Whenever the Recents activity actively hides itself move its task
to the back of the activity stack behind the home task. Otherwise
we get into a loop of the bck key returning to the Recents task
when it is intended to move to the home app.
Fixes bug 9750207.
Change-Id: I7d69f28368db148cb493bf54867df084907910ec
When the system bars are revealed in auto-hiding mode, the user
should be able to dismiss them before the timeout by interacting
with the underlying activity.
Change-Id: I79169005baafda27fb5ad9c29ab1ec67600b2eb6
Reverts JB optimization I7ae978caa1f28932ee56f65484b18330a4406b80
made obsolete by I2f9b0591d44599b07bd83f03c4e09e6dd98e1448 in MR1.
Change-Id: I8a738624f9a902648e317f2eac25fd56c3b47a46
The xhdpi was using the hdpi spec instead of the default since
it was the closest match.
This allows both devices to work correctly.
Fixes bug 9985496
Change-Id: I03ddf1b6645d5f82e2fba6c39a1c5b3a37e62d45
1. Added support for reporting the old print attributes during layout.
Now we keep track of the old print attributes, so the app can
compute the delta and decide whether re-layout work is needed.
2. Fixed PrintDocumentAdapter callback interleavings. Layout callbacks
were intermixing with write ones - a mess. Now we make an attempt
to cancel layout and write if they respond to cancellation, otherwise
we wait but do not interleave them.
3. Refactored the PrintJobConfigActivity for easier maintenance and
to have a single update UI method that does the minimal amount
of work.
Change-Id: I31ada1a0550882e6185018e6f17f923aed165d15
new shouldInterrupt logic: screen on, not locked, not dreaming, and
priority above HIGH and noisy, or has fullscreen intent
draft of API allowing devs to give hints about head up display
reuse inflateViews()
add an expand helper to the heads up space
move some things into Entry for reuse
don't allow touches in first second
delay decay if touched
make decay time a resource
add a custom viewgroup for notification rows to get view management
out of the NotificationData class.
Change-Id: I36464f110cfa0dabc3f35db7db6c35c27e8ee2ba
1. Implemented the persistence and restoring of the print spooler state.
The print spooler state is saved as an XML on every print job change
and is restored when we bind to the spooler. The system does not
unbind from the spooler until the state persistence completes. We
are now storing the entire state, i.e. all print jobs, when a single
one changes. This is not optimal but we are not expecting to have
many such at the same time, so for now we err for simplicity of
2. Enforcing a non-empty print job name.
3. Hidden the STATE_CREATED print job state which should never be visible to a
client since this is the state of a print job during construction, i.e. the
print dialog is up and we are doing back and forth with the app.
4. Fixed some PrintAttributes APIs that were incorrectly taking in a PackageManager
5. Updated the PrintSpooler build file due to splitting the framework into multiple
Change-Id: I52c88eaa1ec9c64920359cc143c79832a4c3d25b
The previously used permission was doing double duty as the permission
that device admins to check for to ensure that calls are coming from valid
system components.
MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS is system|signature and is now required to add/remove
device admins.
Required for:
Bug: 9856348
Change-Id: I64385d2ec734c3957af21b5a5d9cffd8a3bcd299
This reduces the size of the security area slightly to give
the widget more room.
Fixes bug 9642579
Change-Id: I58b861def932450901b17d6df74958dde8207769
1. Adding bundle with metadata to PrintDocumentAdapter#onLayout
with one key for now to specify whether this is for a preview.
2. Cleaned up docs.
Change-Id: I89380781bf3ae41aa89f8a0347d74516a210394c
Move away from storing the configs in the Intent to prevent issues with
PendingIntents and multiple configs.
The Dialog now queries ConnectivityService for the configuration to
display in the management dialog.
Change-Id: I0e0ef52db840152914d117a24f776d8106e836ff
1. Fixed a case in which the onPrintCompleted callback may not be invoked.
2. Added string resulrces for the different error messages for failed
printing in OnPrintCompletedCallback
3. Fixed the string comments for the MediaSize constants.
4. Added APIs to create certain print attributes by passing in a
string label instead of resource and package name since in some cases
a print service may be getting already internationalized lables
or it may not know all possible values.
5. Fixed a crash in PrintJobConfigActivity if there is no input or
output tray.
Change-Id: Ie877b7dc669051606394aa290e6d2b979a42db4c
1. Now a user state has ins own spooler since the spooler app is
running per user. The user state registers an observer for the state
of the spooler to get information needed to orchestrate unbinding
from print serivces that have no work and eventually unbinding from
the spooler when all no service has any work.
2. Abstracted a remote print service from the perspective of the system
in a class that is transparently managing binding and unbinding to
the remote instance.
3. Abstracted the remote print spooler to transparently manage binding
and unbinding to the remote instance when there is work and when
there is no work, respectively.
4. Cleaned up the print document adapter (ex-PrintAdapter) APIs to
enable implementing the all callbacks on a thread of choice. If
the document is really small, using the main thread makes sense.
Now if an app that does not need the UI state to layout the printed
content, it can schedule all the work for allocating resources, laying
out, writing, and releasing resources on a dedicated thread.
5. Added info class for the printed document that is now propagated
the the print services. A print service gets an instance of a
new document class that encapsulates the document info and a method
to access the document's data.
6. Added APIs for describing the type of a document to the new document
info class. This allows a print service to do smarts based on the
doc type. For now we have only photo and document types.
7. Renamed the systemReady method for system services that implement
it with different semantics to systemRunning. Such methods assume
the the service can run third-party code which is not the same as
8. Cleaned up the print job configuration activity.
9. Sigh... code clean up here and there. Factoring out classes to
improve readability.
Change-Id: I637ba28412793166cbf519273fdf022241159a92
inflateViews() and updateNotification() reference the same objects
with different names, and it was confusing. #cleanup
Bug: 6497005
Change-Id: I0d9a94d7ec156b6bfcf4b85c777f9b58311d07d0
1. re-name intruder alerts to heads up notifications
2. use interrupt for the verb form, instead of intrude
3. new policy: no full screen, high priority, screen on, not locked or dreaming
4. controlled by global setting, with an observer
5. only content view for now, expandable is a todo
to turn it on:
adb shell settings put global heads_up_enabled 1
calendar notifications (not pop-up) work well.
Change-Id: I253418c217d0a5cf81dc2fa001f4bad90fafcce5
This change fixes a TODO to fix the behavior that the quick settings directly specifies a class of AOSP desk clock.
Currently the quick settings can't work with other alarm clocks and that's fixed by calling "android.intent.action.SET_ALARM" instead.
Change-Id: I028b8a320e945921c096fdc776b52441e7d07202