When typing a text in find on page, then deleting it again the
default text in the field "Find on Page" is truncated by
an invisible view.
This commit fixes the problem by setting the visibility of
mMatches view changes to View.GONE instead of View.INVISIBLE.
Change-Id: I9889f22a254cdabb0cbaba72bff4b14158e5c9ff
Correcting typo in documents of MEDIA_MOUNTED,
may be confusing to APP developers.
Change-Id: Id909b7bfad98e305b8054978f054f4fb9b705311
If both title and condensed title is null,
item.getTitleCondensed() could be return null value
in onMenuItemSelected. therefore need to check
whether retun value is null or not.
Change-Id: Ib08f52b949a794aa7bd6cc25414041e820f62969
More reuse of StringBuilders, less broken home-grown formatting code.
Long-term, we should hand this over to icu4c, but they're not ready yet.
Bug: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=41401
Bug: 7736688
Change-Id: Ib3c1e1aad05827df646aa18645cce19dffb7551f
During the destroy sequence, it happens that the mWebViewClassic was
set to null in the transferMessages function and consequently, the
call to WebCoreThreadWatchdog.unregisterWebView(mWebViewClassic) is
not really removing the view from the watchdog's list; creating a
memory leak.
Change-Id: I2bae7c8d7c473e2af25e62a485699f88269d6658
Author: Jean-Christophe PINCE <jean-christophe.pince@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Jean-Christophe PINCE <jean-christophe.pince@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Shuo Gao <shuo.gao@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Bruce Beare <bruce.j.beare@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Jack Ren <jack.ren@intel.com>
Author-tracking-BZ: 57869
Regression caused by patch a607223f34
If an item click handler results in the ListView becoming detached
from the window, the performClick runnable could be executed twice.
Null out the mTouchModeReset runnable before running the click handler
so that it is not run by the detach handler.
Change-Id: I2fab60232027bb4876f9912088e0ffb9b17d308c
Fix for Issue ID 18316. Make isEmpty() return false when getCount() returns a non-zero value. So that the list cannot be considered empty when a header or footer is present.
Change-Id: Ib69201e9d5ef3efcbb68ea298b8cc8ca6e027246
Signed-off-by: Emma Sajic <esajic@effectivelateralsolutions.co.uk>
EventLog function can handle string,integer class and long class. (in android_util_EventLog.cpp)
If menu title string are used bold tag(like <b>test</b>), it'll be android.text.SpannedString.
In onOptionMenuSelected, it is using item.getTitleCondensed() function for writing event log.
therefore any android activity using tag menu string(like <b></b>) can be crashed by IllegalArgumentException.
I found this crash on GMS Application.
change locale chinese -> launch Google+ -> hangout -> menu key -> Invite(expressed chinese) click -> Google+ crash
Change-Id: I0437be81699925e29bf4510eb615ef2424432763
The first intent is the key. No wait, last! Or was it first?
I haven't actually read the code, didn't write it, and haven't tested
its behaviour, but surely it can't be both, and last is the only one
that makes sense.
Change-Id: Ie8435981f09be618c93680fb6056afd015090161
mTouchModeReset should be executed when AbsListView is detached from window.
If not, when the AbsListView is re-attaced to window,
the child can retain a pressed state.
You can see this problem easily when you double-touch an item of
option menu very quickly.
Change-Id: I5aaa1fd5b95847efb2f5f1b5ec7cabe8eb85b237
Signed-off-by: Sangkyu Lee <sk82.lee@lge.com>
FindBugs description:
There is an apparent recursive loop at IntProperty.java
in method set(Object, Integer)
This method unconditionally invokes itself. This would seem
to indicate an infinite recursive loop that will result in a stack overflow.
Change-Id: I2f52dd3689198cb948925aa65dd9c95be7888fe7
This reverted change was adjusting the min and max values for the NumberPicker
which is not desirable since it changes behavior and it will be possible for
an app that works on the current platform to crash on an older one. Also the
adjustment was not implemented correctly.
Updated the documentation to clarify the reltionship between the min value,
max value, and the displayed values array.
This reverts commit a1410e6789ce72bc423793315a51aea8b6bad6c7
Change-Id: I109f1b1f54c1e609941243cabab9241871b6b12b
The shortcut label isn't updated to the current language
if the phone's language has changed.
The problem was that the shortcut label is stored in a
static variable which is set once and kept throughout the
life time of the process.
Change-Id: I89c5875fbf28fb82e073166c472ca205d28674fb