1) Finish plumbing of PULLING_CALL state.
2) Add new disconnect cause used when maximum number of calls across
all devices has been reached.
3) Add PII mask for toString of ImsExternalCallState.
Bug: 29522023
Change-Id: I78a0a9f3c3d846cfc58a1c5bcc6f105027602cbc
- Per suggestion of API council, moving properties of a Connection from
Bug: 27458894
Change-Id: Icce921b03cda514a991646ed39a26559c7e91230
Currently, connection extras are propagated up to Telecom as an
entire bundle. This is not ideal, as any time a change is made to
the extras, the bundle needs to be fetched, changed, and then re-set on
the connection, where it is parceled to Telecom as a whole.
Using how extras on an Intent as inspiration, this CL adds separate
putExtras, putExtra, and removeExtra methods to allow manipulation of
the extras bundle without operating on it in its entirety.
This Cl also adds support for Calls modifying the extras bundle, with
changes propagated back down to ConnectionServices.
Bug: 27458894
Change-Id: I152340a3bca2dc03f170b06b172a6823410fb961
This CL includes changes required to support multi-endpoint (see the
design doc linked off the bug).
Main changes include:
- support for indicating if a call/connection is "external" to the device.
- support for indicating if an external call can be pulled from the
remote device to the local device.
- API used to initiate a pull of a call external to the current device to
the current device.
- Made the "connection event" API public (was previously @hide); this will
be used to support passing some error events involving pulling calls to
the incall ui.
- Added new InCallService metadata which will be used to determine if an
InCallService wants to be informed of external calls.
- New disconnect causes which will be used to expose the fact that a
multi-endpoint call was answered elsewhere and that a call ended because
it was pulled to another device.
- New call log call types to indicate if calls were answered elsewhere
or pulled to another device.
Bug: 27458894
Change-Id: I423f64ff965b5e50194635a51868c327782db2a1
The case block for MSG_SET_EXTRAS was missing its break statement, all
the way back to summer 2015 when that code was originally added.
When the new MSG_ON_CONNECTION_EVENT handler was added, it introduced a
new potential fall-through from MSG_SET_EXTRAS (in addition to the fact it
too was missing a break statement).
Bug: 27338441
Change-Id: I2df2bc78c4ceb32e6245888eed18c2d8834e629b
Connection event used to inform Telecom that it should play or stop
the on hold tone. This is used to play or stop a tone when the peer
puts the current call on hold.
Change-Id: I2669f8f5062449784a712b9dd28e576326fcc679
Two major changes:
1) Add the notion of extras to a Connection. These extras will be
parceled through to InCallService as Call.getExtras()
2) The previously existing Call.getExtras() has been renamed to
getIntentExtras(). This name better describes the fact that these
particular extras are from the original CALL or INCOMING_CALL intents.
Change-Id: I08c1baf4f08d54757f98012f0c08b423a707c53d
The merge failure is not plumbed up through any layer that
can trap the callback and act on it. The first part of this
fix is to create that plumbing. Then we need to reenable the
merge button. At this point in time, we leverage the fact
that forcing the call to reassess its capabilities will poke
the InCallUI to reenable the merge button. In the future, we
should plumb the merge failure all the way to InCallUI and
not only handle the button but display UI to the user. The UI
is currently being displayed by CallNotifier which is the wrong
place. See b/20530631 for more details.
Bug: 20229905
Change-Id: I0355ada46b484c6db4bee656c77386dd61be5e1f
-Add isVideo API to VideoProfile.VideoState
IMS-VT: Fix propagation of device orientation.
Orientation received at VT Service is incorrect.
Fixed propagation of device orientation to VT service.
IMS-VT: Upgrade fix
-Add session modify call timed out constant
Notify listeners of video quality changed event
- Propagate the video quality changed message to the UI.
IMS: Add support for video quality
- Add Config interface to get/set video quality
IMS-VT: Multitasking feature
-Support for video multitasking
IMS-VT: Modification of data usage aidl
Change data usage aidl interface to take parameter type long
instead of int
Change-Id: I7cda2a689edb86d025dfe8efc8f573918c4bd6bc
Propagate the call substate changed message to the UI
IMS-VT: Add call modifiable capability
PhoneCapababilities call type modifiable constant added
IMS-VT: Add a bit mask CALL_SUBSTATE_ALL with all call substate bits set
IMS-VT: Enable Video conferencing.
Enable Video conferencing.
Change-Id: I4240aa6f32c75d6eea8a41da3c87bca651f0901b
IMS-VT: Add hide for setVideoProvider API
Observed compilation error for SDK generation due to setVideoProvider
API. Marking setVideoProvider as hide inorder to resolve the
compilation error.
IMS-VT: Add persist.radio.ims.audio.output for VT calls
-- Add persist.radio.ims.audio.output to set the default speaker
for VT calls.
-- Add required constants
IMS-VT: Add additional error codes for upgrade downgrade
-Add support to send additional error codes to UI during
upgrade downgrade.
Change-Id: Id452d225098fe3bccdcd37d242985c5c761144c1
Add plumbing to alert Telecom every time a character is processed after
the post dial wait state (the processing happens in Telephony).
Bug: 18644688
Change-Id: I487d76aa9c959ca528c6377374aa35c2d0b4a803
- Add "addExistingConnection" method to connection service which provides
a way for a connection service to notify telecom of a pre-existing
connection (connections are normally created through telecom).
- Modify TelephonyConferenceController to retrieve its state from a
multiparty connection in the conference (in the case of IMS calls, this
would be the ImsCall that manages the conference) instead of just taking
the first one.
Bug: 18057361
Change-Id: I26993aec54ecb0ce90ae6983fd3eed9d8d0a5773
+ Add a hidden "UNKNOWN" default type to ToneGenerator.
- Hide the Telephony DisconnectCause from the public API.
+ Add a Telecomm DisconnectCause. This is parcelable, and contains
information (code, user facing message, non-user facing reason,
and tone) to help describe the disconnect state and what behaviors
an application can implement for the user experience. This reduces
the causes for a disconnect to a more generic set.
+ Lots of work to pipe this through. DisconnectCause replaces the
code and message which were formerly passed around.
Bug: 17241433
Bug: 17329632
Change-Id: I9d337e478a8784bcc0ade02267c2df52cac9bf17
- Changing package from android.telecomm to android.telecom
- Changing package from com.android.telecomm to
- Renaming TelecommManager to TelecomManager.
Bug: 17364651
Change-Id: I192cb5d189f55db012ea72ee82ccc5aedbc21638