Merge commit 'aa6df3669deab2a804c6f8cc1ea3fd5af0a28685' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'aa6df3669deab2a804c6f8cc1ea3fd5af0a28685':
fix [3119687] [Maps][4.6.0] Force close in street view
The EGLConfig attributes MUST be sorted, because they're used in a binary search.
A recent change introduced a bug where 2 of the configs had improperly
sorted attributes.
Change-Id: I1ac53e4463d62f27125ca9f82ed946e6c98ddba0
Merge commit 'f4cd9be0390135269e22e42fd2e1fe61fdcf9863' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'f4cd9be0390135269e22e42fd2e1fe61fdcf9863':
fix [2236865] STOPSHIP: bump soft gl and egl minor version number
Merge commit 'bccfcd95d3cc4029c1ed8514d31436a857283873' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'bccfcd95d3cc4029c1ed8514d31436a857283873':
fix [2931718] glDrawArrays skips a triangle when more than 70 vertices are used.
a typo prevented the last 2 vertices of a batch to be copied to the front of
the next batch. Instead, the 2 very first vertices were used.
Change-Id: I3c344784dac1cef64df2fb6f6efb2f901cc788db
Merge commit '17da06631041f9f2237738fb673a74a85b1d9cf4' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '17da06631041f9f2237738fb673a74a85b1d9cf4':
fix [2931161] crash in labyritnth when completing a level
h/w acceleration is not supported through software gl + copybit anylonger,
instead, h/w opengl must be used. in the system compositor, a new h/w
composition api will be introduced to allow h/w accelerated composition with
overlays and/or 2D blocks.
Change-Id: I04949cb074ba8c4d637319ace23497c16a58d5bf
Merge commit 'c6e1d88022db800773401c16803e1ab27fd01a7e' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'c6e1d88022db800773401c16803e1ab27fd01a7e':
Introduce official public NativeWindow type.
Not yet hooked up to anything in the NDK, but requires renaming
the existing android_native_window_t type everywhere.
Change-Id: Iffee6ea39c93b8b34e20fb69e4d2c7c837e5ea2e
the EGL specification states that this should be treated as though it was
an empty list terminated with EGL_NONE.
Change-Id: I294104370a86b5e5c34c7bcf15c5459eab464631
A typo caused GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE to only set the the ambient color.
Fix another typo which caused the viewer position to be wrong for
specular highlights.
Switch back to eye-space lighting, since there are still some issues
with some demos (San Angeles in particular).
Duplicate ARCH_ARM_HAVE_TLS_REGISTER BoardConfig to proprocessor
HAVE_ARM_TLS_REGISTER define from Bionic's libc to ensure that
OpenGL libraries (libEGL, libGLESv1_CM, libGLESv2, libGLES_android) use the
correct codepath in bionic_tls.h for accessing the TLS address
Merge commit '66b5d902a29e08237f16be53a84f9c2472df8493' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '66b5d902a29e08237f16be53a84f9c2472df8493':
fix [2236865] STOPSHIP: bump soft gl and egl minor version number
Merge commit '274072089ceff6eacb9ccfb59290a18f43739c87' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '274072089ceff6eacb9ccfb59290a18f43739c87':
fix [2236865] STOPSHIP: bump soft gl and egl minor version number