Mindy DelliCarpini
am d7c44ee6: Merge "deblue notification dividers" into klp-dev
* commit 'd7c44ee6b676d1c80fa6ad3763d718f8f2ff1554':
deblue notification dividers
2013-10-09 13:16:09 -07:00
Mindy DelliCarpini
Merge "deblue notification dividers" into klp-dev
2013-10-09 20:14:15 +00:00
Eino-Ville Talvala
am f3eb72ed: am 8233b6eb: am aa014300: Merge "Camera2: Properly copy over user tag when cloning requests" into klp-dev
* commit 'f3eb72edaad1f00b28ba4a902d3fcf61152618fc':
Camera2: Properly copy over user tag when cloning requests
2013-10-09 12:49:29 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
Don't mark wifi disabled unless it's off.
The transition from driver-started to scan-only state was incorrectly
always marking wifi disabled, but transitioning back only marked it
enabled if we were exiting due to leaving the scan-only-with-wifi-off
Change-Id: I44fe64fd8dac8f36f4e22cb1c16b9d7a06bdbac0
2013-10-09 12:48:07 -07:00
Eino-Ville Talvala
am 8233b6eb: am aa014300: Merge "Camera2: Properly copy over user tag when cloning requests" into klp-dev
* commit '8233b6ebd7b54a92502bf93ca23e17d1628f4ff7':
Camera2: Properly copy over user tag when cloning requests
2013-10-09 12:48:04 -07:00
Eino-Ville Talvala
am aa014300: Merge "Camera2: Properly copy over user tag when cloning requests" into klp-dev
* commit 'aa0143006f7e873995698dbec2045984b5228fb7':
Camera2: Properly copy over user tag when cloning requests
2013-10-09 12:46:27 -07:00
Eino-Ville Talvala
Merge "Camera2: Properly copy over user tag when cloning requests" into klp-dev
2013-10-09 19:44:34 +00:00
Yuhao Zheng
Add a missing wifi p2p discovery changed broadcast
When we disable wifi while wifi p2p peer searching is in progress, we don't get
a WIFI_P2P_DISCOVERY_CHANGED_ACTION broadcast saying that discovery is stopped.
Since this broadcast is sticky, applications will still get the previous one
saying discovery is started even if wifi p2p has been disabled. Adding a
sendP2pDiscoveryChangedBroadcast when exiting P2pEnabledState fixes this problem,
and it won't be a duplicate as sendP2pDiscoveryChangedBroadcast checks for that.
Bug: 11151666
Change-Id: I62de8f3d17d80f151403b91cf5c62866d931c01b
2013-10-09 12:28:22 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 9eacd267: am 1ee0c1c3: am efeb6f3c: Merge "Fix issue #11087316 : Can\'t run dumpsys procstats on user builds in some cases!" into klp-dev
* commit '9eacd26755e07a9dc5ca6ff16bb3300b8f52b59b':
Fix issue #11087316 : Can't run dumpsys procstats on user builds in some cases!
2013-10-09 12:23:55 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 1ee0c1c3: am efeb6f3c: Merge "Fix issue #11087316 : Can\'t run dumpsys procstats on user builds in some cases!" into klp-dev
* commit '1ee0c1c3d0c8f07b847a392202afef115b89a78d':
Fix issue #11087316 : Can't run dumpsys procstats on user builds in some cases!
2013-10-09 12:21:44 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am efeb6f3c: Merge "Fix issue #11087316 : Can\'t run dumpsys procstats on user builds in some cases!" into klp-dev
* commit 'efeb6f3c1b6123188e78b1c8a15e0eb331ebc8ee':
Fix issue #11087316 : Can't run dumpsys procstats on user builds in some cases!
2013-10-09 12:18:14 -07:00
Craig Mautner
am f3366c9e: am af47d751: am e8a057a9: Merge "Remove overly tight constraint on drawn Keyguard." into klp-dev
* commit 'f3366c9ec87d0cba4a55bcf8369a61028db0e973':
Remove overly tight constraint on drawn Keyguard.
2013-10-09 12:16:06 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix issue #11087316 : Can't run dumpsys procstats on user builds in some cases!" into klp-dev
2013-10-09 19:15:35 +00:00
Dianne Hackborn
Fix issue #11087316 : Can't run dumpsys procstats on user builds in some cases!
Once we pass the dump perm check, we are safe.
Change-Id: I58f483573874ca9f8f914fb94137f8a2afafaf25
2013-10-09 12:14:11 -07:00
Craig Mautner
am af47d751: am e8a057a9: Merge "Remove overly tight constraint on drawn Keyguard." into klp-dev
* commit 'af47d751b39d7badc268d7a467078b92052f417b':
Remove overly tight constraint on drawn Keyguard.
2013-10-09 12:13:53 -07:00
Michael Jurka
Add API to get the built-in wallpaper
Change-Id: I71cf4111fb4e36bd8e78eb47695861349dc1750b
2013-10-09 12:12:34 -07:00
Craig Mautner
am e8a057a9: Merge "Remove overly tight constraint on drawn Keyguard." into klp-dev
* commit 'e8a057a9aea661a9398ddaa3161e7ea6ab6675b8':
Remove overly tight constraint on drawn Keyguard.
2013-10-09 12:12:14 -07:00
Craig Mautner
Merge "Remove overly tight constraint on drawn Keyguard." into klp-dev
2013-10-09 19:10:45 +00:00
Jonathan Dixon
Do not require WebView usage to come from main thread
So long as all usage is from a single thread per instance it is OK if
it's a non-main thread.
(But note that for apps targeting JB MR2 this was enforced to be the
main thread anyway).
Bug 10937207
Change-Id: Ibc2496d5cef97b4685e001086f712fcaac231024
2013-10-09 12:03:07 -07:00
John Spurlock
am bba545e7: am 4f241a29: am 92128144: Merge "Introduce View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY." into klp-dev
* commit 'bba545e73ca63be2e275b6e982251ab930d0a644':
2013-10-09 11:45:54 -07:00
John Spurlock
am 4f241a29: am 92128144: Merge "Introduce View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY." into klp-dev
* commit '4f241a293bfef3a311b0fd75c37ae01a0bf770f5':
2013-10-09 11:37:45 -07:00
John Spurlock
am 92128144: Merge "Introduce View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY." into klp-dev
* commit '92128144d95e913a6702586cf4f0468bcb90c0c4':
2013-10-09 11:34:03 -07:00
John Spurlock
Merge "Introduce View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY." into klp-dev
2013-10-09 18:27:53 +00:00
am fdcd50f1: am 53f16ba2: am 0cc8276d: Merge "Add missing locking when updating the accessibility node info cache." into klp-dev
* commit 'fdcd50f13d961514ed1a47573b627b6b3184c1fc':
Add missing locking when updating the accessibility node info cache.
2013-10-09 11:04:23 -07:00
am 53f16ba2: am 0cc8276d: Merge "Add missing locking when updating the accessibility node info cache." into klp-dev
* commit '53f16ba2b24d6045b880923632cbddd6bee4cd3c':
Add missing locking when updating the accessibility node info cache.
2013-10-09 11:00:42 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am cb8c4501: am d92dd8ff: am fcd8a39e: Merge "Install providers enabled after app started." into klp-dev
* commit 'cb8c4501d47ac492d48fbdd3b8e599fe620f2949':
Install providers enabled after app started.
2013-10-09 10:57:15 -07:00
am 0cc8276d: Merge "Add missing locking when updating the accessibility node info cache." into klp-dev
* commit '0cc8276d3a277ab527c0ae9efd3528efc124f380':
Add missing locking when updating the accessibility node info cache.
2013-10-09 10:57:14 -07:00
Merge "Add missing locking when updating the accessibility node info cache." into klp-dev
2013-10-09 17:55:16 +00:00
Jeff Sharkey
am d92dd8ff: am fcd8a39e: Merge "Install providers enabled after app started." into klp-dev
* commit 'd92dd8ffcf3e7bce7d331e7ae9101ccba02baa67':
Install providers enabled after app started.
2013-10-09 10:53:35 -07:00
Adam Lesinski
am 3a18a92e: am 92fba41f: am 9d958f69: Merge "Allow killed task to remove itself" into klp-dev
* commit '3a18a92ee513881e232bd899b45cdf7132bb199e':
Allow killed task to remove itself
2013-10-09 10:52:25 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am fcd8a39e: Merge "Install providers enabled after app started." into klp-dev
* commit 'fcd8a39edbac3ab77894e8a4b05d2b0ff4841315':
Install providers enabled after app started.
2013-10-09 10:50:10 -07:00
Adam Lesinski
am 92fba41f: am 9d958f69: Merge "Allow killed task to remove itself" into klp-dev
* commit '92fba41f3c64407f6827399bfa40bbcf6eac9212':
Allow killed task to remove itself
2013-10-09 10:48:47 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
Merge "Install providers enabled after app started." into klp-dev
2013-10-09 17:45:11 +00:00
Adam Lesinski
am 9d958f69: Merge "Allow killed task to remove itself" into klp-dev
* commit '9d958f69939e884450e5bd6588dedb16aefed6e4':
Allow killed task to remove itself
2013-10-09 10:41:39 -07:00
Adam Lesinski
Merge "Allow killed task to remove itself" into klp-dev
2013-10-09 17:36:57 +00:00
Joe Malin
DOC CHANGE: Android Beam training class
Change-Id: I4960d2b0ef8fdd32cf985f2104b0819e1311337b
2013-10-09 09:39:30 -07:00
John Spurlock
The existing View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE flag will be somewhat
redefined. Swiping will clear the flags, revealing the normal bars.
The new View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY flag will enable
hideybars - the auto-hiding, semi-transparent bar mode.
Change-Id: Ibf8be9072f0075953baa4580cd976e7562d44455
2013-10-09 12:35:52 -04:00
Jeff Sharkey
am e6ea79b4: am 63595859: am e6d419de: Merge "Grab Activity reference before leaving fragment." into klp-dev
* commit 'e6ea79b4b15deb338676e7b4a20132fb0bda299e':
Grab Activity reference before leaving fragment.
2013-10-09 09:14:39 -07:00
Lorenzo Colitti
am f62c9ab2: am 18225508: am 2845e519: Merge "Fix captive portal detection on IPv6 networks." into klp-dev
* commit 'f62c9ab2ec9d5610a284ddd550a140da9478a03e':
Fix captive portal detection on IPv6 networks.
2013-10-09 09:14:17 -07:00
Brian Carlstrom
am 2d0f1d65: am 19c8b395: am 6c3baf12: Preload DexCaches
* commit '2d0f1d655cc96d34e67e4e6efc2587ef1feabfe3':
Preload DexCaches
2013-10-09 09:14:09 -07:00
Jake Hamby
am dc80e672: am beb46cc1: am b3a69c5d: Merge "Fix NPE in CallerInfo.getCurrentCountryIso()." into klp-dev
* commit 'dc80e672d07c14c3959bd869cc4cd963ff08a878':
Fix NPE in CallerInfo.getCurrentCountryIso().
2013-10-09 09:13:51 -07:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
am f2177bae: am 2d06e69c: am c04337aa: Merge "Make RemoteController weakly referenced by IRemoteControlDisplay" into klp-dev
* commit 'f2177bae2da4c73bb2180efe154b3f7abb615370':
Make RemoteController weakly referenced by IRemoteControlDisplay
2013-10-09 09:13:39 -07:00
Jim Miller
am 94b9d0cb: am eb9a619e: am 888022cf: Merge "Fix default clock localization in keyguard." into klp-dev
* commit '94b9d0cb96bc272778b2c15effa8437fb41f3d65':
Fix default clock localization in keyguard.
2013-10-09 09:13:19 -07:00
Ed Heyl
am 224bb832: am 047b7088: am 984001af: merge in KFS78N (no-op)
* commit '224bb83200c0c3617d0b69cc23eb2cbb68a35d4c':
Fix ImageReader onImageAvailable synchronization
ImageReader: fix the 0 crop rect size issue
ImageReader: get correct crop size
media: Update ImageReader to remove MaxImagesAcquiredException
media: Update ImageReader APIs
Hide Experimental WebView from dev settings DO NOT MERGE
2013-10-09 09:13:15 -07:00
Ed Heyl
am 39858e30: am 4951ebb9: am bf2993b1: merge in KQS81M
* commit '39858e30913a722250f5396d3231891e4310ad51': (78 commits)
wappush: Use valid index for pdu including garbages
ImageReader: fix the 0 crop rect size issue
Hide Experimental WebView from dev settings DO NOT MERGE
Clear names from externally supplied WorkSources to WifiManager (b/10733757)
Only show launcher for the bottom activity in a task
Fix issue #10310128 : CTS: android.security.cts.ServicePermissionsTest
Ensures that CompatibilityInfo is always set in Resources
Put soundpooled sounds in the right place.
Fix a regression in pausing activity immediately on sleep
TextureView/GLES20Canvas: Support synchronous GLConsumers
Debug for b/10689184.
Increasing visibility of pressed feedback for default ui widget assets
Use a separate thread for services that do NTP lookup
Also catch one more tablet layout NPE.
Fix tablet layout and resources.
New sounds for K.
Do not assign InputMethod to non-input windows.
Fix parenthetical error.
Fix media stress test.
Update the Connectivity Manager test suit to use InstrumentationTestCase.
2013-10-09 09:12:12 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 91211072: am b43a22e3: am 79782d7c: Merge "Close context menu dialogs if the menu becomes empty" into klp-dev
* commit '91211072485e76e788e7fcc0e323b39ade9c6f94':
Close context menu dialogs if the menu becomes empty
2013-10-09 09:11:57 -07:00
Dan Sandler
am abdc01c6: am bc16fdc0: am 0dfec173: Merge "Revert "Show no_sim icon when no SIM card is available."" into klp-dev
* commit 'abdc01c6fb9b50c98d62f557a0b40312886ff15e':
Revert "Show no_sim icon when no SIM card is available."
2013-10-09 09:11:53 -07:00
Kenny Guy
Merge "Fix null pointer exception when updating rotation tile."
2013-10-09 13:06:03 +00:00
Jeff Sharkey
am 63595859: am e6d419de: Merge "Grab Activity reference before leaving fragment." into klp-dev
* commit '6359585916905f17537e6db5d0cb9eb2dbac00f2':
Grab Activity reference before leaving fragment.
2013-10-09 00:30:24 -07:00
Jeff Sharkey
am e6d419de: Merge "Grab Activity reference before leaving fragment." into klp-dev
* commit 'e6d419de77344300e342c8a0f6c013afeec87a72':
Grab Activity reference before leaving fragment.
2013-10-09 00:28:03 -07:00