Merge commit '4bc6158d6bdeff796cfd61d489c01db0d203534c'
* commit '4bc6158d6bdeff796cfd61d489c01db0d203534c':
Fix issue #2166755: BroadcastReceiver trying to return result during a non-ordered broadcast
Merge commit 'e1bf39bc764c78344dd2a6c59c5709919bdc1da9'
* commit 'e1bf39bc764c78344dd2a6c59c5709919bdc1da9':
Make sure AsyncTask sens a null result to onPostExecute() when cancelled.
Merge commit '36cad7be504608a538c845b4a44f0dcee157a338'
* commit '36cad7be504608a538c845b4a44f0dcee157a338':
Add cancel() VCardDataBuilder, which is intended to remove
Merge commit 'a4323999ecfaef42c70eec39b6a8f0bfcfaf2394'
* commit 'a4323999ecfaef42c70eec39b6a8f0bfcfaf2394':
Don't reinflate search bar when dialog is already showing
Merge commit '11782b905292ebde1b591f6561913affdfd415fc'
* commit '11782b905292ebde1b591f6561913affdfd415fc':
Extend the date time to handle the case where the
Merge commit '492eb109ff704c0dfec447a88920657cb230b8d6'
* commit '492eb109ff704c0dfec447a88920657cb230b8d6':
Work on issue #2163789: Way too much logging
Merge commit '0200394a0d8da5fd1a34e7366c1e021db8ccb46c'
* commit '0200394a0d8da5fd1a34e7366c1e021db8ccb46c':
bug 2161715: add the .jpg extension to the temp sdcard image file name so MMS can read the JPEG data using a file uri.
Merge commit 'fde23e398e9b880eec6269adf5afaca1f58e58f7'
* commit 'fde23e398e9b880eec6269adf5afaca1f58e58f7':
Fix a null pointer exception caught by the monkey.
Merge commit '9eca703d08ef2ef81796519fdd60a774380c7d4c'
* commit '9eca703d08ef2ef81796519fdd60a774380c7d4c':
setupRedirect() can throw. Catch it and signal the error.
Merge commit '86806ce11a89260147d7c2efa2c192b711d923db'
* commit '86806ce11a89260147d7c2efa2c192b711d923db':
Process synchronous requests in the same RequestQueue.
Merge commit 'baad552dfd6e9d244659e7509ff958ec8f449c03' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'baad552dfd6e9d244659e7509ff958ec8f449c03':
Fix issue #2166755: BroadcastReceiver trying to return result during a non-ordered broadcast
Merge commit '68d881cf2d2b252f6f795cd64d43e316a1d736e5' into eclair-mr2
* commit '68d881cf2d2b252f6f795cd64d43e316a1d736e5':
Fix issue #2166755: BroadcastReceiver trying to return result during a non-ordered broadcast
Tell the broadcast receiver whether it is getting an initial sticky value,
so it will be quiet about attempts to do ordered broadcast stuff.
Note that the original bug being reported was not actually a crash, just
an error log. So all we are doing here is making the log quieter.
Change-Id: Iaf1b718d82093ec1197142410a64feff47eb3859
Merge commit 'cb40ba2802f2f6e88a1ab9d583284d8afbec68a1' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'cb40ba2802f2f6e88a1ab9d583284d8afbec68a1':
Make sure AsyncTask sens a null result to onPostExecute() when cancelled.
Merge commit '89c768435fc48a93c0af97f9f08e57a346b0a9fd' into eclair-mr2
* commit '89c768435fc48a93c0af97f9f08e57a346b0a9fd':
Make sure AsyncTask sens a null result to onPostExecute() when cancelled.
This is in accordance to the documentation. This bug was approved by hackbod.
The change is safe and is a single line of code.
Change-Id: I9b771df3ae2aa4f496d15e6c43b677f3245539ac
Merge commit '07086eb9dd351f716843ddc4ff7afbd15d25d49c' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '07086eb9dd351f716843ddc4ff7afbd15d25d49c':
Add cancel() VCardDataBuilder, which is intended to remove
* changes:
Add cancel() VCardDataBuilder, which is intended to remove a false alerm "Nested VCard code is not supported now." when importing vCard 3.0 file.
Merge commit '3448b676e9e7562a9b2de54951ac19eae43a6864' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '3448b676e9e7562a9b2de54951ac19eae43a6864':
Don't reinflate search bar when dialog is already showing
Merge commit '9e4c85614c861f095131ffa76e65cbba55d03d0a' into eclair-mr2
* commit '9e4c85614c861f095131ffa76e65cbba55d03d0a':
Don't reinflate search bar when dialog is already showing
Merge commit '7fd7534b58b523851e932f8b1bde61532b738e8a' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '7fd7534b58b523851e932f8b1bde61532b738e8a':
Extend the date time to handle the case where the
Change started reinflating
the entire search bar every time the search source was changed, to get
around problems with bad state in AutoCompleteTextView
(http://b/issue?id=2132686). This had some side-effects if the
search dialog was already visible, as it is when selecting a
source in "More results" or when presing the search key to go to
QSB from in-app search.
This change changes the reinflation to only happen if the dialog is
not already showing.
"After selecting More results from suggestions, the search box is no longer visible."
"Calling QSB with the hardware key does not place focus in the search tab."
"back key has unexpected behaviour in QSB after selecting "More results" from suggestions."
Change-Id: I8d48149c3e9ad97ec11c49ec7efb356f27dfe4f6
Merge commit '48e6725c828a8d420d43925b0c9a9a915a8c4e2f' into eclair-mr2
* commit '48e6725c828a8d420d43925b0c9a9a915a8c4e2f':
Work on issue #2163789: Way too much logging
Merge commit '6b3707452c5921c89258371eec140b0fb76766f8' into eclair-mr2
* commit '6b3707452c5921c89258371eec140b0fb76766f8':
bug 2161715: add the .jpg extension to the temp sdcard image file name so MMS can read the JPEG data using a file uri.