Fix PIN entry layout issues on hdpi, large-mdpi and xhdpi devices where emergencyCallButton was partially off-screen.
Copy button assets from latinIME for PIN screen.
Make PIN keyboard horizontal and vertical gaps configurable.
Change-Id: I415fcd83f02971b987c3df418d4114b8e1ab3945
Cut down the list of new themes for ICS. Holo apps now have
Theme.Holo, Theme.Holo.Light, and Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar to
choose from.
Add manifest attribute android:uiOptions to express
splitActionBarWhenNarrow. Other options may move into this later as
well. (DialogWhenLarge?) This attribute is valid on both activity and
application tags; application settings will serve as the default for
activities that do not explicitly set uiOptions.
uiOptions are not currently reflected in the startup window for new
Change-Id: Iffdc2ce4cc69f79c9bd4e541b7923286e6936c1e
GridLayout needs to call measure on children after it knows how large children should be
. Remove deprecated methods and XML attributes.
. Stop Spaces having margins by default.
. Remove getSpacers() and findUsed()
. Change default for row/columnOrderPreserved() from false to true.
. Improve automatic index allocation mechanism to use individual maxima.
Change-Id: Id79fbb2e70a0bf2002191ec2a9746547d896de72
This is because broadcastState method move the Bluetooth adapter state
to ON. The mBluetoothService.runBluetooth should be called only in the ON state.
Remove mIsDiscovering variable in BluetoothService.
Fix a bug in BluetoothA2dpService that caused 2 times of state change
from DISCONNECTED to CONNECTING that messed up BluetoothService's
connection state count.
Change-Id: Ifb782a845ae70f007d2e036d930bb55f445d68b5
1. Since Input device runs in Bluetooth Service, avoid the proxy call.
2. Accept or reject incoming tethering connections.
This broke because of incoming connection request change for phonebook, HID,
Change-Id: Ia8c537bb79e4dbc66cfb6b23dcad4f99dbf950b3
SpellCheckerSession should be in android.view.textservice because this class will be used directly by users.
Change-Id: I0df6d7958adda421312b5f641ac4459ca4739cc9
Nice to not load 4MB bitmaps in the system process.
Also, hey, with how we are now scrolling the surface instead of
the bitmap, there is no reason to keep that 4MB bitmap loaded in
to memory. So don't.
Unfortunately it looks like for some reason the VM is still
holding on to the bitmap. I'll need to figure out why. Later.
Change-Id: Ib3503756144502fc5c8d5e294248c2417c4fe8c8
Combined volume panel only in tablets. On phones show active volume.
Added dummy assets for ring+notification icon.
Deprecated the NOTIFICATION_USES_RING_VOLUME. Now they are always
tied together. Audio manager changes still required to ensure that.
Initialize all feedback sounds to true.
Change-Id: I3ad7890c9be9334eedb5f3b709a4b6995fe24638