Merge commit '76a9b9c246efc116967691c5a362c1f68daa6a0b' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '76a9b9c246efc116967691c5a362c1f68daa6a0b':
The starting progress for WebView should be 100 as it is
Merge commit '6449eb06acc934ba4007475680f236721181ee47' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '6449eb06acc934ba4007475680f236721181ee47':
Added API for triggering FastTrack.
I added a new API to help us move away from launching
FastTrack through SHOW_OR_CREATE. For now it's going to
still pass through as an Intent with extras, but in the
future this could be used to launch a Window from a system
Partially fixes http://b/2087222
Merge commit 'd55de40481c6ec7d8fbd1a38c80a6c66bf462a71' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'd55de40481c6ec7d8fbd1a38c80a6c66bf462a71':
Don't scroll the title bar off screen while loading.
Though the user can still manually scroll the title bar
off screen, we do not want it to happen automatically.
When we load a new page, its scroll position can be
set to (0,0). Make sure that we simply set it to the
top without adding in the title bar's height. Also,
prevent javascript which attempts to scroll the page
to (0,0) or (0,1) from removing the title bar.
Fixes http://b/issue?id=2113398 and http://b/issue?id=2123079
Change-Id: Ida64d8c94be6744c7b0b4d60af1c229b2cc83673
Merge commit '3239de8cd78b3fa292d85ee7658a9871cdfbc79b' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '3239de8cd78b3fa292d85ee7658a9871cdfbc79b':
Remove the network connection logic from RequestQueue.
Merge commit '4ac137cad9fb9aa5b69776b4ae3c8f906cc57511' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '4ac137cad9fb9aa5b69776b4ae3c8f906cc57511':
Add API to retrieve memory used by running processes.
Merge commit 'dc2aab4ff2afbb414549a0311d46765e62c225be' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'dc2aab4ff2afbb414549a0311d46765e62c225be':
Fix the zoom center. Now there is a titlebar, the zoom center
Merge commit 'c2912a662d984e2f23187fa31e7e71122d9472d9' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'c2912a662d984e2f23187fa31e7e71122d9472d9':
Revert "Don't activate keyguard if screen is turned off while proximity sensor is active."
Merge commit 'dfe095a045f132dd9c75da4286b87532d9a973a0' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'dfe095a045f132dd9c75da4286b87532d9a973a0':
Don't change the zoom filter during the zoom animation.
Call another invalidate() to draw with the final filters.
This fixed the problem where the end of the zoom animation
is slow and jagged.
Fix http://b/issue?id=2126523
Merge commit '2f77ffb087892f9474b35cb019f593025653e492' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '2f77ffb087892f9474b35cb019f593025653e492':
Don't crash if the cursor is null.
Merge commit 'f7c98e8d1827510a90699b4641eb1937d2e0b823' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'f7c98e8d1827510a90699b4641eb1937d2e0b823':
Wire the rest of MediaPlayer to our implementation of WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivate
Merge commit '074c11c1649a097ba1beae719069f8d4a2dd43e3' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '074c11c1649a097ba1beae719069f8d4a2dd43e3':
Do not @hide Parcelable implementations in BluetoothClass and BluetoothDevice.
Merge commit 'ff22b182a2b8aade96d32c65b9af96ccb91f6296' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'ff22b182a2b8aade96d32c65b9af96ccb91f6296':
Add a null checking to avoid crash.
Merge commit '4b6a278cb6b6c80c9f6ed9d35dd67b7898981aa3' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '4b6a278cb6b6c80c9f6ed9d35dd67b7898981aa3':
do not merge. Revert "do not merge. Remove voicesearch-specific functionality from framework."
Merge commit 'c7aef5d0fda58a1685e5584b34e1b80ba016f017' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'c7aef5d0fda58a1685e5584b34e1b80ba016f017':
Make ACTV use all available space if height is FILL_PARENT.
Merge commit 'b65c5cf0746338a26bb6e721aa61283742ae58d0' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'b65c5cf0746338a26bb6e721aa61283742ae58d0':
Poster support on the Java side
Merge commit 'f5a68512c3d0624584c3e6da1523863e401e49d0' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'f5a68512c3d0624584c3e6da1523863e401e49d0':
First pass at pattern lock screen that includes date / time and carrier info (framework portion).
Merge commit '76f0111845f0886f522cfe1eb5ec1dee34181f7c' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '76f0111845f0886f522cfe1eb5ec1dee34181f7c':
Handle BACK key with focus in search ACTV correctly
Merge commit 'e9351608c6360b70f1311e30b7a6c6917726bbd6' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'e9351608c6360b70f1311e30b7a6c6917726bbd6':
remove the signin required notification as when the signin is successful
Merge commit '81521abea121683643cedbb7483a9a7eb0e466ae' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '81521abea121683643cedbb7483a9a7eb0e466ae':
Add "MMS" to common phone number types.
Merge commit '12cc9d82a6f3bd2aebad8ed97a29e2cbad3ec77a' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '12cc9d82a6f3bd2aebad8ed97a29e2cbad3ec77a':
Add a new flag for IMEs to disable suggestions for certain fields.
Merge commit '972f0e3806f379b7fb6e43265f56ddd91c38107e' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '972f0e3806f379b7fb6e43265f56ddd91c38107e':
Add a parcelable version of UUID file.
Merge commit '0828beee503b99a8f38f456416592d4ed6c799ae' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '0828beee503b99a8f38f456416592d4ed6c799ae':
Add one more hardware keyboard character popup: \ if you hold /
Merge commit '38456260b919497bf948c1e3fd5a7b76b5dda68a' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '38456260b919497bf948c1e3fd5a7b76b5dda68a':
Update the input method when the selection changes.