1. The singleton print spooler isntance is created when the print spooler
service gets a connection to the system and is destroyed when this
connection is removed. Note that if the spooler has work, then the
connection to the system will not be removed.
When the spooler is created, it reads the stored state and notifies the
system which in turn dispatches this to the print services.
When the system connects to the spooler and passes it a connection, we
schedule a delayed check whether there is work for the spooler. We do
not handle this immediately to avoid intermitted spinning on and off
of the spooler process if a client makes a sequence of queries while
the spooler has really no work.
2. Fixed a bug in the NotificationManagerService where adding a notification
and removing it immediately after that does not remove the notification.
The code that is adding a notification is run on a handler thread while
the code to remove it on the calling thread. This creates a race and
erroneous results. Now the removal is also scheduled on the handler.
3. Many small fixes here and there.
Change-Id: I6415c253139fa6616393fbe23c659d031a29e1f6
Move to manual tracking of directory navigation stack so we have Uri
data to persist, instead of opaque fragment backstack. Remember
directory stacks across launches on a per-app basis.
Start recording recently opened and created files. Uniform Uri
parameter extraction utility methods in contract.
Change-Id: I79ed30ee10272bf7c53d339e797639c993f649bb
1. Added notifications for a queued print job, for a started print job,
for ongoing canceling a print job, and for a failed print job. The
notifications for queued and started state have a cancel action. The
notification for failed print job has a cancel and a restart action.
2. Propagating failure message from the print service to the notifications.
3. PrintJobConfigActivity was not setting the initial value for the
print job copies and was not updating the UI immediately after creation.
4. Refactored PrintJobConfigActivity to avoid using the hack to avoid
reaction for item selection change in a spinner for an event that
happened before the callback was registered.
5. Removed the label attribute from PrinterInfo and now PrinterId is
composed of the printer name and the service component name. This
is nice since for restarting print jobs we do not need to store
information about the printer except the printer id which is
already part of the PrintJobInfo's data. Also the printer name
is not expected to change anyway.
6. Allowing cancellation of a queued print job. Also no print job is
cancelled without asking the managing print service to do that.
Before we were immediately canceling print jobs in queued state
but it was possible for a buggy print service to not set the
print job state to started before starting to do expensive work
that will not be canceled.
7. PrintServiceInfo was throwing an exception the the meta-data
XML for the print service was not well-formed which would crash
the system process. Now we just ignore not well-formed meta-data.
8. Removed unused permissions from the PrintSpooler's manifest.
Change-Id: Iba2dd14b487f56e137b90d1da17c3033422ab5e6
The same document may be present with different sematics under
multiple storage roots, so always reference using both ROOT_ID and
DOC_ID. This enables backends to revoke permissions for an entire
root, such as when an account is removed.
Start building provider to remember recently accessed documents.
Change-Id: I75befa2e61393dec12fcc7fd27f631fcddae46fa
Introduce XML metadata for storage backends, used to indicate if
custom roots should be queried, and provide any custom MIME type
icons inside that backend.
Parse metadata and resolve custom icons in UI.
Change-Id: Iec026c0b10845edff7a345d9389691ddf2c87a0e
Move backend root exploration into sliding drawer, and adjust action
bar when moving between modes. Moves sorting into action bar spinner
instead of separate dialog. Also add initial search support.
Change-Id: I70189911ba56ae6bd93d5c503a8600acd6d6c0c5
1. Added APIs for adding partially initialized PrintInfo objects
enabling light-weight lookps for print serivces that want to
populate the list of available printers without querying each
of them for its capabilities. This includes APIs for the system
to request from a print service to update certain printers.
2. Fixed a bug in PrinterId#equals().
3. Added equals and hasCode implementaion to PrinterInfo. Also
the defaul in PrinterInfo are now an array instead of a
SparseArray - cheaper.
4. Now PrintJobConfigActivity works with partially specified
printers. Specifically, if such a printer is selected the
activity is requesting from the print service to update
the printer. We are currently not handling the timeout case.
It also handles udpated pritners.
Change-Id: I5e83e924ef597c9e22cbd06a971d4f4d3bd3a9c1
Provide system bar window visibility (showing/hiding) to sysui,
information it did not have before.
Use this new info to disable shade interaction when bars are hiding.
Bug: 8682123
Change-Id: I4105b789866f847582af1c68a703240d773fa71e
Allow storage backends to publish multiple roots into the UI, which
are defined by a directory GUID, type, and label details. Update
external provider to surface a primary external storage root, and
switch to burning file path into the returned GUIDs so they remain
Added insert, update, and delete support to external provider. Adds
file extensions to display names when needed to match MIME type.
Add flags for searching and deletion, and extras for Cursor
pagination. Add directory creation dialog to UI. Opening a document
always gives write access.
Change-Id: I9bea1aa0dcde909a5ab86aefeece7451ab920cf1
1. API changes: Moved copies API from PrintAttributes to PrintJobInfo;
Changed the PageRange list to an array in PrintDocumentAdapter#onWrite;
Added onCancelled method to the layout and write callbacks.
2. Refactored the serialization of remote layout and write commands. Now
the commands are serialized by the code in the client instead in the spooler.
The benefit is simple code since the client has to do a serialization to delegate
to the main thread anyway. The increased IPC found is fine since these calls
are quite unfrequent.
3. Removed an unused file: IPrintSpoolerObserver.aidl
4. Added equals and hasCode implementation to PageRange, PrintAttributes,
MediaSize, Resolution, Margins, Tray, PrintDocumentInfo.
5. Added shortcut path for query APIs on PrintJob that return cached values
if the print job is in a uncuttable state, i.e. completed or cancelled. Failed
print jobs can be restarted.
6. PrintJobInfo was not properly serialized.
7. Updated the look of the print dialog to be stable if there is and there isn't
currently selected printer.
8. PrintJobCOnfigActivity now calls onLayout on every print attributes change
but requests a write only on print preview or print button press. Also if the
layout did not change the content and it is already written no subsequent
call is made. Also if the selected pages change and we already have them
no subsequent call to write is made. Also the app is called with print preview
attribute set when performing layout and with it cleared after the print button
is pressed. A lot of changes making sure that only valid actions are enabled
in the activity (looks like a dialog) at a given time frame. The print job config
activity is also hidden after we got all the data, i.e. layout and write are done.
9. The callback from the print spooler to the system are scheduled via messages
to avoid lock being held during the call. It was hard to guarantee that since a
method holding a lock may be calling one that would like to release the lock
at some point to make the callbacks.
10. Print spooler state is persisted only if something changes in a completed
print job, i.e. not one that is being constructed due the print job config dialog.
11. Fixed a potential race in the RemotePrintSpooler where it was possible that
a client that got a handle to the remote spooler calls into an unbound spooler.
E.g: the client gets the remote interface with a lock held, now the client releases
the lock to avoid IPC with a lock, during the IPC scheduling the spooler has
notified the system that it is done and the system unbinds from it, now the
client's IPC is made to a spooler that is disconnected.
Change-Id: Ie9c42255940a27ecaed21a4d326a663a4788ac9d
Whenever the Recents activity actively hides itself move its task
to the back of the activity stack behind the home task. Otherwise
we get into a loop of the bck key returning to the Recents task
when it is intended to move to the home app.
Fixes bug 9750207.
Change-Id: I7d69f28368db148cb493bf54867df084907910ec
When the system bars are revealed in auto-hiding mode, the user
should be able to dismiss them before the timeout by interacting
with the underlying activity.
Change-Id: I79169005baafda27fb5ad9c29ab1ec67600b2eb6
Reverts JB optimization I7ae978caa1f28932ee56f65484b18330a4406b80
made obsolete by I2f9b0591d44599b07bd83f03c4e09e6dd98e1448 in MR1.
Change-Id: I8a738624f9a902648e317f2eac25fd56c3b47a46
The xhdpi was using the hdpi spec instead of the default since
it was the closest match.
This allows both devices to work correctly.
Fixes bug 9985496
Change-Id: I03ddf1b6645d5f82e2fba6c39a1c5b3a37e62d45
1. Added support for reporting the old print attributes during layout.
Now we keep track of the old print attributes, so the app can
compute the delta and decide whether re-layout work is needed.
2. Fixed PrintDocumentAdapter callback interleavings. Layout callbacks
were intermixing with write ones - a mess. Now we make an attempt
to cancel layout and write if they respond to cancellation, otherwise
we wait but do not interleave them.
3. Refactored the PrintJobConfigActivity for easier maintenance and
to have a single update UI method that does the minimal amount
of work.
Change-Id: I31ada1a0550882e6185018e6f17f923aed165d15
new shouldInterrupt logic: screen on, not locked, not dreaming, and
priority above HIGH and noisy, or has fullscreen intent
draft of API allowing devs to give hints about head up display
reuse inflateViews()
add an expand helper to the heads up space
move some things into Entry for reuse
don't allow touches in first second
delay decay if touched
make decay time a resource
add a custom viewgroup for notification rows to get view management
out of the NotificationData class.
Change-Id: I36464f110cfa0dabc3f35db7db6c35c27e8ee2ba
1. Implemented the persistence and restoring of the print spooler state.
The print spooler state is saved as an XML on every print job change
and is restored when we bind to the spooler. The system does not
unbind from the spooler until the state persistence completes. We
are now storing the entire state, i.e. all print jobs, when a single
one changes. This is not optimal but we are not expecting to have
many such at the same time, so for now we err for simplicity of
2. Enforcing a non-empty print job name.
3. Hidden the STATE_CREATED print job state which should never be visible to a
client since this is the state of a print job during construction, i.e. the
print dialog is up and we are doing back and forth with the app.
4. Fixed some PrintAttributes APIs that were incorrectly taking in a PackageManager
5. Updated the PrintSpooler build file due to splitting the framework into multiple
Change-Id: I52c88eaa1ec9c64920359cc143c79832a4c3d25b