Xavier Ducrohet
am bf02a067: am a41d5db2: am 79c95c3b: am 5de96035: am 31820a35: Merge "Add --output-text-symbols option to aapt."
* commit 'bf02a0670a648a4dbcad674d5a8836282d6de62d':
Add --output-text-symbols option to aapt.
2012-09-17 14:53:47 -07:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am b562fc0a: am 9ff22e41: am 8a67598e: am cc9747ed: am d7252571: Merge "Add --error-on-failed-insert option to aapt."
* commit 'b562fc0aa8e74ee1b3bb3c9d557d08b417422b5b':
Add --error-on-failed-insert option to aapt.
2012-09-17 14:53:44 -07:00
Craig Mautner
am d8132081: am 178af594: Add debug to help with b/7135184.
* commit 'd8132081b57233b7dda9863a6c51693d5971cd30':
Add debug to help with b/7135184.
2012-09-17 14:53:36 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am aef375f3: am cc5dd18d: Merge "Change order of ps and suspendmode calls" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'aef375f3b85e21494d21834534ee3ee41ad2e13d':
Change order of ps and suspendmode calls
2012-09-17 14:53:27 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am 2b098223: (-s ours) am c71a57d6: Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '2b09822330dff7cbb057a7da05d2bd50a534d797':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2012-09-17 14:53:10 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
am 7954a5b3: (-s ours) am 5dbeb6a8: Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '7954a5b35277b6c04f0e3a988195bbb5ad76b088':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2012-09-17 14:52:58 -07:00
Siva Velusamy
am 0a164f8e: am 9d7657c5: Merge "PhoneStatusBar: Fix NPE while accessing quick settings." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '0a164f8efee58d949b745210085a2a321a2f0e91':
PhoneStatusBar: Fix NPE while accessing quick settings.
2012-09-17 14:52:55 -07:00
Eino-Ville Talvala
am 978f5c6a: am b181909e: Merge "Camera: Document face detection confidence recommendations." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '978f5c6a2c3c6088ff77fbe84fbf3976b631346b':
Camera: Document face detection confidence recommendations.
2012-09-17 14:52:49 -07:00
Elliott Hughes
am 7134ef60: Merge "Fix date formatting for fa locales." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '7134ef60b7ebe81b37dffdd65f22a9aae80e3d14':
Fix date formatting for fa locales.
2012-09-17 14:48:46 -07:00
Eric Laurent
am 0d2c4fb0: am 39a37c3b: Merge "headphone volume limitation" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '0d2c4fb08a8225909295c10602c83f63aa155f95':
headphone volume limitation
2012-09-17 14:46:28 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am 1fa0aa29: am 89c82814: Merge "Add restoreCallingIdentity under finally" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '1fa0aa291ba1fd499b312fb2c8a5dcf288751606':
Add restoreCallingIdentity under finally
2012-09-17 14:46:03 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 86fa4926: am 8406d05b: Merge "New uninstall option to uninstall for all users." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '86fa49265e8df22e444e36717a956a3470352e7b':
New uninstall option to uninstall for all users.
2012-09-17 14:45:58 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 68128325: am 443e4748: Merge "Fix issue #7175553 : GRANT_URI_PERMISSION doesn\'t apper to work on secondary user" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '681283257d6ff4f77a5ca66a0e7ad51c90320db6':
Fix issue #7175553 : GRANT_URI_PERMISSION doesn't apper to work on secondary user
2012-09-17 14:45:54 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am e3141345: am db831da4: Fix permission accessing getCurrentUser
* commit 'e3141345d81a0f667bb3980e28183bb95a281215':
Fix permission accessing getCurrentUser
2012-09-17 14:45:51 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am e116c78b: am 61e8180b: Merge "Fix suspend settings at boot" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'e116c78b0d1add3a9058d24935f073235c02b5c5':
Fix suspend settings at boot
2012-09-17 14:45:47 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 5a12c0c8: am fa9fc5bc: Merge "Add a minimum height of 64dp for AlertDialog content" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '5a12c0c863be5e8c0c76dd78130cd5695044f359':
Add a minimum height of 64dp for AlertDialog content
2012-09-17 14:45:44 -07:00
Elliott Hughes
Merge "Fix date formatting for fa locales." into jb-mr1-dev
2012-09-17 14:45:42 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 831f31c3: am b137c806: Merge "More adjustments to permissions." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '831f31c3883899eb57f28360bb51192937124081':
More adjustments to permissions.
2012-09-17 14:45:40 -07:00
Kenny Root
am 24310a61: am a40b2b34: Merge "Add test for failed dexopt" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '24310a619d429568f15bd2606ee9915812a3269f':
Add test for failed dexopt
2012-09-17 14:45:36 -07:00
rich cannings
am 35fc1145: am 97e7c59c: Merge "Enable package verification" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '35fc1145a56f0a739c3ba065499174f49d98a137':
Enable package verification
2012-09-17 14:45:32 -07:00
Iliyan Malchev
am 793126fe: am 86e85efe: Merge "Set backlight brightness in correct order." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '793126fe63043d5f07d260ffed7ac938cd1f1a22':
Set backlight brightness in correct order.
2012-09-17 14:45:28 -07:00
Adam Powell
am f56f10c3: am 1f13a98c: Merge "Import panel background assets from UX" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'f56f10c3da447067951c05da74762b8275b2bf03':
Import panel background assets from UX
2012-09-17 14:45:23 -07:00
rich cannings
am 2357a77b: am 42af7518: Merge "Add setting to change verifier visibility" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '2357a77bf50413c8eb7f576a8b757b394e440edf':
Add setting to change verifier visibility
2012-09-17 14:45:16 -07:00
Adam Powell
am bf78fc2a: am 89e68d78: Merge "Create main activity intents as needed for TaskStackBuilder/Up nav" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'bf78fc2abfc15643f72ceb0f270e01ef900fb56f':
Create main activity intents as needed for TaskStackBuilder/Up nav
2012-09-17 14:45:10 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am e3dc7055: am 3849490c: Merge "Return empty scan results for background user" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'e3dc7055cddbadc04e51003f17ab4dbdbb6f58df':
Return empty scan results for background user
2012-09-17 14:45:07 -07:00
Ying Wang
am 820600c2: am df5bdd72: Merge "Make librs_jni depend on libRSDriver to remove circular dependency" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '820600c2b3a8dc5145ec2984801cc68d61acc137':
Make librs_jni depend on libRSDriver to remove circular dependency
2012-09-17 14:45:01 -07:00
Adam Cohen
am c46b707e: am 62539859: Merge "Second pass on Keyguard multi-user switcher" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'c46b707e660eabbde15c8e858477534e9e738c76':
Second pass on Keyguard multi-user switcher
2012-09-17 14:44:55 -07:00
John Huang
am 45c5089a: am 4505a43f: Merge "Add support for per-package policy for sending premium SMS." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '45c5089ab572155d1b0694c5f909072cbc29ad74':
Add support for per-package policy for sending premium SMS.
2012-09-17 14:44:50 -07:00
Victoria Lease
am 6271654a: am 306df863: Merge "New location service permission strings." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '6271654a55c1a7aaec721c14ae6b0873033bad2b':
New location service permission strings.
2012-09-17 14:44:39 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 45937740: am b1861c3e: Minor fixes/clarifications for previous patch.
* commit '4593774015ada7fb92f846fced136e487cd1e522':
Minor fixes/clarifications for previous patch.
2012-09-17 14:44:34 -07:00
Jim Miller
am d95129a7: am b45965f5: Merge "Fix keyguard timeout dialog messages" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'd95129a76eb77d881ee138d7ae654ab01995733a':
Fix keyguard timeout dialog messages
2012-09-17 14:44:30 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 3b6dc021: am 7db4eec5: Merge "Squish!" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '3b6dc021de2d19c021058df5af4fb8a05613d113':
2012-09-17 14:44:26 -07:00
Craig Mautner
am 2386be50: am a91f9e29: Make more items per-Display.
* commit '2386be50d03df41d183fe0017c7560e078374439':
Make more items per-Display.
2012-09-17 14:44:18 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 0fd909ba: am d65afc65: Merge "More multi-user stuff." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '0fd909bad1151cc39061abb52ae5b8be090e05dd':
More multi-user stuff.
2012-09-17 14:44:10 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 6b655130: am 398bad04: Merge "Fix debug log." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '6b655130e7258da1aa40860e58852f9f5370bfbd':
Fix debug log.
2012-09-17 14:44:05 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am 06f01326: am d0c6ccba: Move NetworkPolicy from apps to UID.
* commit '06f01326dfd9e2ee557fd817481081bc3f36e35e':
Move NetworkPolicy from apps to UID.
2012-09-17 14:43:36 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am a6bb5cd8: am ee100445: Updating public API.
* commit 'a6bb5cd8d2a8daf7f5fdecb675c35bc1fd4459c5':
Updating public API.
2012-09-17 14:43:32 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am d57f7dc4: am b3571a6c: Merge "Fix build" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'd57f7dc4646617c30c1e2d11da32c4622807de87':
Fix build
2012-09-17 14:43:28 -07:00
Elliott Hughes
am cbcf02a8: am edf60d3d: Fix up symbols.xml.
* commit 'cbcf02a84c51f5b4251f90fe1c7576f08f5afb19':
Fix up symbols.xml.
2012-09-17 14:43:24 -07:00
Elliott Hughes
am fdd1b659: am c3ff72f5: Use icu4c for CLDR "yesterday", "today", and "tomorrow" strings.
* commit 'fdd1b6597bfcc7efc2d0cee4717253e40f718459':
Use icu4c for CLDR "yesterday", "today", and "tomorrow" strings.
2012-09-17 14:43:21 -07:00
Elliott Hughes
resolved conflicts for merge of 138ab322 to master
Change-Id: I88155002a396dbe196de6178e7c2c16cfa30c819
2012-09-17 14:34:50 -07:00
Philip Milne
Revert "Simple MVC based binding mechanism for android controls." Do not merge.
This reverts commit 989709a973448980f36dacd587b0a58f89ffa11e.
Change-Id: Ifc2c511b0d99d4a3a164b4a2281ca140015b366d
2012-09-17 14:31:03 -07:00
Baligh Uddin
Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
2012-09-17 14:26:19 -07:00
Maxim Siniavine
Go to home screen after launching each app.
Instead of starting one app after another the MemoryUsage
instrumentation goes to the home screen between
launching apps.
Change-Id: Ia0acf9f6f65a23f537b96c98743b59d746681447
2012-09-17 14:21:20 -07:00
Adam Cohen
am e2f0ec89: Merge "Enabling hardware layers while overscrolling widget pager" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'e2f0ec8923d42b47225225345a960e41dfbb5bd1':
Enabling hardware layers while overscrolling widget pager
2012-09-17 14:13:53 -07:00
Elliott Hughes
resolved conflicts for merge of c3fb4a16 to master
Change-Id: I59f6bc36fcdac09c08ebe4510c5360464b4e7c01
2012-09-17 14:12:31 -07:00
Adam Cohen
Merge "Enabling hardware layers while overscrolling widget pager" into jb-mr1-dev
2012-09-17 14:12:06 -07:00
Adam Cohen
Enabling hardware layers while overscrolling widget pager
Change-Id: I94bef1aa614f91b115105adbb409def8027f3651
2012-09-17 14:11:14 -07:00
Kenny Root
Use shared app gid for dalvik cache
For forward-locked apps, we need to be able to read the optimized dex
file from a common place. Make it owned by the shared app GID as well.
Bug: 7178231
Change-Id: Ib36d79e8df69d58e8e1e0f167659df995dc84b84
2012-09-17 14:02:39 -07:00
Adam Powell
am e01538f2: Merge "TaskStackBuilder - use the correct package for looking up parents" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'e01538f28b0e9bd0174d5e3f315747b3725b5bd4':
TaskStackBuilder - use the correct package for looking up parents
2012-09-17 13:56:16 -07:00