1. Now when an interrogating client requires an AccessibilibtyNodeInfo
we aggressively prefetch all the predecessors of that node and its
descendants. The number of fetched nodes in one call is limited to
keep the APIs responsive. The prefetched nodes infos are cached in
the client process. The node info cache is invalidated partially or
completely based on the fired accessibility events. For example,
TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED event clears the cache while
TYPE_VIEW_FOCUSED removed the focused node from the cache, etc.
Note that the cache is only for the currently active window.
The ViewRootImple also keeps track of only the ids of the node
infos it has sent to each querying process to avoid duplicating
work. Usually only one process will query the screen content
but we support the general case. Also all the caches are
automatically invalidated so not additional bookkeeping is
required. This simple strategy leads to 10X improving the
speed of the querying APIs.
2. The Monkey and UI test automation framework were registering a
raw event listener for accessibility events and hence perform
connection and cache management in similar way to an AccessibilityService.
This is fragile and requires the implementer to know internal framework
stuff. Now the functionality required by the Monkey and the UI automation
is encapsulated in a new UiTestAutomationBridge class. To enable this
was requited some refactoring of AccessibilityService.
3. Removed the *doSomethiong*InActiveWindow methods from the
AccessibilityInteractionClient and the AccessibilityInteractionConnection.
The function of these methods is implemented by the not *InActiveWindow
version while passing appropriate constants.
4. Updated the internal window Querying tests to use the new
5. If the ViewRootImple was not initialized the querying APIs of
the IAccessibilityInteractionConnection implementation were
returning immediately without calling the callback with null.
This was causing the client side to wait until it times out. Now
the client is notified as soon as the call fails.
6. Added a check to guarantee that Views with AccessibilityNodeProvider
do not have children.
Change-Id: I3ee43718748fec6e570992c7073c8f6f1fc269b3
Utility that rotates files over time, similar to logrotate. There is
a single "active" file, which is periodically rotated into historical
files, and eventually deleted entirely. Files are stored under a
specific directory with a well-known prefix.
Bug: 5386531
Change-Id: I29f821a881247e50ce0f6f73b20bbd020db39e43
The main theme of this change is encapsulation. This change
preserves all existing functionality but the implementation
is now much cleaner.
Instead of a "database lock", access to the database is treated
as a resource acquisition problem. If a thread's owns a database
connection, then it can access the database; otherwise, it must
acquire a database connection first, and potentially wait for other
threads to give up theirs. The SQLiteConnectionPool encapsulates
the details of how connections are created, configured, acquired,
released and disposed.
One new feature is that SQLiteConnectionPool can make scheduling
decisions about which thread should next acquire a database
connection when there is contention among threads. The factors
considered include wait queue ordering (fairness among peers),
whether the connection is needed for an interactive operation
(unfairness on behalf of the UI), and whether the primary connection
is needed or if any old connection will do. Thus one goal of the
new SQLiteConnectionPool is to improve the utilization of
database connections.
To emulate some quirks of the old "database lock," we introduce
the concept of the primary database connection. The primary
database connection is the one that is typically used to perform
write operations to the database. When a thread holds the primary
database connection, it effectively prevents other threads from
modifying the database (although they can still read). What's
more, those threads will block when they try to acquire the primary
connection, which provides the same kind of mutual exclusion
features that the old "database lock" had. (In truth, we
probably don't need to be requiring use of the primary database
connection in as many places as we do now, but we can seek to refine
that behavior in future patches.)
Another significant change is that native sqlite3_stmt objects
(prepared statements) are fully encapsulated by the SQLiteConnection
object that owns them. This ensures that the connection can
finalize (destroy) all extant statements that belong to a database
connection when the connection is closed. (In the original code,
this was very complicated because the sqlite3_stmt objects were
managed by SQLiteCompiledSql objects which had different lifetime
from the original SQLiteDatabase that created them. Worse, the
SQLiteCompiledSql finalizer method couldn't actually destroy the
sqlite3_stmt objects because it ran on the finalizer thread and
therefore could not guarantee that it could acquire the database
lock in order to do the work. This resulted in some rather
tortured logic involving a list of pending finalizable statements
and a high change of deadlocks or leaks.)
Because sqlite3_stmt objects never escape the confines of the
SQLiteConnection that owns them, we can also greatly simplify
the design of the SQLiteProgram, SQLiteQuery and SQLiteStatement
objects. They no longer have to wrangle a native sqlite3_stmt
object pointer and manage its lifecycle. So now all they do
is hold bind arguments and provide a fancy API.
All of the JNI glue related to managing database connections
and performing transactions is now bound to SQLiteConnection
(rather than being scattered everywhere). This makes sense because
SQLiteConnection owns the native sqlite3 object, so it is the
only class in the system that can interact with the native
SQLite database directly. Encapsulation for the win.
One particularly tricky part of this change is managing the
ownership of SQLiteConnection objects. At any given time,
a SQLiteConnection is either owned by a SQLiteConnectionPool
or by a SQLiteSession. SQLiteConnections should never be leaked,
but we handle that case too (and yell about it with CloseGuard).
A SQLiteSession object is responsible for acquiring and releasing
a SQLiteConnection object on behalf of a single thread as needed.
For example, the session acquires a connection when a transaction
begins and releases it when finished. If the session cannot
acquire a connection immediately, then the requested operation
blocks until a connection becomes available.
SQLiteSessions are thread-local. A SQLiteDatabase assigns a
distinct session to each thread that performs database operations.
This is very very important. First, it prevents two threads
from trying to use the same SQLiteConnection at the same time
(because two threads can't share the same session).
Second, it prevents a single thread from trying to acquire two
SQLiteConnections simultaneously from the same database (because
a single thread can't have two sessions for the same database which,
in addition to being greedy, could result in a deadlock).
There is strict layering between the various database objects,
objects at lower layers are not aware of objects at higher layers.
Moreover, objects at higher layers generally own objects at lower
layers and are responsible for ensuring they are properly disposed
when no longer needed (good for the environment).
API layer: SQLiteDatabase, SQLiteProgram, SQLiteQuery, SQLiteStatement.
Session layer: SQLiteSession.
Connection layer: SQLiteConnectionPool, SQLiteConnection.
Native layer: JNI glue.
By avoiding cyclic dependencies between layers, we make the
architecture much more intelligible, maintainable and robust.
Finally, this change adds a great deal of new debugging information.
It is now possible to view a list of the most recent database
operations including how long they took to run using
"adb shell dumpsys dbinfo". (Because most of the interesting
work happens in SQLiteConnection, it is easy to add debugging
instrumentation to track all database operations in one place.)
Change-Id: Iffb4ce72d8bcf20b4e087d911da6aa84d2f15297
For a connected network, keep status as CURRENT. For a network,
that is disconnected it should be ENABLED. A disabled network
will have the status as DISABLED
Also, add a unit test to ensure there is only one CURRENT network
that is connected
Change-Id: Iaa4a7124a0c372a8f6df3d846ae8c15d9b29cf13
1. AccessibilityInteractionConnections were removed from the
AccessiiblityManagerService but their DeathRecipents were
not unregistered, thus every removed interaction connection
was essentially leaking. Such connection is registered in
the system for every ViewRootImpl when accessiiblity is
enabled and inregistered when disabled.
2. Every AccessibilityEvent and AccessiilbityEventInfo obtained
from a widnow content querying accessibility service had a
handle to a binder proxy over which to make queries. Hoewever,
holding a proxy to a remote binder prevents the latter from
being garbage collected. Therefore, now the events and infos
have a connection id insteand and the hindden singleton
AccessiiblityInteaction client via which queries are made
has a registry with the connections. This class looks up
the connection given its id before making an IPC. Now the
connection is stored in one place and when an accessibility
service is disconnected the system sets the connection to
null so the binder object in the system process can be GCed.
Note that before this change a bad implemented accessibility
service could cache events or infos causing a leak in the
system process. This should never happen.
3. SparseArray was not clearing the reference to the last moved
element while garbage collecting thus causing a leak.
Change-Id: Id397f614b026d43bd7b57bb7f8186bca5cdfcff9
Change on state validation:
- When network state is broadcast in other network information,
the test activity will record the state change which cause false
alarm in the test.
Change-Id: I8bd1e8c04ab97116f3a02ccc5543f34a7e651cda
Instead of trusting NTP time alone, use the most-conservative of
system clock and NTP.
Bug: 5584564
Change-Id: I5dd87fc009959b1cf0a7d660e385a0b1a8be238b
Moved away from BufferedReader, which only reads the first 8KB of
some proc files because it aggresively fills its buffer. Optimized
proc parsing, now double the speed. Tests to cover.
Log when NetworkStats counters roll backwards when subtracting, and
optimizations around findIndex(). When system removes UID, also
remove from last stats snapshot to avoid xt counters from rolling
Bug: 5472949, 5458380
Change-Id: I07c08fe5233156fac2b84450f6291868bf9bfaf2
Added an interface that is the contract for a client to expose a virtual
view hierarchy to accessibility services. Clients impement this interface
and set it in the View that is the root of the virtual sub-tree. Adding
this finctionality via compostion as opposed to inheritance enables apps
to maintain backwards compatibility by setting the accessibility virtual
hierarchy provider on the View only if the API version is high enough.
Change-Id: I7e3927b71a5517943c6cb071be2e87fba23132bf
ArrayListCursor is deprecated, and a duplicate private copy of it
is doubly so.
Delete some tests that are duplicated in the CTS package.
Change-Id: Ib5837b12e39dadba57595906ad621b1feb0d2c0d
Replace TrafficStats calls by reading values from xt_qtaguid kernel
module. To keep BatteryStatsImpl changes lightweight, cache recently
parsed stats. Tracks mobile ifaces from ConnectivityService.
Refactor xt_qtaguid parsing into factory outside of NMS. Add stats
grouping based on UID, and total based on limiting filters like iface
prefix and UID.
Bug: 4902271
Change-Id: I533f116c434b77f93355bf95b839e7478528505b
Bug: 5332296
Removed dead code in SQLiteCursor related to the use of a background
query thread. This code could result in CursorWindows being modified
concurrently or used after free. This code is broken, unused and
is just in the way.
Added comments to explain how CursorWindow ownership is
supposed to work for AbstractWindowedCursors. (There are still cases
where cursor windows get dropped on the floor without being closed.
Those will be taken care of in a subsequent patch.)
Cleaned up SQLiteQuery.fillWindow to eliminate duplicate code and
remove bits that were only needed for background loading, like
returning -1.
Change-Id: I03e8e2e73ff0c11df76d63f57df4c5ada06ae1cb
1. Due to a previous change that disabled accessibility if not enabled
and installed serivces are present the automation APIs stopped working
since they use fake automation service that is not installed.
2. Added clean up of death recipients when binders die.
Change-Id: I1f3c8cd1d1c79753a4a64e2b8b2963025abb2939