Store sample rate on 32 bits instead of 16 bits in audio_track_cblk_t.
Removed sampleRate() methods from AudioTrack and AudioRecord: replaced by getSampleRate().
AudioTrack::setSampleRate() no returns a status.
This CL adds the concept of 'provisioned' to the backup manager. No backups
will be scheduled until the user has indicated that backups are to be enabled
*and* has clicked all the way through the setup wizard.
When the user first turns on the backup system, the delay before the initial
backup pass is different from the periodic backup interval. Currently that
initial delay is 12 hours. The intent here is to guess at a less-active time
for performing that first backup pass.
NOTE: currently the backup service defaults to 'provisioned'. Once the real
code goes live in Setup Wizard, this will be changed to default to
not-provisioned until the user has confirmed all the relevant UI.
A restricted Context is a special type of Context that prevents specific features
from being used. For instance, android:onClick, used by View, can be dangerous when
used from within apps widgets. By using a restricted Context to inflate apps widgets,
widgets providers are prevented from using android:onClick.
* changes:
Fix a bug where clicking the "more results" suggestion with the trackball did not seem to expand to show the corpus selectors. (http://b/1906643)
did not seem to expand to show the corpus selectors. (http://b/1906643)
It turns out that when the trackball was used to select this item, onItemClick
was getting called on the listener twice in AutoCompleteTextView#onKeyUp:
once when we call onKeyUp on the DropDownListView, and once a little further
down when we call performCompletion(). In our case, performCompletion() is
useless since it was intended for normal AutoCompleteTextViews which populate
text into the TextView when an item in the list is clicked, but we do not
rely on this. So the easiest fix is just to make performCompletion() do nothing
in our SearchAutoComplete subclass.
* changes:
Fix the comment -- "charged" not "sharted." Also, the other strings on that screen seem to have periods. I think that's wrong, but it's better to be consistent that right.
* changes:
Fix bugs 1317754 - "Idle screen displays "Charging (100%)" even when fully charged." and 1885870 - "Shorten 'Clear notification' button to 'Clear' to match latest design"
We need to make sure we stay alive for the duration of a backup or (especially)
restore operation. The existing Handler-based timing system was simply not
properly functional, so it's been retooled to use a repeating alarm delivering a
broastcast PendingIntent to our registered receiver.
We acquire a partial wake lock in the broadcast receiver [i.e. while the Alarm
Manager is holding one for the duration of broadcast delivery] and pass the
wakelock object to the backup thread, which eventually releases it when it's
finsihed operations. A similar pattern is used for the threads handling restore
and clear.
The bug (1947162) is caused by the fact that sometimes, surfaceChanged() is called after onCompletion().
In surfaceChanged(), start() is called automatically. The fix is to use a flag is avoid calling start()
when onCompletion() has been called already.
A small optimization to the resource code, to not re-parse the framework
resources every time we build a new AssetManager. Instead, you can now
construct a ResTable from a previously created one... of course, like the
existing code for using the data in-place, you can't delete the original
ResTable until you have deleted the one that has been constructed from it.
is OK, because existing app will have the old value compiled in
as a literal, and so will continue to (not) work in the same
way as before. Add code to media key generator to give a leading
ascii \001 the special meaning of "sort first".
1. the certtool.h is modified for avoiding the side effect,
for saving the configuration with wpa_supplicant.
2. put the loadLibrary back in
3. Fix incorrect JNI declarations.