0a9a3d443e11cc230d62':
cherrypick from klp-modular-dev docs: Added note on disabling debugging for WebView apps. Bug: 16232761 Change-Id: I6cdc2ef7da87e78ec42a456d232a8e46a26c7365
2014-09-11 00:06:13 +00:00
Ricardo Cervera
am a6c12f01: Merge "docs: Fixed minor bug in downloads class. Bug: 16948533" into klp-modular-docs
* commit 'a6c12f0189c92b556fd7c3af3d8466d9b6d828c9':
docs: Fixed minor bug in downloads class. Bug: 16948533
2014-09-11 00:06:10 +00:00
Re-triangulate the spot shadow.
Fix the valid umbra detection.
This looks better b/c every vertex will have one ray shooting at it, such that
we don't miss the corner.
This performs better too, due to the polygon intersection is removed and less ray
intersection. 2x performance for rect and circle for spot shadow in test app.
Change-Id: I4a5ee397b9e192e93c8e35e6260b499e3e38a6f4
2014-09-10 17:05:59 -07:00
Deepanshu Gupta
LayoutLib: support font weights.
Also fixes a shader delegate method.
Change-Id: I86be80ab55d04760084d5bf39235f2ee4de7be23
2014-09-10 17:01:16 -07:00
Ricardo Cervera
Merge "cherrypick from klp-modular-dev docs: Added note on disabling debugging for WebView apps. Bug: 16232761 Change-Id: I6cdc2ef7da87e78ec42a456d232a8e46a26c7365" into klp-modular-docs
2014-09-10 23:57:47 +00:00
Ricardo Cervera
Merge "docs: Fixed minor bug in downloads class. Bug: 16948533" into klp-modular-docs
2014-09-10 23:57:16 +00:00
Alan Viverette
Copy opaque over shape in GradientDrawable copy constructor
BUG: 17433604
Change-Id: I8eeba8bd68930db178545a3b25e29c3c45ae1f79
2014-09-10 16:54:02 -07:00
Alan Viverette
am ba870607: am 78f863c7: Merge "Fix docs and nulling behavior for TextView.setCompoundDrawables" into lmp-dev
* commit 'ba87060785fbb90ba7d0777a3938a1b95d3ee5a6':
Fix docs and nulling behavior for TextView.setCompoundDrawables
2014-09-10 23:51:39 +00:00
Craig Stout
Omit appearing views that have a parent that is also appearing.
Change-Id: Ib3fe619e271688c93a5cd4cb4d557e6cca5baa34
2014-09-10 23:44:30 +00:00
Alan Viverette
am 78f863c7: Merge "Fix docs and nulling behavior for TextView.setCompoundDrawables" into lmp-dev
* commit '78f863c7c00948817ede61ec59e47c990009b00d':
Fix docs and nulling behavior for TextView.setCompoundDrawables
2014-09-10 23:39:02 +00:00
Alan Viverette
am 1c19026d: am 8b5ef83e: Merge "Make SearchView styles public, remove public Holo styles added in L" into lmp-dev
* commit '1c19026dadb9d6013f48901aaf1e6451b42f0977':
Make SearchView styles public, remove public Holo styles added in L
2014-09-10 23:38:16 +00:00
Alan Viverette
am b5d64475: am 38669745: Merge "Only force drawing in RippleDrawable when necessary" into lmp-dev
* commit 'b5d64475b9383b85432adf62d7d853e43b217d53':
Only force drawing in RippleDrawable when necessary
2014-09-10 23:38:11 +00:00
Chris Craik
am e7a5da38: am 093e3412: Merge "Additional layer logging" into lmp-dev
* commit 'e7a5da38eca971db5a44042f4cb68d334a4d8cf7':
Additional layer logging
2014-09-10 23:38:06 +00:00
Alan Viverette
am 8b5ef83e: Merge "Make SearchView styles public, remove public Holo styles added in L" into lmp-dev
* commit '8b5ef83e1ba6ae3584d041654726315e996fe2d5':
Make SearchView styles public, remove public Holo styles added in L
2014-09-10 23:33:30 +00:00
Alan Viverette
am 38669745: Merge "Only force drawing in RippleDrawable when necessary" into lmp-dev
* commit '38669745510256efb4372c498160d6a1e7d302f8':
Only force drawing in RippleDrawable when necessary
2014-09-10 23:33:25 +00:00
Alan Viverette
Merge "Fix docs and nulling behavior for TextView.setCompoundDrawables" into lmp-dev
2014-09-10 23:31:04 +00:00
Alan Viverette
Merge "Make SearchView styles public, remove public Holo styles added in L" into lmp-dev
2014-09-10 23:29:13 +00:00
Chris Craik
am 093e3412: Merge "Additional layer logging" into lmp-dev
* commit '093e341206df8a3d78e2f4b4247a5fbd68ef37f5':
Additional layer logging
2014-09-10 23:28:49 +00:00
Bring back the fillAlpha and strokeAlpha.
At the same time, remove the group alpha since we did not follow the convention
that group's alpha should apply together, not separately to each elements.
Change-Id: Idfc071414213583924961dc8ea760d6fb317873c
2014-09-10 16:26:48 -07:00
Alan Viverette
Merge "Only force drawing in RippleDrawable when necessary" into lmp-dev
2014-09-10 23:26:06 +00:00
am 14a1444e: am a6b5869f: Merge "Fix a crash in print spooler." into lmp-dev
* commit '14a1444ebabf296d439838dfa14f973b3500d267':
Fix a crash in print spooler.
2014-09-10 23:22:05 +00:00
am 7e115924: am 930f4fe4: Merge "Accessibilty support for the print UI." into lmp-dev
* commit '7e115924533910ec872175f39850d4b83663ffc4':
Accessibilty support for the print UI.
2014-09-10 23:22:01 +00:00
Dianne Hackborn
Fix issue #17428001 : Fix revokeUriPermissions
You can now revoke permissions that were granted to you.
Change-Id: I9a1872059edc715b10bbd2d653e45420d43331c3
2014-09-10 16:20:24 -07:00
Chris Craik
Merge "Additional layer logging" into lmp-dev
2014-09-10 23:19:08 +00:00
am a6b5869f: Merge "Fix a crash in print spooler." into lmp-dev
* commit 'a6b5869f409f9674ef046e8f997e5f97b71b794a':
Fix a crash in print spooler.
2014-09-10 23:10:46 +00:00
am 930f4fe4: Merge "Accessibilty support for the print UI." into lmp-dev
* commit '930f4fe4cb27f9363d177848f4f832b4a79d2819':
Accessibilty support for the print UI.
2014-09-10 23:10:41 +00:00
Chris Craik
Additional layer logging
Track layer's last known state.
Change-Id: Ic1799191f5839a1d6cc56f598f2ac2671dc27a6f
2014-09-10 16:10:24 -07:00
Alan Viverette
Make SearchView styles public, remove public Holo styles added in L
We shouldn't adding styles for a deprecated theme. Also this cleans up
the removed public resources for easier deletion later.
BUG: 17455273
Change-Id: I2c5caf354aab91463702f25c38f0dd29c153ba44
2014-09-10 16:05:35 -07:00
Merge "Fix a crash in print spooler." into lmp-dev
2014-09-10 23:00:42 +00:00
Merge "Accessibilty support for the print UI." into lmp-dev
2014-09-10 22:59:50 +00:00
Jeff Sharkey
am 9d61be1f: am bed348e3: Merge "Manage mode shouldn\'t block for other providers." into lmp-dev
* commit '9d61be1f0c0bf7260e5022e5b66218b144df9065':
Manage mode shouldn't block for other providers.
2014-09-10 22:58:48 +00:00
Eric Laurent
am 6bc4e4b4: am 0b381432: Merge "AudioEffect JNI: fix queryEffects()" into lmp-dev
* commit '6bc4e4b41a956662fecf3b5d893d1a8460104aa3':
AudioEffect JNI: fix queryEffects()
2014-09-10 22:58:43 +00:00
Jeff Sharkey
am bed348e3: Merge "Manage mode shouldn\'t block for other providers." into lmp-dev
* commit 'bed348e3f1090417df2694d394ad11ef07a1e44a':
Manage mode shouldn't block for other providers.
2014-09-10 22:45:34 +00:00
Eric Laurent
am 0b381432: Merge "AudioEffect JNI: fix queryEffects()" into lmp-dev
* commit '0b381432c45fd7918bef8f3ba8f0a97e28687951':
AudioEffect JNI: fix queryEffects()
2014-09-10 22:45:29 +00:00