Merge commit 'f67eff177515baa421d8717ee20efdc516fde580' into eclair-mr2
* commit 'f67eff177515baa421d8717ee20efdc516fde580':
Add windows media support check in MediaMetadataRetrieverTest
Merge commit 'f97dec837c1fa47250af023bbaea0566a0ec9695'
* commit 'f97dec837c1fa47250af023bbaea0566a0ec9695':
Fixed the H263 video duation which caused the incorrect video validation.
Merge commit 'c3d8f16a72fe803494d68ab53442afbfb5c5ad8d'
* commit 'c3d8f16a72fe803494d68ab53442afbfb5c5ad8d':
1) Add 10 seconds wait time before collecting the end memory.
Merge commit 'f1fa1eacaa36c80c2094ba679b8384d9f4541e11'
* commit 'f1fa1eacaa36c80c2094ba679b8384d9f4541e11':
Fixed the long recorder time and reduce the number of loops.
Merge commit '9365c8fa7c66c62de98b859f08c881ea2ad65980'
* commit '9365c8fa7c66c62de98b859f08c881ea2ad65980':
Turn on thubmnail capture unit test for media metadata retriever
Merge commit '384350e8043b02e332ad4bea0a0c1e9b26f2e1bb'
* commit '384350e8043b02e332ad4bea0a0c1e9b26f2e1bb':
Added the checking for the wma in the memory test.
Merge commit '99c156cd9ff67119e20d4ebc851998d68492da05'
* commit '99c156cd9ff67119e20d4ebc851998d68492da05':
Suppress the testPing as we moved the release test target to the userdebug. This test rely on a which build under the eng build
2) Add the flag which check the wma/wmv enable properties. If the codec is not enable, then skip the wma / wmv related test cases.
3) Added a workaround which let the testcodecspecific test case continue even though there is a failure in the middle of the test. Besides, take out the remvoeFile for temporary usage.
Merge commit '58c243450d054893c234159ea62262c7f2c0a139'
* commit '58c243450d054893c234159ea62262c7f2c0a139':
There is a know issue in PV regarding the video size return. Need to put a 1 second sleep before we get the video dimension
Merge commit '5813b3097451dc4d061eb75e5479e4ea15d886c7'
* commit '5813b3097451dc4d061eb75e5479e4ea15d886c7':
Suppressed the invalidFrameRate as the framework is not throwing the IOException anymore.
Merge commit '667bc1e862c5e6b2a703846e786bf0b624830da8'
* commit '667bc1e862c5e6b2a703846e786bf0b624830da8':
Modified the validation to use singal media player instance.
Added the error callback to handle the media server crash.
modified: MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/stress/
Add StreamSource, which wraps a SkStream to a DataSource.
Add SkOmxPixelRef, which holds a MediaBuffer.
Test OmxJpegImageDecoder by a Jpeg decoder bench.
modified: tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/
Added a new test suite which parse the system media properties and group in into the high quality and low quality recording tests.
new file: tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/
modified: tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/
modified: tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/stress/
Fix the m4a1 duration and the also fix the random_seek time error in the stress test.
modified: tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/stress/
* changes:
modified: res/layout/surface_view.xml modified: src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/ modified: src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/ Fixed the async mp3 playback test case and also switch the base activity to full screen.
modified: src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/
modified: src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/
Fixed the async mp3 playback test case and also switch the base activity to full screen.
modified: src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/
modified: tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/
modified: tests/MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/
Fixed the passing incorrect media names and add the localH263AMRprepareAsync test.
modified: MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/