The keystore service is protected by the user 'keystore'. Only keystore
user/group can access the key content. All users are able to do the
following commands from shell as well:
Now we have a 5-second time after home is pressed, during which
only the home app (and the status bar) can switch to another app.
After that time, any start activity requests that occurred will
be executed, to allow things like alarms to be displayed. Also
if during that time the user launches another app, the pending
starts will be executed without resuming their activities and
the one they started placed at the top and executed.
You can now use android:testOnly="true" to not allow your .apk to be installed
as a normal app. The only way to do so is with the pm command and giving the
-t option, which sets a new INSTALL_ALLOW_TEST flag when installing.
I also used this to clean up the install API... actually, mostly to hide
it, since it is not accessible to apps so shouldn't be in the SDK. We
will be doing some more work on it, so this will prevent adding yet
another backwards-compatibility-for-no-reason version.
This adds new attributes for specifying a targetSdkVersion and maxSdkVersion.
There is a new ApplicationInfo flag that is set if the application has set
its targetSdkVersion to the current platform or later. Also you can now
use a string for minSdkVersion and targetSdkVerion, to indicate you are
building against a development tree instead of an official platform.