This fix should be considered for passion mr1, but
does not affect sholes -- this is a trackball only bug.
The selection caret and arrow now take the scale factor and
the height of the title bar into account when preparing the
canvas for drawing.
Clicking the trackball at the end of selecting text no longer
sends a click event.
Requires a companion fix in external/webkit
Fixes http://b/issue?id=2187591
* changes:
Add Gservice for vending_restore_window, this determines the duration after first setup, during which we do not reconcile backup apps. after that apps restored via market/backup will be treated just like any other app and being synced with the server state.
Now, basic tests are almost ready.
- importer test toward multiple vCard input (though it was tested with real usage)
- exporter tests for multiple composition
- tests with non-Ascii
- tests with special types like TYPE_DOCOMO
In order to fully check the validity of exporter, we may have to develop
some vCard importer which rejects vCard which is valid but a kind of dubious.
Internal Issue Number: 2160039
Change-Id: I2492bffe57bded65fdbef5cf98e22cef3937e537
DrNo: eastham
Bug: 2089423
Joke: Why don't anteaters get sick? Because they're full of anty-bodies!
Some artifacts show up when dragging, but since the screen is in
motion, they're usually go unnoticed. If one quits moving, the
artifacts are more visible.
Some devices generate fractional movement data while the
screen is touched and held steady; others do not. Also, mouse-based
implementations will not generate random fractional movements. If
the device generates movements, invalidate the screen to transition
once from unfiltered to filtered drawing.
For the case that the device does not generate movements, fire a
timer when the screen is drawn and a drag is in progress to detect
that there is no drag motion.
The timer fires if the dragged screen is unmoved for 100 ms, then
invalidates so the next redraw uses filtering to remove the artifacts,
and starts a continuous timer to keep the scrollbar awake until
the drag ends or there is more drag motion.
When detecting that there is no effective movement on a noisy device,
use the original fractional deltas instead of the integer ones to
detect sub 1 pixel differences.
This was tested on the emulator (no noise) and a sapphire (noise)
to make sure that events load the queue only when required.
fixes http://b/issue?id=2092446
Merge commit 'fe4c8715c02a8b723c56e3e48ededa657c9ab6a6' into eclair-mr2
* commit 'fe4c8715c02a8b723c56e3e48ededa657c9ab6a6':
Making new Contacts APIs visible in Eclair SDK - Part II
Merge commit '6e144ad885f6cc3f090616a7ad4911d093049ad1' into eclair-mr2
* commit '6e144ad885f6cc3f090616a7ad4911d093049ad1':
Making new Contacts APIs visible in Eclair SDK
queue of data chunks (sort of a blob-oriented logcat).
In the future, this will be coupled with a revised checkin service that
would actually upload this data.
Since the caller expects the data to fit within a certain amount of
space, do not copy into the buffer if the data exceeds that space.
Requires a change to external/webkit
Merge commit '69e2ef473cd47404ee711bf2464cbfc7c8c83e42' into eclair-mr2
* commit '69e2ef473cd47404ee711bf2464cbfc7c8c83e42':
Throttle camera preview frames to the app. Bug 2180302.
With higher frame rates and larger preview frames, we can easily
flood the application with too much data. This patch fakes the
old camera preview mode by doing continuous one-shot frames.
After the previous frame is handled, if the application hasn't
cleared the preview callback, we start another one-shot preview
frame. With this change, the application should never have more
than one preview frame unless it is explicitly saving references
to them.
modified: core/java/android/hardware/
Merge commit '2e778c176d17c295f475141bddda9dca5cd65fce' into eclair-mr2
* commit '2e778c176d17c295f475141bddda9dca5cd65fce':
Continue caching "POST" result so that we won't get
In order to share the logic between tests for importer and those for exporter,
PropertyNodesVerifier is now a separated class and drastically modified.
Now the class accept "unordered" expected PropertyNode objects, which allows vCard
composer to not care the exact order of each elements.
MockCursor is added, which may be added into the public API in the future, but in
the test directory for now.
Another MockContentProvider is (temporarily) developed so that it can be accepted by
MockContentResolver#addProvider(), which does not allow IContentProvider and its
descendants but only exact ContentProvider, while the original MockContentProvider in
android.test.mock.MockContentProvider implements IContentProvider.
The test development is still on-going, but this test suffices minimal requirement of
vCard tests.
Internal issue number: 2160039
Merge commit 'd301c90446644f63cda9b9263f83332676065bb4' into eclair-mr2
* commit 'd301c90446644f63cda9b9263f83332676065bb4':
Delay 500ms between each registering each SDP record using sdptool.
This is to workaround an issue where SDP records will fail to register using
sdptool. When we run SystemService.start() it forks sdptool, so if we do this
four times in a row these forked processes can run in parallel, and one or
more of them fails. There is probably some thready safety issue in sdptool
or Bluez that makes it unsafe to run sdptool in parallel.
As a workaround, delay 500ms between each run of sdptool to register SDP
records when starting Bluetooth.
Before this fix it was easy to reproduce problems with service record
registration. If you turn BT off/on multiple times you can see that sometimes
one or more service records are missing. Repro rate is about 20% in my tests.
Result is that remote devices cannot connect to the missing service.
After this fix I am unable to reproduce any missing SDP records, after 30+
cycles of BT on/off. Motorola BT team also ran stress tests overnight with this
fix and were unable to reproduce the missing SDP records.
This is a low risk fix. It does delay some records from being registered
by an additional 1.5 seconds (on top of the 3 second delay we already had),
so if you try and very quickly connect a BT service after turning BT on it
won't work the first time.
Do not merge. (I will use a less hacky fix for MR2/Master)
Change-Id: I305c181c3194e8ce25e3825320cc2e1ef6d3d3cc
Bug: 2180800
DrNo: eastham
Joke: Why can't you play cards in the jungle? Because there's too many cheetas!