The Settings put*() APIs fix up references via the old namespaces,
but the raw insert() interface didn't. Now it does. Also, when
possible we fix up direct query() operations on the old namespace
to point to the correct one. At present that is only done for
query() operations with Uris of the form
There is no rewriting done on queries of the form
content://secure WHERE name='adb_enabled'
since the app-supplied WHERE clause can be arbitrarily complex.
Bug 7267568
Change-Id: I5c8cecbea7f5b1da6247a53b1428d3effb0bbca5
This particular layout didn't have layout_height specified, which
is undefined. However, the undefined behavior seems to have changed
on the platform to one where this layout no longer works. Not
specifying layout_height causes the security area view to be 0 pixels
wide, effectively ignoring layout_weight.
Fixes bug 7283261
Change-Id: I0e3d156e9b2d7ef1492dec9791f0e241e8cd7fe6
1. Accessibility events for changes in the content of a given window, such as
click, focus, etc. are dispatched to clients only if they come from the
active window.
Events for changes in the state of a window, such as window got input focus
or a notification appeared, are always dispatched. The notification events
do not contain source, so a client cannot introspect the notification area
(unless the user explicitly touches it which generates hove events). The
events for a window getting input focus change the active window so they
have to be dispatched.
Events that are a result of the user touching the screen, such as hover
enter, first tocuh, etc. should always be dispatched.
Change-Id: I96b79189f8571285175d9660a22394cc84f39559
This just throws off alignment when the natural centering of this
layout will take care of things.
Bug 6369593
Change-Id: If0993091e0d47011f3bf5dd0b5a1fa649471f8e6
Bug #7275145
This change fixes ViewRoot and adds extra debug information. It does
not solve the problem entirely. Another CL will.
Change-Id: I7e604ba38aad7f421769783dcbd998d6905ab2d9
7267494 Calendar is not syncing
Check for whether a content provider is dead before returning
it. This is kind-of a band-aid, but probably the right thing
to do; I'm just not sure exactly the full details of why this
problem is happening. Hopefully this "fixes" it, though I don't
have a way to repro to tell.
7212347 System power off dialog is only visible to user 0
Make it visible. Also turn on some battery debugging stuff and
clean it up so we can just keep it.
Change-Id: I5add25bf2a763c8dfe1df23bc5c753a9ea5d157a
The reason for this is a bit subtle: we want to guarantee that
when a content observer is registered using the public API, it
is *always* bound to the host user's view of the data behind the
observed Uri, never the calling user's. Now, the reason it was
the calling user in the first place is that the Settings provider
(and potentially any singleton provider) needs the observers
underlying Cursors returned from query() to be tied to the caller's
user, not the provider's host user.
In order to accomplish that now that the public-facing behavior is
always tied to the host user, the concrete class that implements
the Cursor type handled by the Settings provider has been extended
with a new hidden API for setting a notification observer tied to
an arbitrary user; and then the provider explicitly downcasts the
query result's Cursor to that class in order to register the
notification observer. We can do this safely because this is platform
code; if we change the way that these underlying cursors are constructed,
we can just fix this point of call to follow along. If they get out
of sync in the future, the Settings provider will scream bloody
murder in the log and throw a crashing exception.
Bug 7231549
Change-Id: I0aaceebb8b4108c56f8b9964ca7f9e698ddd91c8
1. During a drag in touch exploration we have two pointers moving in the same
direction but inject only one of them. If the dragging pointer goes up we
send an up to the view system and wait for all pointers to go up to transition
to touch exploring state. At this point the dragging pointer id is cleared
and if a new pointer goes down we are trying to send up (rather do nothing)
for the dragging pointer which we already did and due to the invalid pointer
id we get an exception when splitting the motion event.
Change-Id: I690bf8bdf6e2e5851ee46a322c4a1bb7d484b53a
1. If there is a non-speaking accessibility service installed and the
global gesture is performed an exception is thrown since an attempt
is made to modify the list with services returned by the accessibility
manager (to remove the non-speaking ones) but this list is immutable.
Now the returned services are put into a mutable list before removing
the non-speaking ones.
Change-Id: I2852a3e169c1d34d942b50fb439e0961394c92bc
Ringer mode setting was moved from System to Global group
but a db upgrade cleanup step was missing.
Bug 7128886.
Change-Id: Id20994fe74575afa2b68154a620aa3c8807e8304