Incoming and outgoing call phone numbers are visible in the phone state
broadcast and via the PhoneStateListener. To enhance user privacy, change
to require the READ_CALL_LOG permission in order to receive the call
phone numbers.
This means to see phone numbers:
1. android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE - requires READ_PHONE_STATE and
READ_CALL_LOG permission.
2. PhoneStateListener#onCallStateChanged - now required READ_CALL_LOG
To support this new behavior, added sendBroadcastAsUserMultiplePermissions
method to context to allow sending the broadcast to all users while
requiring the two permissions.
Bug: 78650469
Test: Created PHONE_STATE broadcast receiver in test app and verified that
when no permissions are granted, the phone number is empty for incoming
and outgoing calls.
Test: Granted Phone state permission to test app and verified that phone
number is not populated.
Test: Granted test app read call log permission and verified that phone
number is populated.
Test: Created PhoneStateListener in test app and verified that when no
permissions are granted, phone number is empty for incoming and outgoing.
Test: Granted read call log permission to test app and verified that both
the incoming and outgoing numbers are populated.
Change-Id: I857ea00cc58a0abbb77960643f361dd6dd9c8b56
This change sets LOCAL_SDK_VERSION for all packages where
this is possible without breaking the build, and
Setting one of these two will be made required soon, and this
is a change in preparation for that. Not setting LOCAL_SDK_VERSION
makes the app implicitly depend on the bootclasspath, which is
often not required. This change effectively makes depending on
private apis opt-in rather than opt-out.
Test: make relevant packages
Bug: 73535841
Change-Id: I4233b9091d9066c4fa69f3d24aaf367ea500f760
Add a method to obtain an Executor from a TestLooper: the executor
executes on a new Handler on the test looper.
Bug: 73088768
Test: new unit test for executor
Change-Id: Ib0aa10011116a4d998f8d3a7434939338d9b516d
Previous changes statically included legacy-android-test in preparation
for removing android.test.* and junit.* classes from the android.jar.
Unfortunately, that lead to duplicate classes between APKs and the
bootclasspath which caused build problems (Proguard) and also runtime
problems (when targeting and running on older releases).
Switching from statically including the classes to using the runtime
libraries cannot be done in one step because legacy-android-test is
statically included in libraries which are used in many APKs and so
removing it from those libraries requires that all APKs be updated at
once. Doing that atomically across dozens of projects is not practical.
This change modifies APKS that statically include the
legacy-android-test library indirectly.
* If the APK manifest uses the android.test.runner library then the APK
is modified to stop statically including legacy-android-test and
instead build against android.test.base/mock/runner libraries instead.
* Otherwise, the APK statically includes legacy-android-test.
Also, any libraries that statically include are modified to stop
statically including it and if it has source dependencies on the classes
is changed to build against the android.test.base/mock/runner libraries.
The following change descriptions were generated automatically and so
may be a little repetitive. They are provided to give the reviewer
enough information to check the comments match what has actually been
changed and check the reasoning behind the changes.
* cmds/uiautomator/instrumentation/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because uiautomator-instrumentation is not a package so does not
need to statically include the classes
* cmds/uiautomator/library/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
uiautomator.core has a source dependency on its classes
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because uiautomator.core is not a package so does not need to
statically include the classes
* core/tests/BroadcastRadioTests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
BroadcastRadioTests's source depends on its classes and because of
these changes they are no longer present on the compilation path.
The classes do not need to be statically included because the
classes will be provided by the runtime, either from the default
bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library that
BroadcastRadioTests specifies in its manifest.
* core/tests/coretests/
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because FrameworksCoreTests's source depends
on their classes and because of these changes they are no longer
present on the compilation path. The classes do not need to be
statically included because the classes will be provided by the
runtime, either from the default bootclasspath or from the
android.test.runner library that FrameworksCoreTests specifies in
its manifest.
* core/tests/featureflagtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksCoreFeatureFlagTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that FrameworksCoreFeatureFlagTests specifies in its manifest.
* core/tests/systemproperties/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksCoreSystemPropertiesTests's source depends on its classes
and because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that FrameworksCoreSystemPropertiesTests specifies in its manifest.
* core/tests/utillib/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because frameworks-core-util-lib is not a package so does not need
to statically include the classes
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
frameworks-core-util-lib has a source dependency on its classes
* core/tests/utiltests/
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because FrameworksUtilTests's source depends
on their classes and because of these changes they are no longer
present on the compilation path. The classes do not need to be
statically included because the classes will be provided by the
runtime, either from the default bootclasspath or from the
android.test.runner library that FrameworksUtilTests specifies in
its manifest.
* location/tests/locationtests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksLocationTests's source depends on its classes and because
of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation
path. The classes do not need to be statically included because the
classes will be provided by the runtime, either from the default
bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library that
FrameworksLocationTests specifies in its manifest.
* lowpan/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksLowpanApiTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that FrameworksLowpanApiTests specifies in its manifest.
* packages/Osu2/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
OsuTests's source depends on its classes and because of these
changes they are no longer present on the compilation path. The
classes do not need to be statically included because the classes
will be provided by the runtime, either from the default
bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library that OsuTests
specifies in its manifest.
* packages/SettingsProvider/test/
Replaced 'legacy-android-test' with 'android.test.base' in
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because SettingsProviderTest's source depends
on its classes. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that SettingsProviderTest specifies in its manifest.
* services/tests/notification/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksNotificationTests's source depends on its classes and
because of these changes they are no longer present on the
compilation path. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that FrameworksNotificationTests specifies in its manifest.
* services/tests/servicestests/
Replaced 'legacy-android-test' with 'android.test.base' and
'android.test.runner' in LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksServicesTests's source depends on their classes. The
classes do not need to be statically included because the classes
will be provided by the runtime, either from the default
bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library that
FrameworksServicesTests specifies in its manifest.
* services/tests/shortcutmanagerutils/
Added 'android.test.runner.stubs' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
ShortcutManagerTestUtils has a source dependency on its classes
* tests/AppLaunch/
Replaced 'legacy-android-test' with 'android.test.base' and
'android.test.runner' in LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because AppLaunch's
source depends on their classes. The classes do not need to be
statically included because the classes will be provided by the
runtime, either from the default bootclasspath or from the
android.test.runner library that AppLaunch specifies in its
* tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/tests/
Replaced 'legacy-android-test' with 'android.test.base' in
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because SmartCamera-tests's source depends on
its classes. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that SmartCamera-tests specifies in its manifest.
* tests/ServiceCrashTest/
Replaced 'legacy-android-test' with 'android.test.base' in
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because ServiceCrashTest's source depends on
its classes. The classes do not need to be statically included
because the classes will be provided by the runtime, either from
the default bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library
that ServiceCrashTest specifies in its manifest.
* tests/net/
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because FrameworksNetTests's source depends on
their classes and because of these changes they are no longer
present on the compilation path. The classes do not need to be
statically included because the classes will be provided by the
runtime, either from the default bootclasspath or from the
android.test.runner library that FrameworksNetTests specifies in
its manifest.
* tests/testables/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because testables is not a package so does not need to statically
include the classes
Added 'android.test.mock' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because testables
has a source dependency on its classes
* tests/utils/testutils/
Removed legacy-android-test from LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES
because frameworks-base-testutils is not a package so does not need
to statically include the classes
Added 'android.test.base' and 'android.test.mock' to
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because frameworks-base-testutils has a source
dependency on their classes
* wifi/tests/
Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
FrameworksWifiApiTests's source depends on its classes and because
of these changes they are no longer present on the compilation
path. The classes do not need to be statically included because the
classes will be provided by the runtime, either from the default
bootclasspath or from the android.test.runner library that
FrameworksWifiApiTests specifies in its manifest.
Bug: 30188076
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: Ia6a48234f28e7e1789049cf4b37cd7fe0bc8251c
In preparation for removing junit classes from the Android API
the legacy-test target will be removed from the
TARGET_DEFAULT_JAVA_LIBRARIES. This change adds explicit
dependencies on junit and/or legacy-android-test to ensure that
modules will compile properly once it is removed.
Bug: 30188076
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: I13e88297731253420e4e5f5291d503f13a39a156
Removing the static dependency on guava reduces test compile time
by about 20 seconds on a Z840, thus substantially speeding up the
compile/test cycle.
Make FutureIntent public instead of package-private because it is
used directly by NetworkPolicyManagementServiceTest, which as of
this CL is now in a different package.
Test: runtest frameworks-services -c # PASS
Test: runtest frameworks-services -c # PASS
Test: runtest frameworks-services -c # PASS
Test: runtest frameworks-services -c # Already failing.
Bug: 31479480
Change-Id: Ifab32c9214e9caab71dbf93b3d3ca88df6f49636
This permits sharing of test components used in connectivity tests.
Rename the MockLooper to TestLooper, reflecting that it is not a
true mock, but a manually controlled Looper for use in tests.
Bug: 28848133
Test: Tests consuming this library pass.
Change-Id: I57e11f9544c7bffdb02739ab2a921512b1b11874
frameworks/testing/uiautomator -> frameworks/base/cmds/uiautomator
(samples, utils sub folders exlcuded)
frameworks/testing/uiautomator/utils -> frameworks/base/tests/utils
no source files changed, only one line makefile update (for
UI Automator API check)
Bug: 18708851
Change-Id: I396bd386d3d55a52df18af183685daf80caa9f73