InstrumentationTestCase and its descendants should be the
package manager package name (not the java package name, and
not the test package) of the package holding the Activity
under test.
Added similar notations to the ApiDemos call sites.
JAVADOC ONLY - should be safe change for cupcake sdk.
Automated import of CL 147162
AudioTrack, AudioRecord:
- remove useless mAudioFlinger member of AudioTrack and AudioRecord.
- signal condition in stop() method to speed up stop completion.
- extend wait condition timeout in obtainBuffer() when waitCount is -1 to avoid waking up callback thread unnecessarily
- remove some warnings in AudioFlinger.cpp.
- remove function AudioFlinger::MixerThread::removetrack_l() as its content is never executed.
- remove useless call to setMasterVolume in AudioFlinger::handleForcedSpeakerRoute().
- Offset VOICE_CALL stream volume to reflect actual volume that is never 0 in hardware (this fix has been made in the open source): 0.01 + v * 0.99.
- correct typo in comment
IAudioflinger, IAudioFlingerClient:
- make AudioFlinger binder interfaces used for callbacks ONEWAY.
- correct routeStrings[] table in AudioHardwareInteface.cpp
Currently, the docs that are specific to each SDK release -- downloading, installing, upgrading, requirements -- are stored in a directory with release-derived name, such as "1.1_r1". This change lets documents use generic links to point into the most recent version specific docs, eg href="{@docRoot}sdk/{sdkCurrent}/installing.html" instead of href="{@docRoot}sdk/1.1_r1/installing.html".
Original author: ddougherty
Merged from: //branches/cupcake/...
Automated import of CL 147054
Currently, the docs that are specific to each SDK release -- downloading, installing, upgrading, requirements -- are stored in a directory with release-derived name, such as "1.1_r1". This change lets documents use generic links to point into the most recent version specific docs, eg href="{@docRoot}sdk/{sdkCurrent}/installing.html" instead of href="{@docRoot}sdk/1.1_r1/installing.html".
Automated import of CL 147053
We use a single outstanding message of type SHOW_PROGRESS to refresh the progress
bar's current position as well as textual display of time and duration. This message
could get lost if the scroll ball was used to adjust the current playback position as
we entered state "mDragging" which would cause the subsequent SHOW_PROGRESS message
to be a no-op and would also cause it to not be re-enqueued.
The change refactors the seekbar logic a little and makes sure that while dragging
there isn't a pending SHOW_PROGRESS message in the queue and once dragging is over,
exactly one SHOW_PROGRESS message is reenqueued.
related to bug 1721227
This replaces two different mechanisms that were used for GPS and Netork
location provider tracking.
Move BatteryStats logging of GPS usage from LocationManagerService to
Clean up tracking of location listeners in LocationManagerService and remove
some HashMaps that are no longer needed.
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <>
annotated with SideEffect if the host is running in single test mode.
Also adding some cleanup mechanism and some logcat logging about memory consumption
Original author: ursg
Merged from: //branches/cupcake/...
Automated import of CL 146743
annotated with SideEffect if the host is running in single test mode.
Also adding some cleanup mechanism and some logcat logging about memory consumption
Automated import of CL 146711
This change adds four new public classes that expose a static OpenGL ES 1.1 API:
+ The static API is slightly faster (1% to 4%) than the existing Interface based JSR239 API.
+ The static API is similar to the C API, which should make it easier to import C-based
example code.
+ The static API provides a clear path for adding new OpenGL ES 1.1 extensions
and OpenGL ES 2.0 APIs, neither of which currently have a JSR standard.
import static android.opengl.GLES10.*;
Note that it is possible to mix-and-match calls to both the static and JSR239 APIs.
This works because neither API maintains state. They both call through to the same underlying
Implementation details:
This change enhances the "glgen" "gen" script to generate both the original JSR239 and
new static OpenGL ES APIs. The contents of the generated JSR239 classes remained the same as before,
so there is no need to check in new versions of the generated JSR239 classes.
As part of this work the gen script was updated to be somewhat more robust, and to
work with git instead of perforce. The script prints out commands to git add the generated files,
but leaves it up to the script runner to actually execute those commands.