* commit 'goog/readonly-korg-master':
Fixed Android issue #400, where the Intent documentation was inaccurate in a number of places, undoubtedly causing untold grief to innumerable masses.
Bug Fixed for libagl.
Fix for http://b/issue?id=1979719 : cannot see password in browser
textfield. Show the system's password transformation in a password
field, which can be set to show the text partially or completely,
rather than webkit's version, which never shows the text.
Merge commit '82b283a9bf8e3508e1b5c6d4b6b8cae04597b83c'
* commit '82b283a9bf8e3508e1b5c6d4b6b8cae04597b83c':
Include 'calling_package' extra for uses of in-app voice search so that
Merge commit '6ce4236d70c8543021bb521731ac9f05d22b3002'
* commit '6ce4236d70c8543021bb521731ac9f05d22b3002':
Adding missing addEarcon method. Not having this was a bug as
Merge commit 'c122824f48266c5df1b1b3a0a915619e5963ed7a'
* commit 'c122824f48266c5df1b1b3a0a915619e5963ed7a':
Run background threads associated with filtering at background priority.
* changes:
Adding missing addEarcon method. Not having this was a bug as this method is needed to add earcons; otherwise, there is nothing for playEarcon to play.
Merge commit '5628711a6f5674070da674488513d2e1b03c4959'
* commit '5628711a6f5674070da674488513d2e1b03c4959':
Add a Gservices setting to control if we send up multipart protocol buffers
Merge commit '1fffbd97fa756ef7d3e7e885a5c1c8bb64380c20'
* commit '1fffbd97fa756ef7d3e7e885a5c1c8bb64380c20':
Fix keyboard not showing for global search on Dream. Rather than trying to
* changes:
Unhide required definitions in TextToSpeech.Engine that cover return codes and extras for android.intent.action.CHECK_TTS_DATA intent, and the key values for the parameter hashmap that can be passed by an application in speak(), synthesizeToFile(), playSilence() and playEarcon().
extras for android.intent.action.CHECK_TTS_DATA intent, and the key values
for the parameter hashmap that can be passed by an application in speak(),
synthesizeToFile(), playSilence() and playEarcon().
call the hidden showSoftInputUnchecked method to show the IME in SearchDialog#show(),
override onWindowFocusChanged in our subclass of AutoCompleteTextView so that whenever
it gets focus, we call the public showSoftInput method, passing in the ACTV, which is
the correct way to do this.
This fixes http://b/1930989.
Merge commit 'a2694c998c85a438c7d3fefd79bbeb751d594134'
* commit 'a2694c998c85a438c7d3fefd79bbeb751d594134':
Fix a few date format strings to put backslashes in front of apostrophes.
Merge commit 'b3948bbd8dfba7fac64d2c06d871386c987692c2'
* commit 'b3948bbd8dfba7fac64d2c06d871386c987692c2':
Merge commit '00d3e361148133cea354d358757628b0acc01b75'
* commit '00d3e361148133cea354d358757628b0acc01b75':
Restore PopupWindow's original behavior and add an API to control the soft input