Merge commit '73ae27f0c56fa705dcfb86d784a95b86f10e48ad'
* commit '73ae27f0c56fa705dcfb86d784a95b86f10e48ad':
Allow a GLThread to release and reacquire the EGL Surface as needed.
Merge commit '8da3ac92a6a6247ef06de4d4b684f8635d8fc003' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '8da3ac92a6a6247ef06de4d4b684f8635d8fc003':
Allow a GLThread to release and reacquire the EGL Surface as needed.
We currently only allow one GLThread to have an active EGL Surface at a
time.(This may be lifted in the future, when EGL and GL are reentrant.)
Prior to this change we would enforce this rule by having older GLThreads
quit when a new GLThread started. That had the drawback of leaving the
older GLSurfaceViews in a zombie state -- their GLThreads would be
We now enforce this rule by just releasing and reacquiring the EGL surface
context as needed.
Specific changes to the code:
created private helper methods - startEgl and stopEgl to help manage
starting and stopping EGL.
Move the calls to sGLThreadManager start and end from the outermost run
method into the startEgl / stopEgl methods.
Reworked the wait loop to handle starting and stopping EGL as needed.
needToWait() gets simpler -- just looks at current status.
sGLThreadManager.shouldQuit was replaced by shouldHaveEgl.
This is another step in fixing bug 2228262.
The code intended to copy the old value of a field, before the
field was updated. However, what the code was actually doing was
copying the new value of the field, after the field was updated.
The fix was to move the copy to before the update.
This is work towards fixing bug 2228262
This is work towards fixing bug 2228262
Specific issues fixed by this change:
+ GLThread names now include the thread id, making it easier to tell one
GLThread from another.
+ A private final static boolean LOG_THREADS can be set to true at compile
time to print out thread-related trace information, helpful for debugging
GLSurfaceView behavior. This static defaults to "false".
+ Changed calls to "notify" to "notifyAll" to make the code more
robust in case more than two threads are blocked on the same monitor.
+ Add a GLThreadManager to help manage the transition to
a new GLThread. Currently only one GLThread can be active in an address
space. When the second thread starts up, the GLThreadManager helps the old
GLThread to shut down,
+ Make sure we stop waiting for dead GLThreads. This is done by adding
checks for a variable mDone being true to our monitor wait loops. And
we use a "finally" clause at the end of method to set mDone
and notifyAll any wait loops.
Merge commit '98a51b86869e9cf2a1624f8540c4c126962a3a85'
* commit '98a51b86869e9cf2a1624f8540c4c126962a3a85':
Allow multiple OpenGL contexts on systems that support them.
Merge commit '3b7a1e6d70fda4ce834034930847fe2cc75de515' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '3b7a1e6d70fda4ce834034930847fe2cc75de515':
Allow multiple OpenGL contexts on systems that support them.
Until now we had been throwing UnsupportedOperationException when
developers tried to use the GL11 or GL11Ext methods. Now we handle
these methods correctly, passing their arguments through to the
wrapped interface's methods.
Fixes bug 2167522 GLUtils debug wrapper doesn't support GL11 features
Merge commit '07e0dce441ea056710efd76d7df18b8833de772a' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '07e0dce441ea056710efd76d7df18b8833de772a':
Check for failure to create EGL surfaces and contexts.
Merge commit 'b87f24a6a88a994256ca97b69904af28824bc9ce' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'b87f24a6a88a994256ca97b69904af28824bc9ce':
Fix broken Javadoc link for GLSurfaceView.EGLWindowSurfaceFactory.
Merge commit '1267b0e1844ac802de92b203007513573e4886fd' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '1267b0e1844ac802de92b203007513573e4886fd':
Publish minor additions to GLSurfaceView API.
Merge commit '311ed0191d6423e41b1cf5137a38e53504494818' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '311ed0191d6423e41b1cf5137a38e53504494818':
Create samples showing how to call OpenGL from JNI libraries.
Until now we had a race condition where the GL rendering thread could
continue rendering a frame after we have returned from the
SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceDestroyed notification.
There's another already-existing way of obtaining this information,
the ConfigurationInfo.reqGlEsVersion field returned from
Apps targeting Donut and newer will throw an exception.
We use a heuristic to determine whether an app is pre-Donut or not:
We take the address space's __progname, and use that as the application's
package name. For simple applications this is correct.
This was always a documented restriction, but was not enforced by the runtime until now.
Until now, if you passed in some other kind of buffer, it would sometimes work, and
sometimes fail. The failures happened when the Java VM moved the buffer data while
OpenGL was still holding a pointer to it.
Now we throw an exception rather than leaving the system in a potentially bad state.
This is just plumbing. The Java APIs existed already, but there were no C APIs to hook the Java APIs
up to. Now there are C APIs, so we can call them.
Of course, whether or not the C APIs actually work when you call them depend upon the
capabilities of the active OpenGL driver, which must be checked at run time.
Also, while we're here, make the glGetString method static. It was always supposed to be static,
but was accidentally implemented as non-static, because the code was copied from the non-static
OpenGL ES classes.
This change adds four new public classes that expose a static OpenGL ES 1.1 API:
+ The static API is slightly faster (1% to 4%) than the existing Interface based JSR239 API.
+ The static API is similar to the C API, which should make it easier to import C-based
example code.
+ The static API provides a clear path for adding new OpenGL ES 1.1 extensions
and OpenGL ES 2.0 APIs, neither of which currently have a JSR standard.
import static android.opengl.GLES10.*;
Note that it is possible to mix-and-match calls to both the static and JSR239 APIs.
This works because neither API maintains state. They both call through to the same underlying
Implementation details:
This change enhances the "glgen" "gen" script to generate both the original JSR239 and
new static OpenGL ES APIs. The contents of the generated JSR239 classes remained the same as before,
so there is no need to check in new versions of the generated JSR239 classes.
As part of this work the gen script was updated to be somewhat more robust, and to
work with git instead of perforce. The script prints out commands to git add the generated files,
but leaves it up to the script runner to actually execute those commands.