Bug: 5143618
Handle imeOptions and inputType attributes in SearchableInfo.
Methods to directly modify those attributes on SearchView.
Change-Id: I340617767f930ecb1b1ad5ab2696bc613982a20b
Provide method to surface progress when building a notification. Also
manages visibility of various items, including hiding the entire line
when unneeded.
Bug: 4022082, 3399877
Change-Id: I90d8fca383c746001aadc6c5f21c68a23bb937e5
Previously, AnimatorSet incorrectly checked whether child animations were
'running' to figure out what to cancel. If a child animation was started, but
sitting in a startDelay phase, it was not 'running', so the right cancel/end
events would not propagate.
The fix is to add a new isStarted() API to Animator, which returns true when
the animator has started (but not yet ended), regardless of whether the animator
has a startDelay or not. It's basically a superset of the existing isRunning()
method, which only returns true when an animator has actually started setting values.
Change-Id: I126814cb6637b58295b6d18d9b155235671f99be
1. Added a callback to ShareActionProvider allowing clients to be notified
when an activity is chosed given them a change to say update their UI and
also decide whether to handle the activity launch themselves.
2. The popup of the ActivityChooserView was not hiding on hiding the action bar.
Change-Id: I6c8e8cc1f22d07e707e2218eb108f9101417b23b
Bug: 5110151
- Add a bundle to an argment of newSpellCheckerSession
- Expose SpellCheckerSessionImpl in SpellCheckerService
- Fix function names
- etc
Change-Id: Ia8ec783b7b4d5fcd18389854b445fc10fc502297
Now we have device default themes that OEMs
can change without affecting the Holo theme
or its derivatives. Additionally, the device
default themes point to device default styles
that have stubs (while inheriting from their
holo analogs).
Change-Id: I91f4a828eca1ba4da1d5b073dd04a34e52534aa4
READ_WRITE_OWN_VOICEMAIL sounds a confusing name. Dianne recommened to
rename it to ADD_VOICEMAILS as this simply allows 3rd party apps to add
new voicemails to the system. The fact that we allow the app to acces
only its own voicemail is implicit and need not be highlighted in the
permission name. See bug: 5098551 for more details
This CL implements the 1st step of this change by adding the permission
content provider and contacts app have been modified to start using the
new ADD_VOICEMAILS permission instead.
Bug: 5098551
Change-Id: I515e7967bdb0e8498a60a32983f9122ce10dcc4a
Create API to expose quota status derived from underlying network
policy. This is designed to support applications making informed
decisions when performing network requests.
Fix bug with random stats generation, and write policy when changing
restrict background data flag. Deprecate EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO, since
it varies based on UID.
Bug: 4517283, 5088603
Change-Id: Ic6893a8967f69937e466be226ba7bb86ef5a5d2d
Cut down the list of new themes for ICS. Holo apps now have
Theme.Holo, Theme.Holo.Light, and Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar to
choose from.
Add manifest attribute android:uiOptions to express
splitActionBarWhenNarrow. Other options may move into this later as
well. (DialogWhenLarge?) This attribute is valid on both activity and
application tags; application settings will serve as the default for
activities that do not explicitly set uiOptions.
uiOptions are not currently reflected in the startup window for new
Change-Id: Iffdc2ce4cc69f79c9bd4e541b7923286e6936c1e
GridLayout needs to call measure on children after it knows how large children should be
. Remove deprecated methods and XML attributes.
. Stop Spaces having margins by default.
. Remove getSpacers() and findUsed()
. Change default for row/columnOrderPreserved() from false to true.
. Improve automatic index allocation mechanism to use individual maxima.
Change-Id: Id79fbb2e70a0bf2002191ec2a9746547d896de72
SpellCheckerSession should be in android.view.textservice because this class will be used directly by users.
Change-Id: I0df6d7958adda421312b5f641ac4459ca4739cc9
Nice to not load 4MB bitmaps in the system process.
Also, hey, with how we are now scrolling the surface instead of
the bitmap, there is no reason to keep that 4MB bitmap loaded in
to memory. So don't.
Unfortunately it looks like for some reason the VM is still
holding on to the bitmap. I'll need to figure out why. Later.
Change-Id: Ib3503756144502fc5c8d5e294248c2417c4fe8c8
Provide API to increment "operation counts" for a UID and tag, used
to eventually derive bytes/operation stats. Internally is stored at
network layer, but should belong at data layer. Switch profiling
to use data layer stats, which are emulated by summarizing network
layer details.
Read packet counts from new /proc/ columns and collect them into
NetworkStatsHistory. Prevent double-counting by ignoring values from
first snapshot. Watch for duplicate /proc/ entries. Update tests
to verify packet and operation counters.
Bug: 5052136, 5097392
Change-Id: I1832f65a2b8a9188f8088f253474a667c21a2f09
- Improve how we handle processes that have shown UI, to take care
of more cases where we want to push them into the background LRU
- New trim memory level for when an application that has done UI
is no longer visible to the user.
- Add APIs to get new trim memory callback.
- Add a host of new bind flags to tweak how the system will adjust
the OOM level of the target process.
Change-Id: I23ba354112f411a9f8773a67426b4dff85fa2439
View.setSystemUiVisibility() now properly accepts a
bitfield, including:
* SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE: "lights out mode"
(previously known, erroneously, as STATUS_BAR_HIDDEN)
* SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION: for when you need every
single pixel on a device that also has a navigation bar
These flags are painstakingly aggregated across the entire
view hierarchy and carefully delivered to the status bar
service, which in turn gently passes them along to the bar
To really get access to the whole screen, you need to use
FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN. See development/samples/Overscan for
an example of how to do this.
Change-Id: I5fbfe009d9ceebbbf71db73f14a7008ea7c1d4da
inverse-bar themes
Add the actionBarWidgetTheme theme attribute. This lets a theme
specify a wrapper theme that can be used to create views that will
end up in the action bar so that the rest of the code can ignore
differences in contrast. (e.g. the inverse action bar themes.)
Apps can use ActionBar#getThemedContext() to obtain a Context with a
proper theme for views that will end up in the action
bar. MenuInflaters generated by Activities will automatically use this
to properly theme inflated action views.
Change-Id: Ib28c82bf47c25d446cca2a63f617b8a4a0afa6b2