Test: Selected a printer via select printer activity
Pressed up button in select printer activity (no printer get
Change-Id: Ifcd133eb0ceb973464cbd35b6ee87c9f09221af4
- The PrintActivity has to handle all config changes to not loose track
close the connection to the printing app
- In the case where onDestroy is called we need to make sure to
- not do any more UI operation
- on async calls after destroy is already called, handle failure to
unbind services.
Change-Id: If21335543fbfa16ecfe77d1965b2e8a13dfa14b8
destroyed synchronously.
Also: Always destroy print spooler provider when it was initialized to
avoid service leakage if print activity was finished after
onCreate but before onPrinterRegistryReady.
Bug: 27814338
Change-Id: I8401dc6e447cbd726b1a8f7c361b4ddf42e7e11d
updated. Also fiddle with the UI to use more standard values.
To be sure the print service state alwasy updated I changed
PrintManager.getPrintServices to return a loader which just wraps a
registerListener/getList/removeListener combo.
I also added a new function to enabled/disable a print service to be
keep all updating logic inside the PrintManagerService->UserState.
Then I changed all code to use this new interface.
Detailed comments:
- I had to add the enabled state to the PrintServiceInfo as some users
of PrintManager.getPrintServices want all services but then display
different data depending on the enabled state. Of course I could have
created two PrintManager.getPrintServices-loaders to load the two
separate list of services. I think it is much easier to add this
property though. It is updated every time new data is returned to the
- This is shown as a dialog-style overlay to indicate that the user will
return to the select-printers activity. It contains of three list that
are updated via separate loaders.
- The recommended services will be added later to keep this path set
- There are two small places where we have to update the data when we
get a new list of print services.
- In very, very rare conditions it can happen that the print service
of the current printer gains or looses the "advancedOptions"
- If we have no enabled print services we want to show "Add printer"
instead of "All printers...".
- Also the print registry is not the only loader anymore, hence we have
to assign loader ids to it to not conflict with the other loaders in
this activity.
- Small bug in onPrintersChanged: If a printer is selected and the print
service of this printer gets disabled the holder goes into "removed"
state which disables the printer. When the print service is then
enabled again, we forgot to re-enable the holder.
- The registry assumed that the FusedPrinterProvider was the only loader
in the activity. This is not true anymore, hence it has to assign the
appropriate loader ids.
- The FusedPrinterProvider has an internal loader, hence we have to
forward a loader Id into it.
- The PrintRegistry is only called backed for a single loader, hence no
need to check the loader-id.
- The AddPrinterDialog was removed as we now have the
- Added a loader for the enabled services to update the empty state.
- Added dedicated loader Id for the PrinterRegistry again.
- If we have no enabled services, the SelectPrinterActivity chainloads
the AddPrinterActivity as this is the only thing the user can do
anyway. "Save a click". This should only happen when the activity is
create the first time.
- Moved the "add printer" from the menu item to the list of printers as
suggested by UX and Zach.
PrintManagerService, UserState and IPrintManagerParamtersTest:
- As the only place where the print service state is updated is now the
userstate, we have no more sychronization problems. Whohoo.
- The users can now register for changes to the print services similar
as they can register for changes to the print jobs.
- UserState.getPrintServices is the only function can exposes any
knowledge of the print services to the outside world.
Change-Id: I9be2c7300431e06aaff9bdf7eb36120d869b56ac
location of the user.
Commonly the users prints on a printer that this near the user current
location. Hence if possible we want to show the user printers that he
used before and that are close to him.
Hence store the location of the previous uses of a printer and prefer
printer that are close to the user.
Unfortunately getLastLocation might not report a usable location and it
will take at least 5 seconds until the first usable location arrives. At
this time the user might have already opened the destionation spinner.
It would be unexpected for the printers to suddenly change under the
users finger. Hence it might be that we did first show the printer
without any location information and then once the location is known we
cannot update thedestination spinner anymore.
The select printer activity does not have this issue, hence in the worst
case the user has to enter this activity to select a printer and by then
the location is usually determined.
This is not ideal but better than before.
Bug: 24133609
Change-Id: Ie7d20cf3d9dd163e57903f8f6ecc0b3fd4f4374e
- Stop using deprecated APIs
- Fix all public and some internal javadoc
- Add @Decorations to public APIs
- Some minor cleanup, e.g. don't use variables with overlapping names in same scope
- remove unnecessary properties from manifest (they are set by the build
Change-Id: I0ce8849a516414763fe9de76c3a18ce17d896816
When the configration changes there are two modes to handle it:
1. do through a onDestroy - onCreate cycle
2. declare that your activity can handle certain changed and handle them
in onConfigurationChanges
For most apps (1) is zero effort to implement, hence it is the default
behavior. You only want to do (2) if recreating your activity is
As recreating the printActivity is expensive (and currently even
impossible) we want to handle the configuration change gracefully. There
is no code to be added as handling portrait mode / landscape mode switch
is not different from an orientation switch.
Bug: 25727559
Change-Id: Iac5b854c9dd080a4432957bc4551162dc3d480e9
A user may request a subset of the document's pages to be printed.
In this case the expectation is that the resulting document does
not include not selected pages. While print serivices can do the
trimming themselves or the printer may do so, moving, potantually
many, redundant pages is inefficient. The real problem is when
saving to a PDF file where the saved file must not have the pages
the user did not select. This change adds shredding of undesired
pages from the PDF before saving it or passing it to a print service.
Change-Id: I7deba535af99457bea3c118202314f0f3812e809
Security review of the PDF rendering code revealed that it is
not sercure. Therefore, this code must be run in a sandbox.
This change moves the rendering code in an isolated process.
Change-Id: I711ce42a56892db1837950137bfaa79e1d61a7c4
Removed a duplicate resource also defined in the platform
resources. Added a tint to the print spooler icon.
Change-Id: I1c0b9a7bd75bc59d1d86653c05d8fc2bb77056c1
The notification handling broadcast receiver was renamed but the
manifest was not updated, hence the receiver was not registered.
Change-Id: I094e20e472abff1f926e1dbfbac32f422f498f74
This change adds the pring preview part of the new print UX. The
UI has two parts, the top section is the print options and the
bottom section print preview with a list of pages. The user can
interact only with one of them. When print options are expanded
they cover the preview content and a scrim is laid out on top of
the preview. Tapping the scrim collapses the print options. When
the user types in page ranges and closes the options to look at
the preview, the latter is updated to show only these pages. In
the list of pages the user can further prune pages by deselecting
Change-Id: I0b23d2c598afe2a34400ccfa43e4e935af83c72f
1. In my previous change I fixed a typo in the Java constant with
intent action to launch the print dialog but failed to updated
the print spooler manifest.
2. Removed dead code - the user id is no longer needed since the
spooler is an app that runs per user. Every user has its spooler.
This code was not referenced from anywhere.
3. Added a default icon to the print spooler.
4. Fixed a bug where if the print history is empty the UI goes
to the all pritners activity.
Change-Id: If74c23b418a8c67620ba14435ee7f3b2c4527099
1. If an error happens during layout or write we show an error
message with the string provided by the application which
has an OK button to retry or tap outside to cancel.
2. Updated the targed and min SDK version for the PrintSpooler.
Change-Id: I4301cf3716119b1e33b95347a8451fc1c128343b
1. Before the print job activity was started asyncronously with
respect to the print call on to the print manager. This was
creating a situation where the starting activity may finish
before the print dialog appears which may lead to an orphaned
print document adapter with no data to print (as the UI is
is gone), or strange behaviors where the print dialog starts
on as a separate task.
To address this the pending intent for starting the print
dialog is not started by the print spooler since we cannot
call into it synchronously as we have to start its process
and bind to the spooler service which leads to jankyness in
the client app. Now the pending intent is created by the
print manager service in the synchronous print call so
from an app's perspective calling print starts the activity.
The side effect of this design is that the print dialog
activity may start before the system is bound to the spooler
service. In such a case the print activity cannot start
poking the print spooler state as the system registers
callback to observe the spooler state. To address this
the print spooler activity disables the UI and also binds
to the spooler service which happenes immediately after it
is started. As soon as the print dialog binds to the
service it starts the UI.
2. Fixed an bug in the printer adapter of the print dialog that
was leading to a crash if the only item in the adater is the
all pritners option and it is selected.
3. Piping the package name that started the printing so we can
pass it to the storage UI as a hint to open the last location
the app used.
Change-Id: Ia93820bdae0b0e7600a0930b1f10d9708bd86b68
1. The UI of a printing app was freezing a little when calling the print
method since the print manager service was waiting for it to bind to the
print spooler which generated the print job id (and the initial print
job info really). Now the print manager service is responsible for job
id generation and does not not wait for the print spooler to spin. Hence,
the app UI is not blocked at all. Note that the print manager initiates
the binding to the spooler and as soon as it completes the spooler shows
the print UI which is hosted in its process. It is not possible to show
the print UI before the system is bound to the spooler since during this
binding the system passes a callback to the spooler so the latter can
talk to the system.
2. Changed the print job id to be an opaque class allowing us to vary the
way we generate print job ids in the future.
3. The queued print job state was hidden but the print job returned by the
print method of the print manager is in that state. Now now hidden.
4. We were incorrecly removing print job infos if they are completed or
cancelled. Doing that is problematic since the print job returned by
the print method allows the app to query for the job info after the
job has been say completed. Hence, an app can initiate printing and
get a print job whose state is "created" and hold onto it until after
the job is completed, now if the app asks for the print job info it
will get an info in "created" state even though the job is "completed"
since the spooler was not retaining the completed jobs. Now the spooler
removes the PDF files for the completed and cancelled print jobs but
keeps around the infos (also persisting them to disc) so it can answer
questions about them. On first boot or switch to a user we purge the
persisted print jobs in completed/cancelled state since they
are obsolete - no app can have a handle to them.
5. Removed the print method that takes a file since we have a public
PrintDocumentAdapter implementation for printing files. Once can
instantiate a PrintFileDocumentAdapter and pass it to the print
method. This class also allows overriding of the finish method to
know when the data is spooled and deleted the file if desired, etc.
6. Replaced the wrong code to slice a large list of parcelables to
use ParceledListSlice class.
Change-Id: I1ebeeb47576e88fce550851cdd3e401fcede6e2b
1. If a print service does not export its activities for settings and
adding printers the print spooler ignores them instead of crashing.
Also if the service is not enabled its activities are now ignored.
2. Added a dedicated permission for a print service to optionally
protect its settings and add printer activities such that only the
system can bind to them.
3. Fixed a crash in the print dialog if its content is detached
from the window and animators are running.
Change-Id: I20b57d6622a15f9b2352ba78d04c44e67b316a15
The spooler apk was signed with the platform certificate and used
a redundant shared user id. Now the spooler is signed with a default
certificate and uses the same share user id. Since the shared user
id is associated with the platform certificate the package manager
rejects the spooler apk because it requested the same shared user id
with a different certificate. This change removes the unnecessary
shared user id from the manifest.
Change-Id: I208ef17fc6c25e67338682e56f9ce0e7e9d65642
1. Updated the security mode of the print spooler. Now the spooler
is not signed with the system key, it is not a privileged app so if
it gets compromised (PDF rendering is a potential attack vector)
it cannot access dangerous permissions. Also only the system
can bind to the spooler.
2. Added APIs for asking a print service to start and stop tracking
a given printer. This is need for the case when the user selects
the printer and the print service should do a best effort to keep
the system updated for the current state of the printer.
3. Added APIs for putting a print job in a blocked state. A print
service would report the print job as blocked if for some reason
the printer cannot proceed, e.g. 99 pages are printed but there
is no paper for the last one. The user has to add more paper
and the print service can resume the job.
4. Changed the read/write APIs to use ParcelFileDescriptor instead
of FileDescriptor since the latter does not have a clean API for
detaching the wrapped Linux file descriptor when one wants to
push it to native.
5. Added API for getting the size of the printed document so the
print service can avoid handling big filed over cellular network
or ask the user if needed.
6. Now the print services that are preinstalled on the system image
are automatically enabled.
Change-Id: Ia06c311d3d21cabb9e1368f13928e11cd0030918
1. Added support for selecting a printer from the all printers activity
that is not in the initial printer selection drop down. The user
initially sees a sub set of the printers in the drop down and the
last option is to see all printers in a separate activity. Some
of the printers in the all printers activity are not shown in the
initial drop down.
2. Refactored printer discovery by adding (private for now) printer
discovery app facing APIs. These APIs are needed to support multiple
printer selection activities (print dialog and all printers activities)
and also the settings for showing all printers for a service.
Now multiple apps can request observing for printers and there is
a centralized mediator that ensures the same printer discovery
session is used. The mediator dispatches printer discovery specific
requests to print services. It also aggregates discovered printers
and delivers them to the interested apps. The mediator minimizes
printer discovery session creation and starting and stopping discovery
by sharing the same discovery session and discovery window with
multiple apps. Lastly, the mediator takes care of print services
enabled during discovery by bringing them up to the current
discovery state (create discovery session and start discovery if
needed). The mediator also reports disappearing of the printers
of a service removed during discovery and notifies a newly
registered observers for the currnet printers if the observers are
added during an active printer discovery session.
3. Fixed bugs in the print UI and implemented some UX tweaks.
Change-Id: I4d0b0c5a6c6f1809b2ba5dbc8e9d63ab3d48f1ef
1. Added past printer history tracking and merging favorite printers
with discovered printers.
2. Added save as PDF support.
3. Added all printers activity with search capability and optional
add printers chooser (if any print service provides add printers
4. Refactored the printer discovery session APIs. Now one session
can have multiple window discovery windows and the session stores
the printers found during past discovery periods.
5. Merged the print spooler and the print spooler service - much
simpler and easier to maintain.
Change-Id: I4830b0eb6367e1c748b768a5ea9ea11baf36cfad
1. Added a dedicated class that keeps track of the user's favorite printers
based on past usage. We keep the last 50 uses and assign a decreasing weight
to older historical use records. The printer whose records' sum is the
largest is considered the favorite for the user and so on.
2. Factored out the printer discovery logic from the print job config activity
into a separate available printers provider class. It encapsulates all the
logic to communicated with the remote print services to discover printers,
keep track of added, updated, and removed printers.
3. Preliminary scetch of the printer chooser acitivty that will show all the
Change-Id: I5524665f2a9a565f186db85214d5e41a44f4812e
1. Update the transition between the print job edit dialog and the
generating print job dialog. Now the former shrinks into the
2. Added most of the notification assets.
Change-Id: I84f35df5cb4f71b86a103c16ab87fd4d108b055b
1. Added notifications for a queued print job, for a started print job,
for ongoing canceling a print job, and for a failed print job. The
notifications for queued and started state have a cancel action. The
notification for failed print job has a cancel and a restart action.
2. Propagating failure message from the print service to the notifications.
3. PrintJobConfigActivity was not setting the initial value for the
print job copies and was not updating the UI immediately after creation.
4. Refactored PrintJobConfigActivity to avoid using the hack to avoid
reaction for item selection change in a spinner for an event that
happened before the callback was registered.
5. Removed the label attribute from PrinterInfo and now PrinterId is
composed of the printer name and the service component name. This
is nice since for restarting print jobs we do not need to store
information about the printer except the printer id which is
already part of the PrintJobInfo's data. Also the printer name
is not expected to change anyway.
6. Allowing cancellation of a queued print job. Also no print job is
cancelled without asking the managing print service to do that.
Before we were immediately canceling print jobs in queued state
but it was possible for a buggy print service to not set the
print job state to started before starting to do expensive work
that will not be canceled.
7. PrintServiceInfo was throwing an exception the the meta-data
XML for the print service was not well-formed which would crash
the system process. Now we just ignore not well-formed meta-data.
8. Removed unused permissions from the PrintSpooler's manifest.
Change-Id: Iba2dd14b487f56e137b90d1da17c3033422ab5e6