Added method to make it easier to insert into the voicemail status
table. Also takes in a phone account for future multi-SIM support.
Remove VvmSyncService class in favor of moving most of the code to
Bug: 19236241
Change-Id: I5d9def276fbdbc6f825fb35e9fa31bfc3cead1ba
These changes are made to make the API check in mwd-staging
happy. It doesn't look like they are needed in master branch;
so marking them as DO NOT MERGE.
Change-Id: I45363165b6a8ffe896cf9a31c0b3cb410aa69cba
+ VvmSyncService is the base class for all visual voicemail sync
services that run the visual voicemail sync adapter. This class handles
writing to the voicemail provider and receiving changes from the
voicemail provider.
+ AuthenticatorService is a stub class for visual voicemail sync
adapters that do not use an Account (all sync adapters must have an
account associated with them, so a stub account is necessary).
+ Voicemail parcelable object to pass voicemail data around easier. This
is mostly copied from VoicemailProviderDemo
+ Extra helper methods in VoicemailContract to help insert and delete
from the voicemail provider.
+ Add multi-sim fields to VoicemailContract.Voicemails
Bug: 19236241
Change-Id: I603e3e5908704cd043e46221680d8bb600ed2cf4
In order to support multi-SIM visual voicemail, we need to record the
appropriate phone account in the VoicemailContract.Status table.
Bug: 19236241
Change-Id: I89742ab0aa7780de5cd525731685279ff5024c5e
Renamed ttsSpanAsPhoneNumber #1 -> getPhoneTtsSpan
Renamed ttsSpanAsPhoneNumber #2 -> addPhoneTtsSpan
Instead of removing the original hidden methods, I deprecated them.
Since Telephony changes initially get checked into wireless-dev
branch and dialer/contacts changes get checked into master branch,
immediately deleting the ttsSpanAsPhoneNumber methods would break
In ContactsCommon, I plan on removing
ContactDisplayUtils#getTelephoneTtsSpannable and instead using
these Telephony APIs. Numbers I tested worked in ToT master talkback:
911, (650) 215 3111, 22222222222, 333-3333, 013334612234, +1 905 471 8484,
001 39 02 444 4444. The changes in this diff cause the numbers
to be talked-back at least as well as before.
Some context: go/question-about-telephonys-ttsspan
Bug: 18777272
Change-Id: I3a6ead3ee9c030761bde903cf88f4aa4fc7a3460
* Removed @SystemApi and @hide from some telecom classes
and APIs
* Stopped using explicit @link's to ConnectionService, so
that I didn't need to unhide ConnectionService
* Added @SystemApi to hidden methods inside classes that
I removed @SystemApi from.
* Ran update-api. This picked up unrelated Math changes
from b/11388705.
Bug: 18777272
Bug: 11388705
Change-Id: I218e0c3c0ae515d3deb2d3b67657db45a0bad999
Due to a bug caught late in the release, this API is broken
and should be removed from API 22 because it's too late for
a fix and there's no workaround.
Bug 19461292
Change-Id: Ib0757a4484b14afe7f83ae9527bb3f5f4834ee62
Added some common fields to WifiConfigurations; which
should be used with WifiEnterpriseConfig. The network
information is saved in a file.
Change-Id: Ica2069900dfc373e14792cbe81a185586e2954cc
Instead of hard coding the available channel list, we should
get channel list from driver
Change-Id: Id2ec689273407f54709cb034d6ba666f91da51c0
- Adding "onConferenceStarted" listener for Connections.
- This is necessary so that an ImsCall can report the fact that it has
went from being a single party call to a multiparty call. This was not
previously necessary since the multiparty bit change would be detected
when one of the connections being merged changed state. Since we now must
defer the establishment of the conference until all connections have been
merged, we need a means of detecting when the call becomes multiparty.
Bug: 18960042
Change-Id: I3ba138cb546e3efdf89b29d6676d00257a5e00cd
Add API for handling nested pre-processing of accessibility events
similar to nested pre-scroll or pre-fling. This allows custom views to
delegate a nested scroll to a parent via the accessibility system.
Use this functionality to allow opening the ResolverDrawerLayout via
accessibility commands.
Bug 18827274
Change-Id: Icd5a502605b78a861bb03e7b11923841a72eb9ab
Due to popular demand the methods putBoolean(), getBoolean(),
putBooleanArray() and getBooleanArray() have been added to
Fixes bug 18390436.
Change-Id: Id133ba902aca774f98529e36ce560e873b88ad5b
There was a weird disconnect between setPressed() and hotspot propagation
behavior. This makes hotspot propagation work like setPressed(). Also
fixes ripple animation during drag-to-open.
BUG: 18631557
BUG: 18593243
Change-Id: Id4adf5d815e4d426b4182aac4d0c780f04472ae4
To maximize backwards compatibility, support the HDR scene mode fully,
as it was supported on Camera HAL1 / Camera API1.
Bug: 18639933
Change-Id: I35c164563379f7f820b42c674bd91f706061170c