It is not that Singapore has two different rating systems. There is just one
rating system from Board of Film Censors but each broadcaster uses a different
subset of ratings. For example, Free-To-Air uses PG and PG13 while Pay TV uses
NC16 and M18 ratings in addition to the PG and PG13.
Bug: 17330613
Change-Id: I5a5e47706e7415f13a5e7dc9c00cc2c3c3763965
AV devices including TV have more fine-grained volume control
for media type (audio and video). But audio service allows
only 15 steps for music type.
This change mimics voice calls approach to make music type
volume configurable.
Bug: 17342612
Change-Id: Ic82ff4d74b29963edfe92975000df07244492ae6
- duplicated definition in AudioManager and moved
javadoc there. Javadoc in Intent points to AudioManager.
- the String value is not changed
For ACTION_HDMI_AUDIO_PLUG (being added in SDK):
- moved defintion from Intent to AudioManager
- updated String value to reflect package name ""
instead of using "android.intent"
- added definition of the extras, but removed "name".
- moved definition from Intent to AudioManager,
- changed the value from "android.intent.*" to "*"
Updated AudioService, UsbDeviceManager and UsbHostManager
to refer to the actions in AudioManager, not Intent.
Bug 17289385
Change-Id: I61dd73140022d2bb9a676a57f595092c8fa89dcc
Since we converted MediaDescription over to using a String media id
for identifying everything we should also use Strings in the browser
service to make it clear that it should re-use that field.
Change-Id: I5fd5762bdad05068f5b1aa36074306b43432e686
We lost this somewhere. When a callback is set on a MediaSession it needs
to have a reference to the Session so it can do default routing of media
Change-Id: I4af82947da790135049d40c5c69c2996f3cc4ccc
Does all the updates in the bug except the loadIcon/loadBitmap
methods, which are removed per feedback from Sharkey.
Change-Id: Ie84d4d25a59c6985ce16972c26c8d1e5c02ff5c9
- Add device name for keys
- Add max volume for streams
- Add missing stream name constant
Change-Id: I92facbd8ae49ba299c27bcb10bcf6668fed0d302
3 minor fixes:
- return correct codec's info from MediaCodec.getCodecInfo()
- treat required features supported
- make feature spec optional in isFormatSupported
Bug: 17154761
Change-Id: Ie98af35ec16caf48a76358fe178f9cc243abad4f
A recent change that moved the string resource for the system supported
content ratings from the framework to the TV app led to a need for
allowing the TV app to publish its own content rating systems. This
change added an intent action and a metadata key to be used by the TV
input manager service for querying available content rating systems,
similarly to the way InputManager defined ACTION_QUERY_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS
and META_DATA_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS for custom keyboard layouts. Applications
now can register their own rating systems simply by declaring a
broadcast receiver in their manifests.
Bug: 17167287, Bug: 17114406
Change-Id: I1808c624014b603ea709714737c2a880714bdc0a
1. Persist microphone mute state.
2. Set mute state for correct user.
3. Check for settings restrictions as the correct user.
Bug: 17177502
Bug: 16701642
Change-Id: Id8b6cd90c5caceb67fbec862f90aac7ec7a00b3c
In checkSendBecomingNoisyIntent(), only output devices
must be taken into account when checking if the device
type is in mBecomingNoisyIntentDevices
Bug: 17298383.
Bug: 16403219.
Change-Id: I2213681184ab9fb3b874029143f2bbd34032d6b8
- Report capture failures from service to application
- Only go to error state for device-level errors
- Adjust binder interface method names to match the service side names
- Reduce failed session creation logging
- Don't fire CaptureSession.onActive for CameraDevice.onBusy
- Check with session to determine capture failure reason
Bug: 17160301
Bug: 15524101
Bug: 14448494
Bug: 11272459
Change-Id: I9dd606004fd7845910dc865738fbe17f1640f07d