Merge commit '0b9bbb6dc5d7dabecf23e8c6bb4a267ba8c34fe8' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '0b9bbb6dc5d7dabecf23e8c6bb4a267ba8c34fe8':
DO NOT MERGE. Merge Froyo renderscript to Eclair to support live wallpapers on droid. This gives the necessary CPU reduction to allow the wallpapers to work on the slower CPU.
Committer: Jason Sams <>
On branch droid
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
modified: libs/rs/rsAllocation.cpp
modified: libs/rs/rsAllocation.h
modified: libs/rs/rsContext.cpp
modified: libs/rs/rsContext.h
modified: libs/rs/rsProgram.cpp
modified: libs/rs/rsProgram.h
Delete the old rollo sample which is obsolete.
Fix film init
Begin gl2 support. Renderscript still uses GL1.1 by default. However, 2.0 can be enabled and will render most tests correctly.
Fix film
Beging GL2 user shaders. Switch master to using GL2 by default.
Implement RS tracked defered texture and buffer object uploads.
Committer: Jason Sams <>
On branch droid
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
modified: libs/rs/rsAllocation.cpp
modified: libs/rs/rsAllocation.h
modified: libs/rs/rsContext.h
modified: libs/rs/rsProgramFragment.cpp
modified: libs/rs/rsSimpleMesh.cpp
Remove check for surface valid that is no longer valid.
Continue development of es2.0 user shader support for renderscript. This change cleans up ProgramVertex creation and adds support for passing input, output, and constant type info.
Continue es2 shader dev
Place shader logging behind prop to declutter logs.
Fix emulated glColor in es2 mode.
Fix live wallpaper many. Z coordinate was being ignored for draw quad call.
Add argument checking to sampler builder to disallow illegal modes.
Move texture bindings to base program object. Change ProgramFragment creation to require a texture format in 1.0 mode.
Element restructuring. Add support for new basic Element types including the RS objects and vectors(2-4). In theory this paves the way for maintaining type info for RS objects, passing elements for GLSL uiforms/attribs/varyings, and supporting nested structures.
This will break some apps, checkings for other projects will follow to unbreak them.
Disable excessive RS logging.
Add RS support for generic attribs as input to vertex programs.
More complete support for named attribs. Adds user typed attribs as available to programVertex. Non user attribs are not treated like user for GL2 for simplicity.
Support npot on es 2.0 HW.
Change user attribs to look for empty slot rather than using them in order. Prevents conflict with numbered legacy slots.
Fix npot but where mipmap level sizes were rounding in the wrong direction. Should always be floor.
Implement type generation for user uniforms in vertex shader.
Remove excessive logging, fix error in GLSL uniform generation.
Fix RS mipmap generation for 8 bit alpha textures.
Cleanup seperation of Legacy and user attribs. All user programs now use the new names. Legacy vertex attribs are given default names.
Fix some minor bugs with GL state setup that were exposed by Droids driver.
Implement drawSpriteCropped on es2.0
In order to define the pivot in an XML-instanciated RotateDrawable, android:pivotX
and android:pivotY had to be set in your XML. Forgetting to set those attributes
ended up in a NullPointerException (tv = null) that were caught by the Resources.getDrawable()
method (caught as an Exception). As a result a not-very-accurate message was logged:
"Resource not found ...". Defining a default pivot value seems like a great fix.
Some other fixes would be to modify the documentation or notify the user with a better
explanation than "Resource not found ...".
Merge commit 'fd2f6358321e95d661f24ba4e08327268035aa59' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'fd2f6358321e95d661f24ba4e08327268035aa59':
Add Java exceptions to catch RS calls with no context or no surface.
Merge commit 'c7a63eea8d3d346addaaf892b5bbe0aa80651640' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'c7a63eea8d3d346addaaf892b5bbe0aa80651640':
Add a new field to Intent that allows you to give a hint about what on screen caused the intent to
Merge commit 'fa0394c9f89f13b53c6db2470253825b88cafb64' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'fa0394c9f89f13b53c6db2470253825b88cafb64':
Add support for dumping RS objects to aid in debugging of white blocks bug.
Merge commit 'ec8178eb0fb10e1ed753be4d065cf7f004355575' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'ec8178eb0fb10e1ed753be4d065cf7f004355575':
Add setPriority to allow wallpapers to run at lower cpu priority than default.
Merge commit '59175ac269df2a584241e9786dc70ac35cb973e3' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '59175ac269df2a584241e9786dc70ac35cb973e3':
Defer EGL init until the surface changed call comes in. Pass w,h along with surface for verification of driver state.
The matrix rotation params around the 2nd axis was not set correctly:
Initial matrix for axis 2 (green):
cos 0 sin 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
-sin 0 0 0 0
0 0 cos 1 0
After correction:
cos 0 -sin 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
sin 0 cos 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
Fix bug in StoreState where state could be overridden by the default unless the script used more than one state.
Change only impacts renderscript and renderscript apps.
Skia will clamp the radius independently in X and Y to ensure it is not larger than 1/2 the width (or height).
If the caller to our drawable gives us a single value, we'll assume they want it to be circular, and not an oval.
To do that, we clamp it up front, so we get (possibly smaller) circular corners, rather than potentially
elliptical ones.
This makes the progress bar look "nicer" when it is very thin in one dimension.
Adds a mechanism to tell Paint the scaling factor its target
canvas will have, for it to compute font metrics based on the
correct font size. Only TextView uses this, but that is enough
for the large majority of apps.
Change-Id: I6cacaa0dd26d40ee3ad959bed0028678d6e9016e
Ummmm... this turns out to be pretty bad. NinePatchDrawable was not
scaling its reported padding for compatibility mode, causing spacing
to be off. All over the place. This change should improve things quite
a bit (and magically makes nearly all of the menu flaws go away).
Change-Id: I94a8310d95b908b6f087db97d9afaed654ca6de5